Reviews from

in the past

buen compiladito de historias al estilo SCP pero se me hizo muy repetitivo

An endless cycle of misery porn that insist upon itself, culminating in one of the most gratifying and cathartic endings I have experienced.

Please please PLEASE give this game a shot. Don't just skip it for the sequel Library of Ruina

gameplay hurts my smol brain but story is beeg kino, especially the second half.

CBT Simulator.
But goddang if it ain't the best CBT I have willingly performed on myself.
Don't be ashamed if you're filtered, the story is worth it regardless.

Never did a review of this but oh man...

I actually love the gameplay, the feeling of getting new abnormalities in your facilities and discovering what they do is great. Getting one that benefits your facility by having good gear or easy to train on, or one that could make your life a living hell.

Story is amazing, one of the most unique and engaging stories I've read in a video game.

jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely [CENSORED].

i would have succeeded the project in one loop

a Case study on Stockholm syndrome Shows that this game Sucks ass

Evangelion would be envyous of that lore and worldbuilding
And the fucking devil would be envyous either for not being able to create such infernal gameplay

Dont take this abandoned status to entirely mean that the game is bad. It isnt, far from it in fact, and those who perhaps have more stamina than I to see the game through to its completion could have a genuinely great time with it. Let me explain.

Lobotomy corp is the dream game of any SCP aficionado of the mid 2000's. Anyone who frequented that site and enjoyed its variable levels of clinical intrigue, horror, and occasionally simple humor, usually ask themselves what it would be like to really be the manager of such a corporation.

The game does this quite well, having a slick well thought out system of managing abnormalities (as they are called in-game). Each day, you choose an abnormality from 3 presented to you, which are randomly selected from a list. In the beginning, you will lack any and all knowledge on them, and have to shoot from the hip from a vague quotation from their story description. After obtaining your horror, you send your agents to perform work on it. The work produces energy, which is your end goal to end any given day of the game.

The game revolves around a system of 4 colors. Red, White, Black, and Pale. Each corresponding to each of the 4 agent's stats, each of the 4 damage types, and each of the 4 abnormality work types. Abnormalities deal one of the 4 damage types, have differing resistances to them, and have differing success rates with each of the work types.

The most interesting part though are the unique effects of the abnormalities, which delightfully vary wildly. Each categorized by its effective threat level. Zayin, Teth, He, Waw, and Aleph. Zayin are basically harmless and Aleph... Well, I'll just let you find out about Aleph's yourself.

Abnormalities want to break out, and usually their effects revolve around how they attempt to do so, whether theyre just a brick shit house and will rip your employees to shreds, or they slowly infect your employees and turn them into soldiers for its ever growing army if managed improperly. Information is the most important currency in the game, and its what you keep with you between each run.

The game is a rogue-lite, where in you do a run, get as far as you can, learn as much as you can, and then start over and try to play more efficiently. Its a fun loop, and it uses this to tell an intruiging and emotionally sympathetic tale of loss and forgiveness.

Youre told the story by completing certain objectives in addition to meeting your energy quota, as well as just continuing further into the game. Sadly, this is where my main problem arises. Lobotomy corp, while having a great premise, good characterization, and good story, drags itself too thin with what it has. I personally found after 126 hours of play time that I simply lacked the motivation to continue, Starting over and going through the motions of the earlier days, especially when I had gotten all the info on all the abnormalities the game had in store for me, became tedious. Its a loop of grinding up agent's stats and filling the energy quota as quickly as possible, so that in a few hours you can get back to where you were and hopefully eek out completing the next objective, which will more than likely require you to sacrifice agents and valuable equipment to succeeds, making you very incentivized to start over again to attempt the next objective. This is where I have to admit that this may simply be a lack of stamina for the kind of game lobotomy corp is, but I know that I would have enjoyed it far more if it had allowed me to skip those early days after a certain point.

I love the game, and think it has very solid mechanics, premise, and writing, especially for Project Moon's first game, but I feel like it stretches too little, too far.

today i woke up feeling korean and slightly autistic

SOUL acima de qualidade técnica

Um jogo de managing tão único que cai na mesma categoria de jogos "que não tem nada solido para fazer uma comparação que faz justiça ao jogo" que jogos como killer7 caem. Dá para ver que o jogo foi claramente feito com muito amor e carinho pela historia, personagens, inimigos, gimmicks das abnos e mecânicas interessantíssimas inseridas no game, e, sendo mais importante, ele mostra todo o potencial que a Project Moon tem como desenvolvedora, mesmo sendo feito por poucas pessoas e com pouca verba; é, contudo, importante ressaltar --O que jogo tem de carinho ele tem de questionável.
Glitches, bugs visuais frequentes, leaks de memorias, crashs são coisas, extremamente comuns (e frustrantes) devido a seu código que, reza a lenda, tão ruim que compensa mais fazer o jogo do zero do que tentar arrumar ele. O jogo segue o conselho de seus pais de "não fica jogando por muito tempo" deixando tudo carregado de uma vez só na tela e, invés de loopar a musica, carregando a musica padrão do jogo toda a vez que ela acaba. O ponto é: quanto mais tempo você fica jogando, mais ele vai usar memoria RAM por causa dessas falhas técnicas, chegando sem esforço nos 2 gbs usados entre o dia 30-50, deixando o computador lento demais.
O jogo tem o mesmo nível de dificuldade traiçoeira de um jogo de arcade antigo, é punitivo no nível que é mais intrusivo e incomodo do que desafiador (como em certos pontos o jogo pode tirar a sua habilidade de pausar ou te punir por isso.)
Com o passar do tempo, o jogo fica extremamente arrastado para passar de cada dia e cada vez mais estressante. Você tem que: prestar atenção no que cada abno faz, ficar tomando 1001 cuidados com gimmicks dos bichos que são opostos, lidar com aquele sistema de combate que as vezes não responde bem, lidar com as ordeals que são ou mais incomodas do que tudo ou o literal inferno de passar (sim violet midnight, eu estou olhando para você), as abnos de itens que quase sempre mais atrapalham do que ajudam e geralmente você é obrigado a usar para não ser prejudicado etc... Enquanto eu tenho certeza que parte das reclamações são a intenção (no caso de ser difícil de lidar com tanta abno), não deixa de ser estressante quando o jogo começa a dar uma engasgadas quando se dá um zoom out.
Apesar de ter chegado bem perto eu não consegui zerar, não posso no mérito das "boss fights" que o jogo tem (no caso luta luta mesmo) apesar de ter uns problemas com isso, mas os Sephirah Meltdown num geral são legais até só tem uns que são bem chatinhos por precisarem que você chegue no ultimo nivel de meltdown do dia.
Lobocorp é um jogo realmente interessante, as ideias dele são ótimas e te prende esse mistério da historia com a inspiração de SCP que o jogo tem, o jogo tem SOUL, céus eu tenho 81 horas de jogo, eu quero gostar desse jogo, eu quero tentar zerar ele, eu conseguiria ignorar as gimmicks e as mecânicas que chamo de injustas e intrusivas, eu ia poder ignorar isso tudo e ir até o final, mas o jogo foi feito com um esparadrapo velho que mal consegue se colar, uma lata de guaraná jesus e um saco de suspiro que está a 3 dias fora da validade.
O que seria uma nota 3~4,5/5 é um 1,5 por causa da parte técnica, o que não parece que vão arrumar nunca dada que ultima atualização de bug fix do jogo foi em setembro de 2018. O jogo foi feito pensando mais em seu conteúdo (que não me entenda mal, é excelente e é o motivo de eu ficar frustrado com isso tudo) do que como fazer isso funcionar na parte do código. É realmente lamentável ver algo que se a PM se empenhasse em dar uma retocada, ia ser perfeito, mas a empresa já deixou bem claro que tem outros planos.
Anyway a Hod é linda demais e a Angela também, quem discordar disso está ERRADO.

If you like interesting lore, challenging games, creepy cool monster designs, management simulators, or morally gray anime characters that make you wonder if you're being talked down to but with enough plausible deniability to make you ignore it, look no further!

Lobotomy Corporation is an extremely addicting game where you manage the workers at an energy production company. The energy is harvested from monsters called "abnormalities" and you have to make sure you work with them in just the right way or they might eat your workers alive, break loose, or have some other awful effect on your facility. You can restart every work day in case anything goes wrong though, so if something doesn't go according to plan you can have a do over.

The monsters all have unique and really cool designs. Some of the abnormalities are pretty grotesque abominations but there are goofier ones, like some human sized shrimps vibing in their containment cell. They all have a detailed write up about them that you can unlock and read about if you work with them enough. Sometimes it's about how they came to be, sometimes it's a little story about it that happened in the facility, it varies from abnormality to abnormality. There are also monsters you can fight that will spawn in the facility and aren't abnormalities, and those are pretty cool too.

The heads of the different departments in game will give you missions that you don't really have to complete, but if you do rewards you with some of their backstory and some more information about the world. You start to get a better idea of the big picture the more you play, and it makes you want to keep playing to keep learning new information.

This isn't a game for everybody, but if you're okay with a bit of horror and some light gore, and if any of what I said interests you, I'd definitely recommend this.


I'm too stupid to beat this game but I did (partially) spoil it for myself like an idiot because i love this world's lore. One day I'll get good at video games and beat this properly and see the story play out as intended instead of reading a wiki page. But its still super fun.

Greatest youtube video I've ever seen

You're a cuck if you watched the cutscenes on YouTube.

Played this on Youtube following the teachings of legendary master and expert on this matter Nate Light

this shit aint rateable but its good (?) if you can handle being crushed under an hydraulic press
Ayin is amazing!

Edit: This is one of my favourite games.

Quite the experience, while it has it's fair share of problems it is overall enjoyable experience with solid lore and worldbuilding.

Gameplay's majorly frustrating and janky, but the story and lore is incredibly compelling and great. Would probably recommend watching an LP or modding it instead of playing normally, unless you are SUPER into the gameplay or are a masochist. Maybe you're both. The ending is one of the coolest things ever. Angela and Binah are queens.

More terrifying, more earnest work than being a New York Stock Exchange trader.

hitting my head against the wall all day in this game is definitely a better experience than id ever expect. despite being both extremely unoptimized and a bit lacking in other areas i dont regret any of my time with it.

also how the story builds and finishes is absolutely worth it

a massive stone tablet got dropped on georgia's head. they miraculously survived. they were then run over by a train. without georgia, they're all helpless, they will be consumed by a large bird.