Reviews from

in the past

its stupid as hell but really fun anyway

This is the greatest game of all time. Nothing compares to it. What other game can merge serious and philosophical themes in a disney kids game? Only one man: Tetsuya Nomura.

The first few hours of this game is some of the finest storytelling in gaming. You open up as this completely new character right off the bat named Roxas. Who is thi guy? Why is he important? Where is Sora? What is happening? Where is this town? What are those white heartless? Who is Axel? Questions just keep piling on and on without any sort of answer until Twilight Town completely deconstructs and reality crumbles down on Roxas as this mysterious boy returns to Sora. This is how you open your fucking game. There's so much mystery to rope you in and trap you. The more you play the more you want all the secrets of this game to be revealed.

The story is dumbassdere at its finest. Nothing makes sense, this game has not only thrown logic out the window entirely but has picked up its mangled corpse and beat it to a bloody pulp. Nomura doesn't even know what logic is, if Nomura thinks something is cool, he is going to shove it in the game, its some fucking Twin Peaks shit. I live for it. Nobody can explain what the fuck any of this shit means. Its beautiful. The game can still be really heavily emotional like Roxas vs. Sora being maybe the most heartbreaking boss fight in all of video game history. The themes in this game touch upon morality; is what Sora doing really right? Xemnas has no ability to process the consequences of what he is doing, his only motivation is to gain something that was ripped away from him. Themes of existentialism: the nobodies entire crusade to collect the drained hearts of the heartless to create Kingdom Hearts and free them all from their curse of existing while non-existance. It contains themes of depression as Roxas and Sora both go through their own internal conflict throughout. The story is perfect and I will not hear otherwise.

The gameplay is beyond fun. No game has ever felt this sleek to me. Everything I do command Sora to do, he does instantly; no clunkyness or unresponsiveness. The games fights flow so well- most boss battles can make 15 minutes feel like 4 with how fast paced and constant everything is. There is so much variety in boss fights with it forcing you to utilize every fighting style. and adapt. Bosses can be both extremely fast paced huge boss vs. Sora relying on using magic and killing the boss as fast as possible or slow methodical fights where waiting for openings instead of relentlessly attacking is preferred. The game has it all. Don't even get me started on Lingering Will. Every enemy and boss in this game is unique, they all have their own personality and abilities to learn and adapt to.

Overall this game fucks. I love it.

A maddening experience that offers some strong characterization and a handful of great combat sequences but also happily wastes tens of hours of the player's time with uninspired level design and some truly boring characters it dwells on too long. I've seen the game through twice without holding the controller - if I was just reviewing that experience and not the times I've tried to play it myself, I would be a bit more positive on the thing.

Still not like, a GREAT game, but it's way better than KH1 and it still has a ton of charm.

The finale of this has you chopping buildings in half, running on the side of them, then throwing them through space at some dude sitting on a throne on top of a dragon's head.

Of course it's combat is also perfect and you can't say enough good things about the music.

lo estaba rejugando y lo pasé bien pero mi yo de 12 años recuerda lo cheesy que es (y eso está bien)

Yeah the story is a complete mess, yeah the Disney worlds have no purpose to the actual story, yeah I find the first 2 hours of the game to be really annoying as it's in the way of what I really wanna play. Kingdom Hearts 2 has some issues I can admit that but I generally believe that this game is saved from it's gameplay. There is nothing like it, the things you can pull off in this game are insane. Every battle is fun, every new ability you unlock makes you feel stronger, every boss fight is this super cool anime as hell battle. I don't think i'll ever play a game quite like Kingdom Heart 2. It is truly one of a kind.

Supera al 1 en absolutamente todo menos en su irrisoria dificultad. Aquí Nomura ya tenia un reconocido problema con las bebidas espirituosas. El prólogo me sigue pareciendo de las mayores idas de olla que se le puede ocurrir a alguien PERO he de decir que está bastante bien!!

Algunas cosas son tan buenas como las recordaba (ese inicio, la elección de mundos), pero tiene un ritmo irregular que le pesa a veces, y aunque el combate en general es una mejora le faltan algunas cosas claves del primero.

said i'd come back to this once my friend who told me to play all the kh games reads one piece

good game though

This game’s story is convoluted, weird, and at the time it expected you to play what looked like a spin-off card game on the Gameboy Advanced to get the full story beforehand. However, it makes up for that with the really excellent bosses, some fun characters and worlds, and outstanding music. This game series is like a “Love it or hate it” series. Either you find it really charming or fun, or you can’t stand pretty much all of it

Não tive a mesma sensação jogando esse jogo, o outro me deu uma vibe de aventura desafiadora onde passar pelos mundos eram algo interessante. Aqui os mundos ficaram meio chatos, achei um jogo muito rápido e fácil de se jogar, tive praticamente nenhuma dificuldade, mas o boss final foi simplesmente incrível

KHII goes for the typical blockbuster sequel gambit of going bigger and bolder, ratcheting up the stakes and throwing a whole lot more at Sora and company—more worlds, more bosses, and just more setpieces in general. The addition of Reaction Commands and the Drive gauge do a lot to shift the general balance and vibe of combat from the more grounded and technical style of the first game to something more focused on delivering gonzo anime moments within actual play. This shift in tone and emphasis extends to the Gummi Ship gameplay as well, turning it from a Star Fox (SNES)-like shooter into a frenetic on-rails game with heavy arcade vibes.
In my opinion, the series suffered for the general expansion of everything; what worlds gained in number and size, they lost in interesting platforming challenges and environmental puzzles like the magic interactions in the first game's Traverse Town. NPCs are also fewer and further between, and it feels like the abundance of often-frustrating minigames was an attempt to make up the difference. This kind of world design has plagued the series ever since, and while it's excusable in the DS entries, it's a lot more frustrating in the major titles like Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance. As solid as the combat can be, Kingdom Hearts II is definitely a step back from the first game in terms of the life it exudes, though it's redeemed in large part by one of the best endgames of the entire series. The characters, particularly those unique to the series, are all fun to interact with, and the payoff is well worth everything else.

played 2.5. some of my fav combat in any hack-and-slash

Congratulations on your 'most improved' award Square Enix!

what if ur entire world and perception of self was fracturing around you and even while that was happening you still tried to make connections and be with your friends. anyway the roxas opening literally best video game stuff ever.

While MY heart will always belong to Kingdom Hearts 1, Kingdom Hearts 2 features such drastic improvements to the first game's combat that I dare not argue with proclamations that it is the better game. It has the charm, the polish, and the art. Yes, Nomura is an artist. Get over it.

The best kingdom hearts game and the start of the brain rot for me

mas wapo que el 1 y ademas sale axel

Algunos pueden opinar que este juego no es perfecto y que está sobrevalorado, pero yo no soy de esas personas, me da calorcito al corazón y lo hará siempre.

My favorite game as a kid before AC2 came out. I played the everloving soul out of this game. The great gameplay, the lovable characters and story, it's all there, man. It's a classic just like its predecessor, and the gameplay is all the smoother and better. I just wish it could have had better level design. Has one of the best endings in video game history.

this game starts off really strong gameplay and story wise, but after about the 3rd disney world the gameplay and story fall off pretty hard.

the gameplay is way too easy and the story is nonexistent past that with the square stuff not being well integrated into the disney stuff (although kh2 has the best worlds in the series).

towards the end both pick up pretty well though and is one of the best finales ive seen a game do.

This is the point where I stopped paying attention to anything that went on in the cutscenes and just focused on whacking the shit out of shadowy blob creatures while Donald Duck and Goofy yelled the same like 3 voice lines over and over again