Reviews from

in the past

This was boring, by the last episode or so I was just hitting random options for the sake of the platinum trophy. Did not care.

On paper this game has a lot of neat ideas showing a smaller family in the universe of the series, and on paper it seems like these choices will matter but they really won’t minus roleplaying how you see your characters and one or two major things

I will say it doing the different perspectives that the show and book use is a really cool way of translating it into a game

I enjoyed my time but doesn’t compare to other telltale games, if you need more of a game of thrones fix, there’s plenty of better games to play

Or read the books

House of the Dragon's airing right now and I've been itching for more GoT content, so I decided to play through this again. It's still just okay, not incredible but nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Telltale really did try with making choices matter in this one (not that I ever cared for that argument), the last episode is almost completely different based on your choices in the previous one.

hot ass for telltale, and that's saying something. I would probably be kinder to it if it were allowed to have sequels.

Still salty about the ending. We'll never get a Season Two and the game is a bit underwhelming, even though I love George R. R. Martin's books

I never finished this game despite being both a huge Game of Thrones and Telltale fan. It was alright and I was caught invested in the story at times, but I dropped it and never really looked back since. It is okay, but definitely not a top tier Telltale experience.

for a Choice game, your choices don't matter whatsoever, it's decent at BEST and I'm being very nice here. although I somewhat see potential, it's faded with Meaningless choices and "Important" ones like Hug her or Kiss her...?

Yeah, no. this game missed it by a long shot. a sad game to promote the show which it failed at aswell. cause this ain't it. 5/10

This was a weird one. Game of Thrones was my very favorite show back when this came out, and Telltale seemed the perfect game studio to deliver a great story-based adaptation. What's interesting is that while I think they understood what makes George R.R. Martin's legendary franchise tick, they were too limited by the surrounding universe and by shoehorning cameos for the game to have its intended impact.

The main characterds in Telltale's Game of Thrones come from House Forrester. The events are canonically inoffensive enough that they could exist in the world of the show, but that's because the story is stuck dancing around any major events. While I was of course thrilled to see characters like Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and Tyrion Lannister, most of the interactions with this major players in the story are relegated to surface-level cameos.

It doesn't help that much of the Forrester family feel like generic stand-ins for the House Stark characters from the show. You've got a Sansa-type character trying to navigate the political dangers of Kings Landing or a Jon Snow-type getting inducted into the Night's Watch. The way in which the story sort of parallels the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones on the sidelines of the actual story feels lame.

Eventually the game forges somewhat of its own identity, and it's nice to see the villainous Ramsay Bolton start to drive the characters into a perilously bad situation. It never gets as interesting or subversive as actual Game of Thrones and always feels like an imitator, but by the end I did care somewhat about most of the Forresters.

With the ending it definitely feels like Telltale had more plans for Game of Thrones games which we'll never get to see. This seems like it was a more successful effort than the 2012 RPG video game, and it's cool they got much of the major cast to voice their characters, but perhaps if Telltale was given more creative freedom or collaborated with GRRM on a different era in Westeros, it could've made for a stronger overall narrative experience.

Игра престолов меня переиграла и уничтожила. Я попал в самую очевидную ловушку тейлов и не заметил этого.

Сперва, если вы зачем-то читаете это - моё почтение. ГОТ является самой неизвестной и прями таки Богом забытой теллтейловской игрой. Более обскюрной является разве что игра по Джурассик парку, но чтобы помнить о ней нужно быть пиздец каким динозавром (бадум-тсс). Попасть на эту страницу - значит намеренно искать инфу об этой игре. Отличная работа, археолог.

Самая очевидная претензия к игре - это её привязка к сериалу. Если глянуть на другие игры студии, можно заметить очень важную особенность: сюжетно проекты включены в лор, но не пересекаются с каноничной историей, или по крайней мере не претендуют на её место. Ли не дружит с Риком Граймсом, у Майна как такого нет канона, Назад в будущее является продолжением, у Бэтмена че угодно будет каноном, там вообще поебать. Не знаю как там Вулф амонг ас, думаю принцип тот же. Привязка к вселенной дает игроку уже знакомый сеттинг и примерное направление истории, сами тейлы могут реализовать че угодно, пока работают со своими персонажами. У престолов же с этим есть проблемы.

Персонажи сериала зачастую переходят грань "просто камео", тем самым руиня игроку погружение. Ну нахуя мне сотрудничать с карликом, если я знаю, что по лору сериала его посадят в тюрьму? Зачем мне пиздиться с Болтоном, если я знаю что он по канону должен жить дальше? Зачем мне поддержка Сноу, если он не собирается идти со мной за стену (опять же, по канону сериала)? Очень конечно клево, что на озвучку позвали тех самых актеров, да и глянуть на персонажей с другой перспективы было довольно интересно. Однако как на самостоятельную историю это оказывает не самый хороший эффект.

Впрочем, главная претензия не в этом. Игра - просто симулятор унижения. Все 6 эпизодов нас гнобят, бьют, принижают, просто нахуй убивают. И особо не важно что вы делаете - бешено пытаетесь всех всячески попустить или гордо живете под лозунгом "Озон терпел и нам велел". Тейлы в классической манере не оставляют выбора, с намеченного курса не сдвинуться.

Ну и напоследок. Проходить это в 2023 не имеет никакого смысла, так как сюжет просто обрывается, а продолжения нет и не будет. Те же ходячие успешно подводили черту под каждым сезоном. Это были отдельные законченные истории, воспринимать которые можно без учета продолжения/предыстории. Тут - хуй с маслом, ни одна сюжетка вам не даст ответов или удовлетворения. Только смерть может быть хоть сколько-то осмысленным концом (и то не для всех персонажей).

Ввиду обскюрности я забыл про этот факт, в итоге мощно и сочно поел говна. Не повторяйте моих ошибок.

Бастард, ты думал что-то здесь будет? О, нет. От тебя воняет говном, даже отсюда чувствую. Закрывай, закрывай ворота, иди нахуй. Оруженосец крутой, а ты лоханулся, сука. Аа, блядь. А.

People hated this and yeah it was depressing and the controls were jank in places, but I wanted more. I was enjoying it more than the show at the time.

some how worse than later seasons of got

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telltale really can't do anything good anymore, this is an equal piece of garbage just like the borderlands one

I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones, I feel it's one of the best low fantasy worlds ever created and have greatly enjoyed the TV show as well as its tabletop RPG, so when I found out Telltale made a game for it, I was beyond excited! Unfortunately I did make the mistake of beating it on the PS3 which has a myriad of issues compared to the PS4 and Xbox One versions, which does drag my score down a bit due to the glitches and crashes associated with that version. Ignoring the bugs though, I found the story incredibly compelling and fun, the characters were great and the world REALLY felt true to the TV show interpretation. Hell my tabletop group even based our House on the idea of the Ironwood trees I learned here! So why doesn't it score higher? Because it's an incomplete story, sadly Telltale didn't make any further seasons, so it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved. It's still worth playing for sure! But it could have been so much more.

This review contains minor spoilers for both the game and show

I recently watched the show for the first time and I when I remembered that this existed I was eager to play it to carry on my interest in the franchise. Unfortunately what you get is a mixed bag of bland characters, crammed in cameo's and predictable plot points.

The story itself is inserted into the shows canon between the end of series 3 and series 4. It starts at the red wedding and if I were to guess finishes just before the end of season 4. Due to this you get to see a few major plot points take place from an outsider perspective. Which is something that I am a fan of, I like when movies, shows or games have key plot points going on at the same time that you can see from different people's perspectives. In total you play as 5 different members of House Forrester who are an original creation of this game. Each character is located in different parts of the land so that they could add in as many characters from the show as possible. Rodrik and Ethan are placed in the north during the aftermath of the red wedding, Asher is in Essos during Daenerys attacks against the slavers, Mira is in Kings Landing at the time of Joffrey and Margaery's wedding and Gared is sent to the wall when Jon is leading the march against the members of the night's watch who turned traitor. Multiple characters from the show are present across the game, most notably Jon Snow, Tyrion and Cersei Lannister, Ramsey Snow, Margaery Tyrell and Daenerys Targaryen. Most of these feel like they are only here for the sake of it with the exception of Margaery and Ramsey who both play important parts in the story. It is cool that they got all the actors to play their characters but most just felt unnecessary to me.

The actual story is a bit underwhelming as it is just a basic house rivalry with infrequent cameo's from familiar characters. Most of the playable characters aren't the most interesting but none are really bad by any means, just bland. Same goes for side characters, some are decent but nothing compared to TellTale's other work. Personally I think that the first three episodes drag hard as the same thing keeps happening over and over again. Thankfully it picks up during the last three. When it comes to the different character's sections I was a fan of Gared's story at the wall and I enjoyed Mira's story at Kings landing, I liked the main part in the north with Rodrik but I wasn't a fan of the stuff in Essos with Asher. My biggest complaint when it comes to the story is the traitor plot as neither of the characters who can be the traitor make any sense when you see how they act throughout the game.

Choice wise its the same as most telltale games where none of your choices really matter. However I found that in this game as compared to other TellTale ones that I played, your actions from earlier episodes are mentioned more frequently where as they are normally just forgotten.

Visually this hasn't aged great, Im a big fan of the painted backdrops I think they look great but I experienced a lot of visual glitches regarding character models and the background of walking segments. Score wise however it incorporates a lot of music from the show which is great.

Now I think this games biggest downfall is the fact that it ended clearly setting up a second season, which was originally meant to be released but was cancelled in 2017 shortly before TellTale closed down. The game ends rather inconclusively with multiple characters where abouts unknown or in dangerous situations and it is looking almost certain that there will not be a follow up due to the show being long since concluded and the sour note it ended on. Due to this I am not letting the way it ended lower my score any as it is of no fault of this game that it never got a sequel. Overall, If you are a fan of the show and can be bothered to hunt down a physical copy due to this being erased from digital stores then it is worth a play but compared to TellTale's other work at the time it is definitely on the lower end of the scale.

This, to me, is probably the worst tell tale ever put out. The backdrop of Game of Thrones cannot even save it from a modicum of decency. Each character is bland and is as interesting as Varys the Spider's love life. None of the choices really mean much other than to hurry you to the end of the game. Don’t bother with this one and go straight to Tales from the Borderland!

Telltale really tried to tell an original story within the confines of the Game of Thrones universe. And they partly succeed! House Forrester is interesting and some of the dynamics are fun to follow. I feel like if they used their own ideas more, the game would be better.

As it stands, the game suffers every time the narrative connects to a random ass Game of Thrones character from the TV show. It's completely unnecessary and feels forced every single time.

Sometimes I'll remember that not only did Telltale do a Game of Thrones game in which several stars from the show inexplicably show up in, but that I played all of it for whatever reason. This game suffers pretty severely from the "you're playing this really important character that knows everyone but for some reason no one ever talks about you in the main story" thing that many prequels suffer from. A pretty pointless game that is one of Telltale's weakest and adds nothing of value to the Game of Thrones universe.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

The potato fu*ker bit makes it worth a play

This review contains spoilers

"tf? Telltale done make a Game of Thrones series? Eh probably sucks if I've never heard of it"

Never has a Telltale game reached this feeling of streamlining before. Story is hype overall, you're robbed of many cathartic moments, which anyone that knows GoT could expect... I expected a decimation but atleast let some of the fuckers die fitting death!! I crave violence.

Character writing pretty good, I'm rooting for the main family. Until it gets stupid because plot demands this or that choices. Trademark Telltale, game makes a good job remembering your choices atleast. Yeah aint no way the rating goes higher than this, which is already pretty high in my books cuz game funni, never leaves you bored, and was left wanting a sequel!! but lol

It's hard to enjoy it when you have experienced the books.

The writing is on a similar level to Season 6 of the show, make of that what you will.

Asher Forrester is hot though.

I miss Gared 😭
But honestly, choices in this don't really matter at all, it's very underwhelming.

Platinum Trophy - another free telltale plat. snoozer tbh.

I played this game because I wanted a platinum trophy and I was obsessed with Game of Thrones at the time. It’s entertaining if you’re familiar with the characters but it doesn’t exactly do Game of Thrones justice.


No matter what you choose the whole time bad things will happen constantly, nothing benefits you at all this is so defeating and pointless. Also the characters are more boring than fuckin Babar

Amazingly this boring shit is only the second worst thing to bear the "Game of Thrones" logo

It was fine.

The only choices that actually mattered were in episode 5 and 6. And it ended basically in a cliffhanger.

I've never seen the show so I can't compare, but I thought it was an interesting story minus some storylines. Can't understand the universal hate for it.

I wasn't watching Game of Thones when I first played this game, but it quickly became one of my favorite TellTale games and led me to watching the show. This game was phenomenal and the dark tone of the GoT world was really felt throughout. My only gripe with this game is that it ended on a HUGE cliffhanger and we will probably never see a sequel. It's very unfortunate.