Reviews from

in the past

sadly doesnt handle nor run too well but it's well within playability

It's not very fun, but it's not horrible. I couldn't get through it in the best of times though. So, it doesn't get the 2/5 I'd give to something I could realistically complete, but it's better than something not worth playing. So, 1.5/5.

Funnily enough, just like LBP1 I never beat this game either because I got stuck on a level. BUT ONE DAY IT WILL HAPPEN

Truly not a good game but it was cute

basically imagine kart racing but you get to make your own tracks and it has my man sackboy

Sans doutes pas le meilleur jeu de karting existant mais une bonne adaptation de l'univers de LittleBigPlanet
Très amusant avec des amis !

The Progress Emporium is one of the most creative worlds and setpieces in a racing game I've seen probably ever and I just REALLY wish it wasn't stuck in an solely okay one

planejo jogar, parece ser divertido

Casi tan bueno como Modnation Racers

It's aight. I bought this game near launch back in the day and didn't actually really play it much due to not wanting to deal with the PS3s whole updating procedures plus the whole game installing nonsense and transferring all my existing LBP DLC so I just kinda had it on the shelf for a better part of a decade. Didn't help much that there was a lot of negative buzz around this game, with it reviewing to mediocre reception and most people who have played it said it was rather meh, so I never really had a reason to take the plunge I guess. After finally getting around to playing it, it really wasn't all that bad, gotta admit. It definitely had decent enough game feel and polish put into it to not feel like a shovelware kart racer cash grab. The soundtrack is also pretty great, with licensed songs that aren't horrible and fantastic arrangements of the original games music.

I'd imagine that the real problem with this game isn't necessarily the gameplay itself, but just rather its release. 2012 do be a pretty late year in the PS triples lifespan, and by the time this game released the system had several kart racers on it, so I figure that this game would probably be a bit redundant, especially given the existence of Modnation racers, which basically already filled in the "LBP but kart racing" niche that existed, not to mention that game also playing similar to this but with some added depth in the actual kart racing mechanics.

Regardless, due to the fact that both this and Modnation were developed by the same studio and that they both likely shared the same servers, online support for both titles have long since been extinct. Which sucks, because it seems like the online component here was quite the selling point. I'd imagine the user created tracks would have been really cool to race on, though I do wonder if this game had the same social-media-esque community that the main series of LBP had... It definitely feels like something is missing when playing offline. If they ever bring the servers back with some kind of fan private server, I'd bump the score by a star.

Overall, it do be a standard kart racer for the PS3 released at a time where the PS3 already had a bunch of great kart racers. Even though the online component of the game is long-gone, I still felt the core gameplay was solid and definitely had a fun trip finally playing this.

It was another karting game of the time, but as a LBP fan, it was nice to see the characters and the touches of the franchise added to a racing game. It just wasn´t so memorable for me. I´m giving it a 6, but it was a nice game to spend some time on.

Given the context of this IP and ModNation Racers, I should have been over the moon for this game… but that didn’t happen.

kupiłam to tylko po to żeby stary przestał grać w gran turismo

this game was too hard for 7 year old me

jeu qui sortait de ce que la franchise LittleBigPlanet faisait habituellement, mais qui a quand même réussi à avoir sa propre identité et DA

mario kart but you can make your own tracks. NO ONE IS TELLING ME THIS GAME ISNT GOATED

It is an okay game, my personal favorite game of the franchise but still the most average kart racer I have played

its like modnation but boring and without any of the good mechanics that game had

Pretty fun game! It's of course a mimic of mario kart, but it still has some original elements to it, and the 3D creator is pretty good too!

We were this close to glory. We were THIS CLOSE.

I don't need to justify myself to you

God this game was so fun. I miss it.