Reviews from

in the past

for me the best lego batman game, really like the scenarios and characters here

I beat this one like years ago. Pretty cool game, i'm not the biggest fan of DC or super heroes in general but I had fun.

I wish I could play it again if it stops freezing at the main lobby

Eu gostei. Mas tava mais para Lego Liga da Justiça doque Lego Batman. Mas muito legal poder jogar com os Lanternas e a variedade absurda de personagens.

i've never been so annoyed with a lego game purely because of the voice acting and dialogue. had to disable it. also really subpar in comparison to lego batman 2. MID!

jogo foda demais , incrivelmente bom ate os dias de hj

Very fun batman lego game with tons of DC characters to play as. The game is very fun and very funny. Unlocking all the characters is a pleasure to do because of all the unique characters you can play as. Still levels feel very linear to where most likely after you unlock all the characters. You'll probably stop playing immediately after.

They got rid of cool city overworld from 2 and replaced it with some lame Lantern planets, this sucks

patolino fdp, inverteu a gravidade do meu jogo

Depois que eu Zerei meu save corrompeu!

Nunca mais Jogo Jogos de Lego!

Zerei esse aqui com gosto. Jogo muito bom

Quizás algún día lo retomo, pero lo poco que jugué se me hizo eterno.

F il mimi. İzleyip oynamıştım Meh. Meh tadında Bi lego oyunu

Em quesito técnico no que se concerne ao desenvolvimento da história, este Lego destroi todos os outros do 360. É muito bem-feito, na moral.

Best lego game, argue with my dick

One of my favorite Lego games, I remember this game like the back of my hand as I have played it multiple times over

Um exemplo de como não fazer uma continuação.

1-4 is the lego game that makes the most frustrated, but LB3 is actually the worst one

muitos bugs e mundo aberto bizarro, ainda sim eu acho um bom jogo

Quase me suicidei enquanto fazia o 100% desse jogo

É um dos últimos jogos de Lego bons que joguei, a campanha é cansativa mas explorar os planetas dos Lanternas é uma das partes mais legais, tem um monte de personagens divertidos pra coletar. Mas não suportei jogar pela segunda vez

Lego Batman 3 is definitely a mark above Lego Batman 2 for me, however it fails to quite reach the heights of the first game. Character designs have improved drastically from the previous games and all the characters look really great here. Unfortunately a lot of abilities are shared between characters, making some characters feel useless compared to others. It felt like a lot of the times there wasn’t much point in a character being there, as a different one shared all the abilities needed for a level.
The level design is also much tighter, with everything packed into a much smaller space, which is nice to see after everything felt a little too spread out in some of the levels in previous games. Some levels are also not as fun to play through, especially during the last section of the game, but I’d say this is more the minority. There is also a nice variety of different settings, something the second game was really lacking.
The story is pretty good; although I’m not really a fan of brainiac as a villain he is used quite well here. The classic Lego games humour is more successful here than in the second, with the different jokes and gags landing much better and more frequently.
The thing that really holds this game back though is that the open world is split is separate planetoids (each of the different lantern characters), some of which have a really awkward sphere mechanic (like the one in Mario Galaxy, but bad). A lot of these planetoids are also quite barren, more empty wasteland than thriving planet. Empty wastelands mixed with awkward planetoid mechanics make exploring the open worlds feel pointless and frustrating. After having the city of Gotham as the previous open world, it would have been much nicer to just have an improved version of that here, perhaps with some other superhero’s home cities mixed in.