Reviews from

in the past

The closest Fortnite has come to capturing the feeling I had when I played the game daily in late 2019

im kinda mixed on this season, i liked it but i also hated it.

but it gave us naruto and showed us that the foundation is the rock, so thats good.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is so cool.

meh battlepass, season que eu menos joguei

Pretty mid way to end a season, at least you get a silly monkey from the battle pass

This season had an INCREDIBLE live event, a really good battle pass, but shit everything else...

I didn't play much this season because it got so boring, and the mythics were so OP this season I'm glad they didn't last long...

What did I like? LIVE EVENT!!! It was (in my opinion) the BEST Live event in Fortnite History, apart from maybe Travis Scott but I didn't even play Fortnite then.

This live event genuinely made me emotional seeing the Chapter 2 island that I had made so many memories on flip over to our new one as nostalgia rushed through my mind.

However... apart from the live event and the decent battle pass, this season was shit...

What didn't I like? All they did to the map was take a massive shit on it, literally the map looked like crap with the new colour scheme.

The only new POI was the one in the middle with the Cube Queen that was kinda just sitting there in the sky, there were NO materials here, crap loot, and because there were no mats someone who was fully kitted from the neighbouring POI could come and third party you with EASE

We got Venom and Carnage mythics, cool, but who tf wanted to be yeeted half way across the map whenever they were in a fight and take hella fall damage from it?! It was so broken and especially with the recon scanner, you weren't safe, no matter where you were, this bitch mythic would find and kill you, and there were only 2 of them, and you got redeploy whilst having these bitch ass mythics in your inventory!

It's such as shame THIS was what sent Fortnite into Chapter 3, however I think the live event and lore saved this season alone, which is pretty impressive.

Fortnite always finds ways to turn things around and they did just that with the season that came after, aka Chapter 3.

Overhated with exception to the nasty cube oil visual that ruined the map

Not bad season, i cant really remember much of it. The event was fire though and the battle pass was decent even though I never bought it. All around not bad

live event was good and carnage was cool. about it.

i think 'THE END' live event of this season is the best one we have gotten

retroactively reviewing previous seasons post c5s1

This was the end of Chapter 2 and the messy story of it. CH2's Island was my island. I spent a lot of time playing during this chapter and I really remember it fondly.

This season though, was an interesting way to end it though. The Sideways mechanics, both the corruption domes and the sideways weapons were really fun to play with, not to mention the large Caretakers being very difficult bosses. The battle pass was mostly misses with Kor being a highlight.

Overall, it was a Season of Fortnite.

I felt compelled to win one and make sure I could keep up with the kids

-Ranked by the Battle Pass-
The fact that Fabio Sparklemane is a real thing makes this battle pass bad.

não foi a melhor season de todas; muita enrolação, pouca história e desenvolvimento e um mapa terrível


Not a very good season at all. The theme was pretty cool, and the battle pass is definitely one of the best of all time, but other than the half decent live event, there is not a lot of good to say about this season. Gunplay was pretty boring, but at least some form of the mini guns came back so that's cool. Cars are still in the game so that's a bummer and it is still that trash Chapter 2 map so traversal is at one of its all time lows. If there is one good thing to say about this season it is that the theme is actually very cohesive. The gameplay, battle pass, and the map all come together very nicely in what is a beautiful way to honor a community classic; Kevin the Cube. But when the best part of the season is the battle pass, there is something seriously wrong.

This season had an INCREDIBLE live event, a really good battle pass, but shit everything else...

I didn't play much this season because it got so boring, and the mythics were so OP this season I'm glad they didn't last long...

What did I like? LIVE EVENT!!! It was (in my opinion) the BEST Live event in Fortnite History, apart from maybe Travis Scott but I didn't even play Fortnite then.

This live event genuinely made me emotional seeing the Chapter 2 island that I had made so many memories on flip over to our new one as nostalgia rushed through my mind.

However... apart from the live event and the decent battle pass, this season was shit...

What didn't I like? All they did to the map was take a massive shit on it, literally the map looked like crap with the new colour scheme.

The only new POI was the one in the middle with the Cube Queen that was kinda just sitting there in the sky, there were NO materials here, crap loot, and because there were no mats someone who was fully kitted from the neighbouring POI could come and third party you with EASE

We got Venom and Carnage mythics, cool, but who tf wanted to be yeeted half way across the map whenever they were in a fight and take hella fall damage from it?! It was so broken and especially with the recon scanner, you weren't safe, no matter where you were, this bitch mythic would find and kill you, and there were only 2 of them, and you got redeploy whilst having these bitch ass mythics in your inventory!

It's such as shame THIS was what sent Fortnite into Chapter 3, however I think the live event and lore saved this season alone, which is pretty impressive.

Fortnite always finds ways to turn things around and they did just that with the season that came after, aka Chapter 3.

Hear ye, hear ye to another mid season! Cubed was something unexpected, they practically brought back the silly purple cubes from Chapter 1, Season 5 and they double folded the gimmick and made like 10 other cubes that were just going around the map finding its way to the center. It was cute, eventful if anything as it was a mini celebration in between niche internet groups (like my friend group), but overall the season was just very alright, but more leading to bad just because of how forgettable it was.

Sideways weapons were introduced which were cool as hell, but the PvE got really messy in this one inside of those pimples in the map, which, I might add, even though there were cubes wrecking havoc in almost all cardinal directions the map did NOT have any significant changes up until the final weeks of it (asides from the stupid very stupid purple Minecraft building in the middle of the map), which was a letdown that it was just that one day it turned orange and that was it. Pretty disappointing stuff.

Now, the Battle Pass was a case of the The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly; in one hand we have genuinely good looking skins like Torin, Charlotte and Toona Fish, then we have bad skins like Fabio mother fucking Sparklemane. (the ugly would be Kor and J.B. Chimpanski but honestly they're not even that bad it's just Fabio that's the worst skin ever made)

So, a lot of gear that wasn't coming from those first skins was pretty damn bad, honestly it showed that they just picked the bottom of the barrel when it came to concept skins... And Carnage was level 100 again. (yeah, this is what I was referring to with crossover skins being level 100)

At least The End event for this chapter was kinda good, the cinematic was very well knowing that it ended up with the damn island flipping on itself. The playable part was alright too.

i played one game this season and hated it. half star for the cool monkey skin

Why am I attracted to the carnage skin

It became super annoying just to see the battle pass become a huge advertisement and the map sucked, and the event was okay but the game was dead so much at this point in time.

Que temporada broxa pra um final de capítulo. Zero mudanças de mapa se não contar com a pirâmide no meio, o trailer prometeu tudo e não entregou nada no final. O passe de batalha foi meia-boca, as mecânicas e modos extras até que foram interessantes, mas podiam ter cozinhado mais.

This season basically, atleast for me, was just a lesser version of Chapter 2: Season 7. Alot of this season I don't really remember, even though I got tier 100, this season was a blur.

I remember the map, and didn't really like it. The weapons were okay, but from what I remember this was just a average fortnite season, at least to me. And I think Chapter 2 as a whole, deserved a way better final season, than what we got here.

Even if it wasn't good, at least a memorable one, that did so much that made it stand out. And since this season was forgettable, makes it kind of sad, because Chapter 2 was my favorite chapter.

Overall: 5/10