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in the past

A functional if completely bland experience that never manages to take full advantage of the licence it's working with. James Bond games have really run the whole gambit over their existence, from the genre defining Goldeneye to the forgettable Quantum of Solace. So it's never a complete given that you can write off a James Bond game, but there's never a guarantee you're getting something of quality. What attracted me to Blood Stone was the fact that it was a completely original James Bond story that was completely detached from any need to bend the story around an already established plot. I figured that perhaps this game would justify it's existence by telling a unique original 007 story that only video games could tell.

I was wrong.

Turns out what you actually get is a generic maguffin to maguffin plot that I struggle to remember even after only playing the game barely a month ago. Daniel Craig sure is a real sport for coming back for this even though he probably didn't have to (unless there's some sort of contract he signed that said he had to do this), but if I'm being brutally honest I don't think he's a great voice actor. He's trying for sure but there's just something about it that feels off.

Anyway gameplay is exactly what you'd expect, standard cover based third person shooting with the occasional bare bones uncharted esc puzzle to "spice" things up. Oh and there are a few driving sections, about 3 in total I think? In all honesty those are probably the best part of the game. The driving has a certain feeling of speed and urgency that really make them a blast to play. But everything else just sort of fades into the background of my mind. There's just nothing in there I can point to that this game did better than the hundreds of other games out that are similar to it.

Why am I even writing this review? Are you even reading it? Anyone? This game has disappeared so thoroughly from the public consciousness that I'll be genuinely surprised if this ever gets read. But if you are, and genuinely curious if you should play this, then it's not a horrible way to spend 2-4 dollars. But otherwise unless you're a James Bond completion it's safe to leave this one alone.

yeah it's kinda shitty but did you ever play this game's multiplayer with your cousin

I played this once years ago and dropped off before finishing it. Turns out I quit at the start of the last full level.
The game itself is pretty generic. It's mostly a Tesco Value Uncharted, with some decent driving sequences scattered in. It does capture the Bond feel pretty well though, and having Craig and Dench lend their voices and likenesses really adds a lot.
It's let down with a pretty weak plot but if you're a Bond fan it's worth a playthrough. I started my second attempt from the beginning and blasted through it in about 4-5 hours.

Bloodstone tries to bring the Daniel Craig era of James Bond to gaming. At times this game does a fine job. But it's not very impressive both in terms of gameplay and story. There's nothing special about the gameplay it's fine. The story is a run of the mile 007 story with a generic villain. In conclusion Bloodstone is worth playing. If your a diehard James Bond.

Neues Jahr, back at it again.
007 Blood Stone ist der Bond Titel der es am ehesten schafft seine "eigene Bond Story neben den Filmen" zu sein. Mit einer eigenen Story und Gameplay das sich jede menge aus Splinter Cell Conviction und etwas Uncharted zusammenklaut. Und auch wenn das nur semi-kompetent gelungen ist, so passen dieses Gameplay extrem gut zu einem Craig-Bond-Videospiel?

Die Story ist nicht sonderlich wichtig, wird an sich okay erzählt, kommt zu einem logischen Schluss und uh, geht dann einfach weiter? Nur um zwei Stunden später DANN auf einem Cliffhanger zu enden der natürlich nie beendet wurde. Bizarre Creations wurde angeordnet ein Third-Person-Shooter mit Bond zu machen und wurde aufgrund der Unbeliebtheit des Konzeptes und der mittelmäßigen Umsetzung anschließend gefeuert.

Allerdings konnte ich eine spannende Challenge drausziehen. Du hast im Spiel einen Nahkampf-Takedown der so mächtig ist, dass du bis auf wenige Ausnahmen das gesamte Spiel so durchspielen kannst. Und das hab ich getan. Erst um zu demonstrieren, dass das Spiel kein gutes Gameplay hat, aber als es dann plötzlich schwierig wurde, wurde es... interessant?
Auf einmal musste ich darauf achten wo Gegner sind, wie diese platziert sind, welche Waffen sie tragen, wer zu mir kommt und wer stationär bleibt, ich musste mir Pläne für Routen ausdenken, teilweise sogar auf Nachladepausen achten - das... war gut? Oder zumindest... besser?
Ich kann zumindest sagen, dass niemand der es auf normal spielte so sehr auf Encounter-Kompositionen geachtet hat wie ich. Es sorgte dafür dass ich gern ein Spiel gespielt hätte das genau um so ein Gameplay herumdesigned wär weil das sicher seine 7/10 verdient hätte.

Trotzdem das wohl beste der Activision Bondspiele

I have no recollection of this game, but according to my achievements I played it, so yeah.

This review contains spoilers

I love James Bond video games.
Well, the original stories, at least. Most of the games based on the movies sucked.
I especially enjoyed the newer Daniel Craig era of Bond so I was excited to pick this one up and play the story, expecting the gameplay to be a similar dull, forgettable experience like Quantum of Solace (PS3) was, but actually, this game was a lot of fun!

Most of the prior Bond games I played were Call of Duty clones, where you shoot your way through a level, but this one tries to put shooting in the rear view mirror with a focus on stealth segments.
You don't get punished for killing everyone (unless you die) but alerting an entire area's worth of enemies can make going through a level quite the challenge, making stealth takedowns the easier option.

It does feel rewarding when you manage to pull off a stealth takedown, or go through a level without alerting anyone, and if you want to use as little bullets as possible it does force you to think creatively (until you give up and run in guns blazing).

My only issues with this game are how terrible the car physics are, the enemies like to glitch out and the fact that regular takedowns (which can alert other enemies in the area) and stealth takedowns (which don't alert other enemies) use the same button; the only way you can know which one's which is when the game tells you, which can change in an instant - an instant you don't really have because the enemy has already spotted you and you're spamming the button trying to take him out before he alerts the others, but then you alert the others instead because you're not doing a stealth takedown as the game changed its mind while you were spamming it.

The story is meh, but I do like how much the devs made it like an entry in the series, with a cool intro and all.
You think you're done, but Bond goes to Bangkok, and then gets sent to Burma, and now the games over--nope. Now he's chasing the chick he was with earlier.
The outro does set up both the unreleased sequel, and also the rest of the Craig movies if you really think about it.

The main thing that'll put people off this game would be the fact that there was an online mode, with trophies, but in 2020 the servers for it were shut down, meaning you can't get 100% on it anymore.

There isn't anything notable about this game, it's just a middle of the road cover based third person shooter.

The story is not remotely interesting, some of the cutscenes were way too heavy with exposition which just gets annoying. The acting is all phoned in and the character models don't appear capable of animation other than mouth flaps which makes for a reall bland story experience.

The gameplay doesn't really progress, the enemies you face over the course of the game all behave the same and can be instantly killed with headshots absurdly easily with mouse and keyboard controls. There are also car chase sequences which all feel longer than they should be, there's little depth here, as you just steer around obstacles while chasing someone and maybe hit the handbrake every once in a while. It mostly just felt mindless and really easy, even though I played on the highest difficulty available (the real highest difficulty was locked off). The only difficulty I had was when enemies would spawn behind me or in places that I just checked with my phone that tells me where all enemies are in the area, so it can get cheap occasionally. Also I had one time where an APC killed me in one hit from full health despite the fact that I had taken multiple hits from that exact same enemy before without dying, which just makes no sense.

Overall, I had mindless fun while coasting through this game, it has little value outside of mindless fun as a generic cover-based shooter. Not even playing as Bond makes this game feel even slightly special. But it's at least not that bad.

Faltava um pouco para ser perfeito, mas é de longe o melhor jogo baseado em 007.

Great game. I used to play it all the time with my dad when I was younger so this was a pretty nostalgic playthrough. Only downside is that the story's pretty short.

Finished it on Xbox360 last year, one of my favorite Third-Person James Bond 007 Games next to From Russia with Love goes to Blood Stone, The Gameplay is awesome compared to Uncharted and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, the HUD is well-designed, the vehicle designs were cool, The Stealth and Vehicle Levels are intense and awesome, the combat is great, this game should've gotten an sequel if the 007: Legends Licensing Disaster didn't happen, this game not just has to be one of my favorite James Bond 007 third person shooter titles, this game has to be one of my favorite Underrated Xbox360 games ever in my opinion.

The gameplay in this is so much fun and really makes you feel like Bond. I just wish the story and villain was more captivating and this would be one of my all time favorites.

I personally think this is one of if not the best James bond games out there. It's really nice to see, especially from a fan, Daniel Craig as bond. The 3rd person was definitely the right choice for this game, it's combat was fun yet it wasn't doing anything groundbreaking. I liked it's instant kill mechanic where you have to do a takedown to gain one. I also really enjoyed the car chase missions, even tho some of them can be annoying it was still nice to get that mix of on foot combat and car chase. I think the story is good. Again it's nothing groundbreaking by any means but it was good enough that it could easily be a film. The bosses were also done well, the game really felt like the Casino royale. Definitely would recommend if you're a bond fan

é um jogo bem simples, mas que diverte bastante, basicamente uma aventura extra do daniel craig com uma música tema maneirissima, rejoguei varias vezes

from what i remember, a pretty solid Bond game ever since goldeneye and agent under fire. everything after this was pretty much crap tho

it's more good than bad

probably even great

Generic but not completely terrible.

Most movie-based games are disasters, but when you take a movie license and do something original with it it can turn out for the better. Bizarre Creations (Blur, Project Gotham Racing) has taken the helm of the Bond license to create the third entry into the series, but this is completely original with no movie tied to it. You play as Daniel Craig’s Bond and you’re, once again, trying to stop some evil thugs from doing evil things. While the story borderlines paper thin it’s the action that we want.

Since Craig took the spotlight as Bond his style is more brutal, raw, and realistic instead of the campy, funny, and smooth talking past Bonds. He’s all about melee, guns, and less on gadgets and whether you like this better is up to you. While Everything or Nothing is the best Bond game in recent memory Blood Stone is pretty decent. There are car chases, gun battles, and stealth sections that balance out nicely.

The stealth areas consist of sneaking around cover and meleeing guys and shooting them in the head without getting caught or it’s going to be a firefight. This can be very satisfying when you learn patrols, and execute accordingly. You can earn Focus Aim by doing a takedown, and this is just a one-shot kill, but you only get three. This comes in handy during stealth sections when you have multiple guys to take down in one area or are in a bind with your health.

Shooting is solid enough with blind fire from cover, and the aiming is solid, but all the guns don’t really pack a punch. They feel light and sissy like and completely not Bondlike at all. There’s a good variety of them, but you won’t care because you can’t tell the difference between any of them! There are some fun set pieces such as slo-mo sections, some cinematic camera angles when jumping around, and a lot of explosions so it’s packed full of action.

The racing sequences are something to be desired because it’s just driven from A to B and chase this guy. There’s no attached weapons or anything, and the cars drive like crap half the time. The cars either have severe understeer, oversteer or feel really floaty. Coming from a developer who specializes in racing games this is a huge surprise.

The game looks decent, but not up to par with current games. The racing sections look nice, but the characters feel last gen, and everything just looks meh and sterile. The sound is pretty generic with pew-pew gunfire, and the voice acting feels stiff despite being from real actors. Blood Stone is a great weekend rental, and don’t even expect multiplayer to keep you interested for much longer.

Actually really fun if you melee only

The exact median quality of James Bond video games

A decent cover shooter (plus a few driving sections) that borrows the mark and execute system from Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction. The campaign took me 6 hours to complete, that's without getting all the collectables.

Just a good action shooter with a stupid car section that I have played many times.

It was alright for an Uncharted clone. The car sections were weirdly polished.

Saw Casino Royale a few weeks ago later found a used copy of this and thought 'Why not?'.
Starts off as "We have Uncharted at home" before becoming more "splinter cell/mgs at home" like. But I enjoyed it. I liked some of the action segments and stealth parts in the casino, but later levels aren't as engaging as it leads tomindless takedowns and the ending fight is so anticimatic. Story feels weirdly underdeveloped and Daniel Craig's performance is a little inconsistent. It has the most 'that's now it ends?!' endings I've ever had for a game.
Still, as someone who hasn't experienced Uncharted this was a nice blast for a few hours.

Blood Stone is perhaps one of my personal favorite 007 games. As somebody who is particularly fond of PS3 era cinematic cover shooters, there's enough slickness to this game's combat and set pieces that impressed me back when it came out. Revisiting it now, I realize that there's a lot of flaws, particularly unevenness, that holds it back. But I can't say that I don't love it still.

The game starts with a pretty solid set piece sequence. "Stealthy" infiltration goes terribly loud, and a epic chase ensues. It's a nice vertical slice of the games' main gameplay loop: start slow, throw in a couple shootouts in the middle, (try) to end it spectacularly, and start all over again.

The problem is that some sections are noticeably weaker than others. There's a particularly egregious part right in Act 2 where you're exploring a drab, gray, snowy refinery area that lasts way longer than it should, and there's nothing particularly interesting about it. It's sandwiched by a luxurious night time casino heist mission, and a legitimately great set piece sequence that is hands down my favorite part of the game. I also don't care for the final half of the last act, it pulls off 2 of my least favorite gaming tropes. Thankfully most of the game is at least decent fun, but these sections sour the experience a bit.

Putting that aside, there's a handful of neat things that the game does. They did a good job of mimicking the first two Daniel Craig 007 movies in terms of presentation: there's a decent Bond AMV intro, the soundtrack is a decent imitation of the movie soundtracks, and the mannerisms of 007 is very much in line with how Craig portrayed him. He doesn't talk that much, which is kinda refreshing considering the state of modern gaming's chatty protagonists. It also means that the game barely has any crazy gadgets to play with, other than your Detective Mode-copycat smartphone, which is a slight shame.

I do like that they tried to translate his aggressiveness to the gameplay. You can earn "focus points" by doing close quarters takedowns (which are probably the most well-animated actions in the game), and they're used to automatically lock to an enemy and kill him in one shot with any weapon. You can only hold three points at a time, so the game clearly wants you to keep closing in to enemies to do takedowns and use the ability frequently. But the enemies are not that aggressive (even on Hard), and they don't have a lot of ways to push you out from cover (like throwing grenades), so most of the time you will match their tempo and keep your distance as well. Despite somewhat botching the execution, I do appreciate the attempt. Doing John Wick-style gameplay by shooting enemies in the leg, taking them down up close, then using your focus points to cleanly kill farther enemies is pretty sick.

On the other hand, I really think that the stealth sections could be done better, and there's a simple solution for it: just introduce sections where you'll be meaningfully penalized if you break stealth, and it will make these sections much more meaningful and intense. Instead, they feel mostly flat, since there's no real stakes for making mistakes. Usually you'll only be noticed by the enemies in the immediate vicinity if you break stealth, and there are rarely more than 5 enemies at a time in these sections.

There's also vehicle sections, which are mostly about chasing another vehicle while dodging hazards like incoming traffic, and they're pretty fun. The level of crazy stuff happening on screen reminds me of something like Split/Second, although it's not quite as insane. The vehicle physics can be a bit bouncy sometimes, but it's nothing too fatal.

Lastly, I have to say that the story and characters are barely worth mentioning. The game just doesn't spend any time to properly flesh out any interesting detail, which works out well for the gameplay pacing but doesn't do the story any favors.

It kinda hurts seeing the "James Bond Will Return" tagline at the credits. The game sets up a sequel with its ending, and I would love to see a bigger, better direct sequel. But at least it's easy to be optimistic about the future of 007 games now, I believe IO Interactive will hit it out of the park. Until their game comes out, I should just try out the other 007 games. I wonder how well Everything or Nothing holds up....

This review contains spoilers

Developed by Bizarre Creations, known for games like Project Gotham Racing and Geometry Wars (they also made one of my childhood favourite games, Wiz ‘n’ Liz), this is a brand new third person adventure starring Daniel Craig. Strangely, this was released on the same day as the Daniel Craig reimagining of GoldenEye on the Wii, which overshadowed Blood Stone due to its association with the Nintendo 64 classic.

Starting off on a boat trying to prevent a terrorist attack in Athens, you get a short mission that serves as an effective way of showing you how the game controls. Using cover is a necessity as you’ll die a lot, however, melee is also important as Bond can dispatch foes with one attack – with lots of great animations that use the environment to make it very assisting. Mixing melee and shooting is very easy and flows great. The combat really nails Bond’s style.

As the terrorist leader flees, you get the first of many vehicle sequences, all of which are set-piece heavy but very enjoyable, even if you fail a lot (restarting is very quick). They control extremely well and, while linear, are a great spectacle.

After this, you chase him on land and get to use more of the combat features, including a “focus aim”. Each time you melee and enemy, you gain a “focus aim” (up to a maximum of 3), which lets you automatically line a precise shot for an instant kill when you pull the trigger. It’s very satisfying to use, and really helps with the flow of the combat. I never got tired of punching a few nearby enemies then dispatching a few far away enemies in a matter of seconds.

A car chase ensues as you have to stop a car carrying a bomb. As this is based on the Daniel Craig films, Bond’s car has no weapons, but the sections are enjoyable enough (thanks to the developer’s driving game pedigree) that they aren’t needed. This intro sequence is its own little story, but serves as a great introduction to the game.

We get a very nice opening titles, performed by Joss Stone (the Bond girl of this game) before moving onto the main story.

A scientist has gone missing, and MI6 received an anonymous tip to his whereabouts at a dig site in Istanbul. Bond poses as a history museum professor but the goons there try to dispose of him, so you get another fun level through some catacombs as you try to find this scientist, with some great set pieces along the way (if you like Uncharted-style set pieces, you’ll enjoy this game).

Bond’s phone is his only gadget in this, working in a similar way to Batman’s Detective Mode in the Arkham games, showing enemy positions. It can also be uses to hack cameras and doors, as well as scan optional pieces of intel for extra background information.

The bad guys get a hold of the researcher’s password and flees with a briefcase containing his data on some nasty viruses, so Bond needs to pursue. His fancy new Aston Martin is too far away, but luckily there just happens to be a classic one just sitting there to take. You’ll have to dodge a lot of traffic in this intense chase, before the car ends up getting totalled.

Continuing the chase on foot, the briefcase gets passed on, but Bond manages to stop the messenger, finding out the man behind it, a Russian named Stefan Pomerov.

With Bond being assigned an assistant called Nicole Hunter, he sneaks into Pomerov’s casino in Monaco. Stealth is completely optional, and you have a bit of time when you get spotted to take them out before they call for backup. Your objective is Pomerov’s safe, and you discover that Pomerov wants to use the virus information to create new variants and then sell the vaccines.

Following him to his facility in Siberia, Bond poses as Nicole’s bodyguard to investigate this facility, which has a few nice moments of being able to walk around without worrying about combat. Bond discovers a factory already making these viruses and sabotages it before fleeing. It’s a very enjoyable level with more cool moments.

Pomerov flees in a train, so it’s time for another car chase as you dodge flaming debris before continuing the chase on a partly frozen river, it’s a lengthy chase, but still a ton of fun all the way though. You catch up with him, but he’s already boarded a cargo place.

Luckily, there’s also a giant cargo hovercraft, which Nicole takes control of while Bond deals with the guards still on board. To help catch up to the plane, Bond needs to head into the cargo hold and eject the cargo, use a turret to defend against missiles and to damage the plane’s engines, jump onto the plane’s wing as you catch up, get inside then fight your way to the front, taking out Pomarov.

This all happens with no loading screens, it’s all fluid form start to finish and is visually impressive as a result. Even 13 years later, my jaw dropped a few times in this segment.

Everything seems to have tied up nicely, but Bond thinks something is up: nobody Bond has met makes sense as the anonymous caller, and he thinks the people behind it wanted MI6 to stop Pomarov. He gets in touch with a Chinese agent who wants to meet Bond in an aquarium in Bangkok, but ends up getting assassinated as he claims a man called Ruk is behind everything.

A chase follows as Bong tries to get the assassin to pass on information on the whereabouts of Ruk, but would rather die. He does end up getting away in a vehicle for Bond to pursue.

That vehicle being a colossal haul truck (moving much faster than one would realistically move to make it entertaining), causing a ton of collateral damage. It’s another very impressive chase sequence, with more wow moments.

After crashing it off a bridge, Bond passes out and wakes up hours later, finding out that he’s wanted by the police, not just for the damage his chase caused, but he’s also been framed for murdering a Chinese agent. MI6 says that a sleazy contact of his is nearby, so Bond finds out the location of Ruk and heads over, but as Ruk was waned about him coming, gets the drop on Bond and captures him for information.

Bond is taken to Rak’s camp in Burma, where he gets called away before he can torture Bond. Bond escapes and fights trough the camp, having to deal with a few APCs and chasing Ruk in a plane before crash landing – unfortunately, there’s no flying mission, which leads us to the last main level of the game.

Crash landing near a dam that Rak’s group is taking over, Bond has to fight his way through to survive, taking out helicopters with cranes along the way. There’s a lot of combat, but the level is very well suited for good use of melee and the focus aim ability, so I enjoyed the whole things. Rak taunts Bon the entire time and it ends with a boss fight against him in a helicopter. Rak begs Bond to save him and he’ll reveal who is behind it – but Bond has already figured it out.

The final mission is a car chase as you stop the villain from escaping – however it turns out that they’re still just another part of a puzzle, as a drone takes them out. The true villain will have to be discovered in the game’s sequel…which was never made.

This is a hugely enjoyable game with fun combat and great driving sections, filled with movie-like set pieces. The ending is a bit of a downer, although people have retroactively linked it to SPECTRE as it (unintentionally) fits with that film really well. The poor sales of Blood Stone led to the end of Bizarre Creations, which is a shame as I think that this was a great game.

I read this was basically like playing a stand alone Daniel Craig era James Bond movie, and they aren't wrong. They really nailed the 'feel' of Bond action, with over the top stunts, crazy stunt driving, lots and lots of shooting and the occasional brutal take down in between dodging bullets. The cell phone maps and hacking were cool too. I had fun, and would recommend you check it out.

É um jogo simples, mas com enredo próprio e gameplay divertida sem falar na música tema maneirona e trilha sonora durante o jogo