Reviews from

in the past

Couldn't get into it, the fall of a legend for me


wow Cool

would happily pay full price if it meant not having to grind or buy continues. still very chill game

let it die is one of those games that i couldn't stop myself from going back to, i wish that it was less pay to win

Finished the mainline floors without ever paying a single cent. The people commenting about paywalls and micro transactions are all fucking casuals who never had to grind or get good in their life. But some criticism is valid to this game as it can get very repetitive to it's combat.

Only tips I'd give you is: Get Good, Get Grinding.

You have 2 options. Spend real money on micro-transactions or grind for hours.

Neither is worth it because the game's combat gets repetitive and boring fast and the game just isn't interesting enough to want to spend all those hours grinding and this is coming from someone who loves Suda51.

I would LOVE to see a version of this that isn't designed as P2W.

i love so much about this game but god i wish it could've just been a $60 singleplayer game instead of the FTP P2W pvpve disaster it is

i can't give a game with such a good OST a bad score

tv cok uzaktaydı oynayamadım

The pay to play killed it for me. Otherwise style gets a 5/5 SENPAI

servicable roguelike with decent execution but woefully predatory microtransaction shit. Really dig the aesthetic though.

I saw the trailer for this on the day it dropped at a mates house and got really exciting to download it and play it when i got home. Then i did, and it kinda just sucks

Really good controls and gameplay, just gotta be good and craft armor/weapons. Amazing combat for a F2P game.

Love the vibe and music from this one, shame it ends up being a pay 2 win in the end.

I always liked the concept, but that's about it. Nothing else about it is very good at all, and it's very pay to win. Back to the drawing board.

I’m a black gay guy and I can personally say that Suda51 did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse. Everything is so much better under Hideyuki Shin though. I feel respected - which I never do when democrats are involved.

I get the point of the game is that it's supposed to be repetitive and grinding since it's the theme of the game, but I have other games I wanna play plus it's just not nearly as fun as the developers thought it would be, making me want to put it down even more.

eu até gostei,mas é meio confuso e esquisito

raro de la forma mala, quisieron monetizar un soulslike y no les quedó claro como hacerlo sin parecer completas ratas

Pues nada un juego gratuito, de mi señor suda51. Aqui lo más chulo, que tiene es de que manera te cuenta la historia. Uncle Death, uno de los personajes del juego es un cachondo. Pero lo que más, falla creo que es la falta de algunos recursos que nos puede joder demasiado la experiencia de juego.

I thought it looked really cool and really enjoyed the aesthetics, the reason I didn't finish it was because I didn't like the gameplay but hey everything else was pretty cool.