Reviews from

in the past

You'd think the GoT license would be pure gold for Telltale, but they don't really do anything interesting with it. In a lot of ways it's just more of the show, and the twists and turns are in shockingly short supply given the subject matter. If you're familiar with GoT you kind of already know how things are going to play out.

i'd love to have more authentic stories in this universe, perhaps with a little bit more elaborate storytelling

más que un 7 deberia ser un 4, pero los personajes estan bien logrados y la toma de decisiones me hizo empatizar de verdad, incluso si fuera decepcionante

telltales game of thrones foray into the "decision-based stories with no real decisions"

I kept on playing it because it was interesting enough and all but in the end...everything turns to shit and it doesn't matter what you did or how you did it. This is not Game of Thrones. It's just a funless mess. :/

Não consegui me importar com a história, nem com os personagens, escolhas também não me parecem gerar tantas consequências

Amazingly this boring shit is only the second worst thing to bear the "Game of Thrones" logo

worst of the telltale games

Telltale really tried to tell an original story within the confines of the Game of Thrones universe. And they partly succeed! House Forrester is interesting and some of the dynamics are fun to follow. I feel like if they used their own ideas more, the game would be better.

As it stands, the game suffers every time the narrative connects to a random ass Game of Thrones character from the TV show. It's completely unnecessary and feels forced every single time.

Das Telltale Spiel für Masochisten. Anscheinend dachten die Macher, dass die Charaktere durchgehend scheiße fressen müssen, damit man auch bloß den Game of Thrones Spirit einfängt. Allerdings macht das das Spiel super frustrierend, da man Telltale-typisch Entscheidungen trifft, aber egal wie man sich entscheidet, man leidet und leidet und leidet. Payoff gab es bis Episode 3 nicht und weiter habe ich es dann auch nicht mehr geschafft.

a ver es entretenido pero como me vas a dejar con ese final hijo de mil puta no para no solo eso si no que la compañía queda en quiebra y no va a ver secuela anda a cagar

Probably the most bullshit ending to anything I've ever played. I played this before ever getting into the series and was lost for a lot of it, but once I figured the world out I really, really got into it. I wish I didn't, cause the way it all ends is super disappointing and ruins the entire journey - So in that sense, exactly like the TV series.

literal el juego mas emocionante de telltale y lo dejaron mega inconcluso, los odio

I've never seen the show so I can't compare, but I thought it was an interesting story minus some storylines. Can't understand the universal hate for it.

Like the tv show, but about characters you don't care about.

it's fine. not a standout for telltale and it being linked to the main story of GOT took away from some of the stakes and made it feel weird as someone fairly familiar with the canonical series + books. loved asher, though.

Satisfying action and a cast of talented actors but no matter what you do, the final result is mostly set in stone.

como fazer um jogo em que NENHUMA das tuas escolhas importam volume 1

hot ass for telltale, and that's saying something. I would probably be kinder to it if it were allowed to have sequels.

The writing is as bad as the TV Show finale.

A miserable experience from start to finish. Maybe I would've liked it more if I watched the show or read the books, but god damn this was really the downward slope for Telltale.

The first time Game of Thrones was screwed over before the final two seasons.

Was enjoying this and always meant to go back to's just hard to now that the show went down in flames and I can't bare to interact with the franchise anymore.

Didn't really enjoy this one as much as the other Telltale games. I was playing this one as it released, and I found myself forgetting what was happening between episodes.

It's hard to enjoy it when you have experienced the books.

The writing is on a similar level to Season 6 of the show, make of that what you will.

Asher Forrester is hot though.

This was boring, by the last episode or so I was just hitting random options for the sake of the platinum trophy. Did not care.

telltale really can't do anything good anymore, this is an equal piece of garbage just like the borderlands one