Reviews from

in the past

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O começo do jogo é bait

I dont even care if its tone is incredibly weird and the animations are funky looking... this game rocks

playing this game as an 8 year old girl was like being handed a bisexual pill

The only Final Fantasy game I've played to completion. Probably awakened something in me.

formally, one of the most effective character studies in RPGs. aesthetically, aurally, visually, and functionally, the gayest game ever made

Ok, what the hell is this spice girls crap doing in my Final Fantasy?

Holy crap

Misoginia. Pero al menos es misoginia con algunos trajes cuquis

video game direct to dvd sequel

the best post-IX FF game and it's not even close. Easily the best Job system they've implemented in the series since, idk, V back on the SNES?

The game is a meme inself but has good mechanics

I really hated this game. Virtually every single thing is worse than FFX. The music is godawful and the story is laughably bad. They made Yuna into a complete idiot, and Rikku has no story whatsoever. The mini games are some of the worst in FF history (balloon quest, massage, dance practice, lightning towers). I just can’t see why they even made the game to begin with.

I only gave it 2 stars because the battle system is pretty fun and the FMV sequences are nice. Also, Leblanc.

I somehow managed to get the 100% trophy despite my disdain. I think I enjoy being punished.

Seamos claros, si Final Fantasy X-2 tiene esta nota es por el sistema de trabajos y de combate increíbles que me encantaron en su día. Los personajes (algunos los mismos) cambían tanto que son irreconocibles, y la historia es bastante infumable.

Played this game as a kid thinking I had a crush on all these girls. A decade later turns out I'm just gay and like to girlboss, gatekeep, and gaslight.

Best Final Fantasy game in existence aside from FFXIV. Fuck your old NES, SNES, and PS1 FF games. (respectfully)

P.S. Noriko Matsueda-San is the most slept on video game composer of ALL time. Look up Racing Lagoon OST on YouTube.

This is a surprisingly lackluster follow up to the original X, but the combat system is actually a lot of fun, mostly everything else is kind of trash tho.

I would have preferred if FFX didn't get a sequel. However we did. It's not the best or even the most necessary but there is some fun to be had. I do like the new character designs. The gameplay is actually really good and the highlight of the game. The dressphere job system has a lot of fun and depth to it. The game has it's moments to. As long as you don't try to 100% the game, there is some fun to be had. Even if you don't think it should exist. Hey it could be worse it could be the audio drama.

Dress sphere system is single handedly the only reason to play this game. My favorite FF job system besides tactics.

shhhh.... I actually prefer and have more fun with this than Final Fantasy X. Tell no one.

Seriously. If you were to ask me to pick which one i'd rather play, i'd rather play this explosion of colour, open choices and amusing character vs the more linear and often rather clumsy FFX. I prefer the job system, the general storylines and characters and overall its just more fun for me in general. Its also a pretty good game full-stop which also helps a ton.

The super long cutscenes and turn based combat turned me off as a child real quick.

Revisiting Spira was fun for me and I like the gullwings, they are great. Overall plot is definitely nothing exciting and it doesn't need to be, this is a great game and is really fun.

Bütün kızlar toplandık toplandık toplandık

So much about this game sucks, but the combat + job system is not one of them, and somehow manages to carry a lot of the game. The characterization is weird, the plot is strange, the character designs are incredibly impractical and weird (even by Final Fantasy standards), and there's so many awkward/uncomfortable moments... but it's a fun game if you want to turn your mind off for a while.

this is the rawest game ever made. i listen to real emotion every day all day, i keep 1000 words blasting from the biggest speakers in the world despite the neighbors attempting to murder me for it. i spend 40 billion hours a week assassinating anyone who dislikes it. fuck you if you dont like this game.

Esse foi meu primeiro Final Fantasy não conhecia a franquia apesar de ser taxado como um dos piores eu joguei ele sem saber de nada e me divertir bastante e fechei ele com 130h e fiz só 70% do jogo.
Nota: Eles tiraram algumas Dresspheres (classes) na versao americana se possivel jogue a versao japonesa.