Reviews from

in the past

gonna put this off until its got more content to it but for three bucks im not gonna complain. its got some cool ideas and a great sense of style so ima keep my eye on it

Decently fun post-void inspired shooter. Movement is smooth, weapons are fun to use. Could do with a bit more content and maybe something to make it stand out a bit more as well.

Ever since dusk I've looked for a fast paced shooter, and this does the job pretty well. The enemy variety is pretty lack luster though. And so is the level design. This game is still in progress (I think?) and for a indie game its good enough for me to pick it up and play for a few hours so I consider it pretty good.

Still haven't played enough to give full review but from what i've played is really catchy and amazing to pick up from time to time

Lots of promise, looking forward to the finished version.

100%'d – a thoroughly FANTASTIC roguelite FPS that's just $3. Great sense of speed and the guns are just plain ol' fun to shoot

I like akimbo guns. This game has that.

This might be a bit unfair to say, but honestly, I'd rather just play Ultrakill.

This game isn't bad by any means - the game feel is pretty good - but the upgrades aren't very meaningful, the weapons are barebones, the enemies don't have much charm, and dying by getting stuck between two props is really frustrating.