Reviews from

in the past

the "Pleb Filter" of the kirby series. many people who try to play this game will end up feeling crushed by its enjoyable atmosphere and give up on it for being "too easy", if you are fortunate enough to be able to appreciate the games truly extreme ease of play, you will find that this is a very fun entry in the kirby series that includes many things we all know and love (yarn, felt, etc.)

He oído mucho hate para este juego. A mi me pareció adorable y muy divertido en multijugador.

Charming game, no copy abilities is sort of a bummer but makes up for it in pure enjoyment.

Visually this is the most interesting and creative game I've ever played. The yarn and craft themed graphics are already a great selling point but it's also just a really nice game. Kirby games don't exactly pride themselves on their layered gameplay, but even then this one fits in a lot of really cool platforming ideas just by taking away flight and abilities, the mechanics that typically serve as the foundation for these games. I play this game with childlike wonder and you should too.

very easy but very fun. also the 3ds version straight up removed multiplayer why nintendo WHY

Kirby's Epic Yarn is my favourite game of all time. Ever since I tried this game in 2011 (Europe release year), I knew this game was something special, and I'd hold it dearly to my heart.
Now I haven't replayed it in about a year or two, maybe three, but to this day I can remember every single level. From the chill, wholesome, relaxing Flower Fields, to the terrifying, awesome, exhilarating Deep-Dive Deep, to the epic, climactic, riveting duel with Meta Knight, I could go on. Even the typically dreaded water world is something I always look forward to on replay. You cannot go about a few seconds without going 'aww' or 'woah'; the design is immaculate.
I'm not going to defend the relatively straightforward story, but an alright story is better than a story that doesn't make sense. This game also has no need for one, as it's filled with cute cinematics voiced by a lovely narrator, and that should be enough to satisfy your down time needs in-between worlds.
The soundtrack made me fall in love with my favourite instrument: the piano. On paper, a piano shouldn't be able to convey that many emotions, let alone compose a game with lots of variety in level design. Fortunately, the piano is prominent, suited and catchy to the majority of the soundtrack in the game; from the radiant, upbeat, jovial Rainbow Falls, to the tense, in-your-face, fast-paced Lava Landing, to the nostalgic and familiar yet pleasantly surprising Green Greens, again, I could go on.
In regards to the admittedly easy difficulty, I'm not going to hold that factor against it and rather use it as a positive aspect of this game. Let's get one thing clear: if you're playing Kirby for its hard difficulty, you're playing the wrong series. Kirby was always designed to be a beginner friendly platformer, hence having unlimited jumps in every other game, and it attracts more experienced players because they want a break from their difficult videogames. Same scenario here- because you can hop on and play most levels without much trouble, it makes for a nice Friday evening game to relax with. If you are looking for something exciting, try getting a gold medal on every course and the secret platinum medal on boss fights; they unlock hidden levels which makes it very rewarding. Maybe try playing minigames, some of them can pose an unironic threat once you get to 5-star difficulty. Not being able to die and game over is something I've always been looking for a while in videogames. Nowadays, they just don't really mean nor prove anything. In contrast, losing your beads and your streak when you get hit/fall off is a fascinating way to approach this - lesser skilled players won't mind not getting a gold star on levels, and completionists are incentivised to be extra careful.
Not going to get into this point deeply but this game also really helped me get through a darker time in my life, seeing everything so filled with life really helped spark life back into me again!
In conclusion, I recommend this game not only to all gamers, but to those who don't play videogames too. This is one of the primary candidates for the argument that video games are indeed art, and that is a hill I will die on

Thinking about this game makes me happy :)

GOAT game, perfect stress relief title when played casually, with beautiful and calming piano medleys infesting the whole game, and an adorable yarn aesthetic that gives the game a unique flair.

Gameplay wise, while it's quite easy casually, trying to 100% the game is a different beast, and will introduce quite a bit of challenge to the experience. It's a unique and fun spin on the Kirby formula and a joy to play through. 2 player makes it even more palletable. Just a great title altogether, one of Kirby's best spinoffs.

Fun little Kirby game, would like to see an HD port on Switch

I have an emotional attachment to this games music and I will have a mental breakdown if I hear songs from it.

basic level design, it relies on its aesthetic too much

If you're looking for a super challenging game, you gotta look somewhere else. This game is definitely made for younger audiences and people looking for something more casual, but is that a bad thing? No! This is an incredibly fun and lax game to play, and it's even better when you're playing with a friend. It's definitely different than your traditional Kirby game, the inhale ability is replaced with the yarn unravel thing, and you don't have a lives system or die, opting for a more Wario Land-esque approach where you just lose beads and get a lower score. The music is so sublime, the light piano melodies are enough to make you shed a tear. The art style is so unique and charming, everything being made of fabric and yarn is genius and looks amazing. If you hate this game your heart is shriveled and black.

this is like the easiest game ever but its so damn cute and just enjoyable

Easy doesn't mean bad, and this game is a top tier example.
Epic Yarn is so easy it is impossible to die, but it's a fantastic game. It's presentation is delightful, it has really good level design that encourages exploration, and there is so much variety with level gimmicks and themes.

Easy as hell but, incredibly charming.

Sometimes u need a baby game to calm u down and that's all that kirby's epic yarn is. I play this when I'm stressed and suddenly I'm not stressed anymore :D

I played this one a lot. It was really cute, but I wish good feel made another wario land game.

I played most of this in co-op with my little brother. It's a soft, cute game that I still think about. Kirby is a great little guy, and yarn Kirby is like Kirby Kirby except he's made of yarn. Too cute!

Happy cute game with fun decorating and amazing length in 2 dimensions of worlds. Two players made it great to play with my sister and I come back to it multiple times only to get stuck decorating my house. The aesthetics was the start to the Nintendo's "artistic aesthetic" games like Wooly world too which blew people's minds back then.

Its a great chill game the music makes you smile listening to it. The cute noises and emotions that enemies show sometimes give me tiny heart attacks.

>Gets kinda slow
>Not insanely good
>needs more customization

it's just really cute i liked it

"Kirby's Epic"

Yeah, that really is true.

Really cute, but also really boring. Would probably be great to play with a young kid though!

THE BEST KIRBY GAME I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!