Reviews from

in the past

a arte é lindissima, e passa uma vibe bem apropriada, é uma proposta simples e bem realizada, mas sinto que poderia ter um aprofundamento um pouco melhor.
No mais, minhas maiores críticas são técnicas, achei o som alto demais, e a falta de um backlog me incomodou.

there's something about games like this that makes me feel so nostalgic

In this short visual novel game made by Astrophysics, a YouTube channel I like, we find ourselves in an unknown place, meet Sasha, the only person around, and get lost in thoughts with some hard-to-answer questions such as some existential troubles related to life, their place and time, and the meaning of life. It was such a thought-provoking production. And of course, the game's most successful work is its music. The dark, hand-drawn art design, which uses only certain colors, fits the depressive and pessimistic atmosphere of the game. If you're looking for a short and thought-provoking visual novel experience, Hope Left Me may be a good experience for you.

Love the music, but we're talking about visual novel here, so... here I go. Sometimes it's fine not to have a story and base your work on some experience. And if experience was to make me deaf when I exit the game and return just to find out (the hard way) that sound is still on 100%, the devs made a great job. But okay, nevermind that bug - that still isn't fixed - I still like the songs. But what was this expecrience about? What does it have to do with an actual story? You wake up in cold abandoned world with no one but other girl - Sasha - who seems just as cold and not caring. Sasha is pretty rude, but for some reason still helps our character and, although she tells she's not, still interested in finding out what happened to the world. And that's pretty much it... This is the story, basically. And the experience is... about being alone in this world, I guess. But I can't help but think that constantly hearing music in the background destroys the immersion. The aesthetic of the album really fits that one of the novel, but when you combine those two together it doesn't work the intended way. Get's hard to get rid of the idea that this is fake story just about this album. HOPE LEFT ME is about some feeling. Well, I'll just go listen to the album then, since the visual novel holds no value in itself.

For all what I can tell, this visual novel depends on album. Which is fine by itself, but it doesn't make up for a good story in any way. It's short, characters are shallow, and I didn't really care that much because there isn't any substance to it. And you are reading this review from someone who absolutely loves Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk. Each time I replay it I find its main character more captivating in her despair than these two girls in HOPE LEFT ME. Because everything second novel presents is confusion. Maybe I didn't see it in the details. Maybe I don't understand this experience well enough. But I don't see them as people with some tangible problems. They're exactly characters with a few traits to me. And I certainly don't feel whatever they're going through.

It's fine to make the story about anything but the story itself, when you give something in return. You can't just break the rules for sake of braking them, there is no concept behind it anymore (people already have been doing this to art like 100 years before us, so there is nothing new in that). I am a bit too negative for review of a novel I didn't care this much about. I don't hate it, I just want to find more reasons to say good things about it. But I only like the music.

i am going to become the Omori.

gostei mt da estetica, mas nao entendi porra nenhuma

História impecável... e a banda é brasileira e sabe como fazer musica, só mitada.

Solo el hecho de que la música de Astrophysics se pueda escuchar dentro de una VN ya hace que valga la pena.

Argumentalmente hablando es la tipica VN criptica quiere dar un aire sin sentido y misterioso como Milk Inside a bag of Milk... Aunque siendo sinceros, prefiero eso a que sea otro clon de Danganronpa o DDLC como el 90% de VNs indies occidentales... Al final es eso, material sacado en su momento para promocionar uno de los mejores álbumes que he escuchado y joder, hay muchas referencias a ese álbum en esta obra y me alegra haberlas captado todas.

Vale la pena para cualquier persona que le guste la música y estética de Astrophysics, ya que la ambientación fue excelente y me duele que durase tan poco... Con esto creo que me reconcilio un poco con Astophisics después de que el año pasado al pasarle una captura de los cientos de horas que escuche sus canciones por twitter me terminase ignorando, pero, en cambio, dio RT a un montón de otros usuarios que hicieron lo mismo, pero ni llegando a la mitad de horas que yo... No volví a escuchar ninguna canción de el hasta ahora aque lei Hope Left Me.

everyone jealous of her drip 😭😭

A game that can either look like the last dream you could have if you are in your early 20’s and live in Eastern Europe, or, on the other hand, symbolize the light and will that guide you through your most hopeless moments — it’s up to you what to make of it.

Sometimes, maybe the only right decision is to let go.

(The music meanwhile sounds like a Gregg Araki movie and I’m here for it!)

Hope Left me Is another unique visual novel with a deep meaning storyline, when I think about this game I think about milk inside a bag of milk, very short likewise.

You are a human waking up in a town, outside is freezing and you question what you are doing here. While you were freezing a girl by the name of Sasha helps you get up and questions you what you are doing here. The city looks to be settled in Russia, in the former soviet union. You don't know how you ended up here and not even remembering the reason, you are totally lost, eventually after Sasha introduced herself she invites you into her apartament so you can survive the freezing winter, while trying to sleep you feel like suffocating for no reason and when you woke up you start to talk with her but after a time she lets you wonder around the apartament, you can steep in a window or even jump, interact with her stuff. You and her start to question death and after life, like there's no reason why humans were born and die with no reason. The city feels abandoned and that makes the atmosphere feel amazing. After she made some food for you and another day passes and she stumbles upon you and askes you if you want to go outside since the snow stopped to settle a balloon in the sky and that's where the game ends.

Loneliness sucks, can't imagine living like this but it seems cozy enough, sasha seems to be a bit schizoid but the main thing about this is the soundtrack, it's amazing an amazing album.

Bastante edgy pero mi tipo de edgy! La banda sonora es increíble y me gusta el personaje de Sasha.

a estética do jogo me agradou pra caralho, ele é realmente muito bonito, me assusta o quão underground ele é, principalmente aqui no brasil, ainda mais levando em conta que ele foi feito por brasileiros.

a trilha sonora é 10, talvez eu seja meio suspeito pra falar, porque ja acompanhava a banda antes, mas é 10 ainda sim.

o jogo é um projeto bem pequeno, bem pequeno mesmo, tu zera tudo em uns 45 minutos, ele é bem semelhante a milk inside of a bag of milk, tanto em narrativa, duração e até um pouco da estética, e ele erra na mesma coisa, que é ser extremamente curto, mas é uma ótima experiência.

Cara. Isso aqui me pegou como uma boa surpresa. Uma experiência visual curtinha, mas com uma boa filosofia. O absurdo da vida como algo que nos move. Não é algo genial, mas pela experiência artística, valeu cada segundo, uma experiência única. A trilha sonora tem nem o que falar, é o nosso querido Astrophysics, o cara manja quando o assunto é breakcore, e a trilha casa MUITO BEM com a VN num geral. A realidade não precisa de um sentido, só precisamos de algo que nos dê esperança.