Reviews from

in the past

what a funny little game. had a wonderful time playing through.

being a little generous with this one because that really did give me the heebiejeebies; think it's ultimately maybe a little too short and suffers on a 2nd run (made much shorter), but, as said, man this is really creepy stuff and it's super impressive. Great vibes! perfect for the season

Definetly a game that scared the absolute shit out of me as a kid. I'm not sure if the story holds up as I've grown older but the father figure is one fucked up dude and I do appreciate the game kind of exploring how evil this dude is. I really don't like the true ending honestly.

One of my first games in the rpg maker horror era(Surprisingly enough, it was made in Wolf rpg). It was interesting but wish it was longer.

My one complaint is the chase sequences. For a game that relies so heavily on puzzles, having random chase sequences that rely on quick reaction times just feel out of place. Especially the ending chase scene... I gave up RIGHT before beating the game because the ending chase scene was just too hard and I felt like the story wasn't worth it to see through.

Definitely deserves its RPGMaker Classic title, despite not being made in the engine, but one that should be played during a scary movie night with friends watching you, rather than for actual horror or solo enjoyment.

This review contains spoilers

Foi um jogo interessante e os puzzles foram até bem intuitivos (tirando uns q me deram raiva). A história foi construída praticamente toda de uma vez no final e acho que tinha um potencial bom pra ela se não fosse os personagens e o próprio jogo querer que você perdoe o pai mesmo depois de ele ser um tremendo filho da puta nojento e matar centenas de pessoas com experimentos, e a própria Aya age assim o tempo todo e até a própria mãe que foi literalmente assassinada por ele. Outra coisa que me incomoda muito foi o jogo constantemente desviar a culpa das ações do pai ou culpar a Maria por ele ter traído a mãe da Aya, e isso pra mim foi absolutamente ridículo.
Fora isso, a ideia dele transformar a própria filha e várias pessoas em bonecas eu achei bem interessante e o final verdadeiro foi até legal. Aliás os visuais e a trilha sonora são muito bons.

Okay But This Is One Of My Favorite Concepts For A Video Game Ever

Certified hood classic, back when I was 12 this was the first game I did as a series, fully voice acted, though unfortunately, I've since deleted those videos because people from my school found them. The feedback I got from my peers about voice acting wasn't bad or anything but yeah, this was a good time, wish that RPG maker games were still banging like back in the day.

remember kids, if your parents are getting a divorce and are currently fighting for custody, just run away from home instead

this game is creepier than i remember it being

played this through with my sister

Gurl, no...

This game came as a really pleasant surprise to me as an unexpected birthday gift (I won't say who from in case they'd prefer I don't, but massive thank you again!)
It was received as a random recommendation that I immediately recognised as something I'd meant to look into years ago, but forgotten about - needless to say I hopped on it pretty quickly.

I didn't have any particular expectations per se, but I was pretty confident that I'd like it, and am happy to say that the surprises didn't stop once I booted it. I've only played a handful of Wolf RPG and RPG Maker horror games but the ones I've liked have hit a real sweet spot for me and it's become a niche that I'm increasingly eager to dip back into.

Mad Father - despite being quite a bit older than some others I've played - uses some really interesting techniques that I haven't seen all that much of to emphasise the horror element, without relying on loud bangs or grotesque monsters. It wasn't exactly groundbreaking or anything, but there were a number of little things that on my first encounter had my eyes light up a lil with a "woa nice!" - The first hour or so especially was just a joy to play through.

The story itself is pretty good, nothing to write home about but memorable, and for 95% of the the game it sticks to the narrative really well which is appreciated. There's also voice acting but only for certain lines or shrieks which did a much better job at elevating the eeriness than expected. The music was also great, and the art is pretty, just an all round a solid game honestly. Biggest gripe with it would unfortunately be the True Ending. I get what they were doing but idk, it's not what I wanted :(

In conclusion, if you're into indie horror RPG maker games this is well worth checking out, and thank you again to my friend for gifting it, twas an excellent choice! :)

apesar dos visuais bonitos e músicas fodas, a história se perde MUITO do meio pro final em um nível estratosférico e as perseguições são ridículas de difíceis (a maioria), sinto q podia ter sido melhor executado.

got to be one of my favourite rpg games of all time, the plot isn’t overdone and is the perfect amount. the game is easy to follow, and the puzzles aren’t too hard at all. the remakes definitely less scary than the original though it doesn’t change much and the way better graphics makes up for it completely. completely worth your money

made for 12 year olds who watch creepypasta youtubers (definitely not me when i was 12)

um dos rpg makers mais marcantes. é longo, mas não de um jeito arrastado, e sim de um jeito que tu se torna parte das aventuras da aya! há designs e osts mais marcantes por aí, mas mad father faz um trabalho bem feito no seu coraçãozinho. só não consigo aguentar os extras, chatonildo!!!

Fue de los primeros juegos rpg que jugué y me encantó

Played this in middle school and it's been my favorite horror game since.

One of the more mid games from the golden age of rpgmaker horror, it is still worth a playthrough regardless.

Peak. Erm. True ending is peak.
Dio slayed