Reviews from

in the past

So, I don't really understand why people would give this anything less than 5 stars. Regardless of what you think about the actual games, this collection is fantastic. The games are upscaled, technical issues were fixed across all games, and the presentation is simple and clean; the best kind of remaster. There are much worse collections out there that deserve your lower scores, so if you have a problem with the games themselves, rate them individually, and please don't taint a good package.

played all games except RE:com, not a fan of that game, and bbs is just ok but inject 1fm and 2fm directly into my bloodstream mate

okay i am sorry i suck at this game and i dont know if ill ever pass the second Ursula boss fight

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You are (not) the final collection

Best way to get into the series, outside of the larger collections that include this within it, there aren't really any bad games in the collection, and you get a lot of time out of it for your money.

One star for every good game in this collection.

Best value for a collection, ever.

Finished 1.5. Might pick up the other games in the future.

Básicamente es todos los juegos de Kingdom Hearts en uno y es perfecto me encanta está prácticamente todo!

Only tried the first, it was terrible. Not bothering with the rest.

Excellent deal, you get 4 full games and 2 Videos/Cutscenes of games with old/repetitive mechanics that would take a long time otherwise

Unlike my other Kingdom Hearts reviews I'm not going to make a title or anything like that. This is just an overall score for this collection.

A collection of 6 games, ranging from absolutely dreadful to near perfection... this collection is a very mixed bag.

My playthroughs of the first game and Re:Chain of Memories are among some of the worst I have ever experienced in my years of playing video games. Games that felt like they never ended, all while having crappy acting and dialogue to the point where I believed they legitimately broke me. My playthroughs of Kingdom Hearts II and Birth By Sleep were awesome times that felt very brisk and intense, never giving me a moment of boredom or anger. Watching the dynamics of 358/2 Days was genuinely entertaining while watching the schlock that is Re:Coded was monotonous and ultimately pointless.

This collection is highly flawed, and I only came out enjoying half of the experiences it offered, which is why I am giving it this rather middling score. While KH2, BBS, and the story of 358/2 Days are inherently good times for me, they don't exactly outweigh the, to quote Re:Coded here, "hurt" that KH, CoM and the story of Re:Coded brought upon me.

I definitely see myself coming back to KH2 and BBS in the future, but I doubt I will ever play KH1 or CoM ever again.

If you're looking for a dive into the Kingdom Hearts series, I can't fully recommend it. If you don't care about story, just play 2 and BBS, and if you do care about story you're better off playing a different franchise altogether. Either way, I hope you have a better experience with this collection as a whole than I did.

A solid collection. Definitely worth a purchase if you're looking to get into the series. I can't really say I'm a fan but I also can't say that these games aren't well-made.

Solo lo jugue por donald pero la saga en general es una basura. (No boicot pls)

Kingdom Hearts 1 is a pretty good game, I'm not really fond of anything else in this package. Worth noting that this is the best way to play most of these games, though.

Fantastic collection of two really great games, one pretty good one, and a godawful one

Honestly getting this high a score for the deal alone

Go read the reviews of the games itselfs.

-1.5 stars for your terrible audio balance on the PS4 version. COMPRESS YOUR GODDAMN AUDIO SQUARE! CHRIST!

¿Recordáis cuando teníais que tener cinco consolas distintas para jugar a toda la saga Kingdom Hearts? Problema resuelto: aquí tienes los cuatro mejores juegos bien junticos, más un resumen de la historia de los dos títulos de Nintendo DS, todo a tope de resolución y fotogramas, y con los extras de las versiones Final Mix (antaño exclusivas de Japón). Vamos, que si eres capaz de perdonar que Kingdom Hearts II no conserve el doblaje en castellano, es la mejor opción para rejugar a esta saga tan única o para hincarle el diente por primera vez.

The collection that put me on Nomura's wild ride. Definitely worth the value for the amount of games and content you get.

includes every game ever made

Coleção de alguns jogos da franquia para você que quer entrar nesse belo mundo que é kingdom hearts.

KH1 is boring as hell until the ending, which is pretty good ngl
KH Re:CoM is legit just my least favorite game of all time, seriously that game sucks
KH 358/2 days has a great story, dunno how the gameplay is considering i just watched the cutscenes
KH2 is fantastic and my favorite game in the series, The Other Promise is a 10/10 song and i will cry if you play it with me around
KH BBS is alright, im a fan of the command deck but there is almost zero story until the endings, but the ending is pretty sick
KH Re:Coded blows. glad i didnt play the actual game

all in all, i enjoyed my time with this collection (except Re:CoM, i would tear my balls off before i played that trash heap again.) but these games were not nearly as good as i had heard they were, minus KH2 and maybe BBS. I definitely recommend playing most these games if you think you might like them, but just watch Re:CoM's cutscenes on youtube or something, spare yourself the pain and suffering i and others have endured. On to 2.8 final chapter prologue, i've started Dream Drop Distance and i really like it so far.