Reviews from

in the past

I just really wish this game was the game I would have wanted when I was 12. I know its not but I can't give it up! Its going to get so much better with updates but its so dead already that its unlikely it'll continue to have support that long.

This game got bad press before it even came out because the character design's didn't look anything like the MCU actors. Which is stupid because this is a different take. I enjoyed the storyline for what it is and the combat is decent. The loot system isn't the best unfortunately and the enemies can be quite repetitive but it's a solid game overall. There's nothing coherently wrong with the game it can just be a bit boring and tedious at times.

Square Enix. Oh, Square Enix. Once the great Squaresoft, home of Final Fantasy and their questionably titled Western ports, now the grave of Eidos and subsequent acquisitions. Tell me, Squeenix: was it worth shelving Tomb Raider, shooting Deus Ex in the back of the head, losing Hitman, and getting BTFO'ed by People Can Fly for this dumpster fire of a GAAS? You had at your disposal some incredibly talented teams, some of the best IP in the business, and you threw it all away at a chance of striking gold with the most profitable heroes of all time.

And you couldn't even outshine Outriders.

Get fucked, Square. You did this to yourself.

0.5 out of 5.

Mom, can we have the Avengers?

sees a bunch of colorful comic book superheroes what if we made it look like an ugly Last of Us clone

Pretty bad. Saw it was made by Square Enix so I got my hopes up, was very disappointed.

Even as a major fan of both Square Enix and Marvel, this game is a huge disappointment. The story was extremely boring, combat becomes uninteresting after a few hours of playtime. Overall either wait for this game to go on sale for a low price or just watch a playthrough on YouTube.

This game earns its solitary half star by virtue of one kinda fun level where you play as Tony Stark rediscovering parts of the Iron Man suit. The rest is utterly irredeemable rubbish that's tantamount to an abuse of the Avengers licence. I played 10 hours of this game, waiting for the point where it gets good. I want my 10 hours back.

Leaves PS Now soon and I aint paying for these shit

It's an ok campaign that gets bogged down in trying to be a live service game. Crystal Dynamics knows how to make a story experience, but the extended multiplayer offerings are unbelievably misguided

Remember games before "games-as-a-service" was a thing? Same.

Not bad, the main story is great but that's about it. Love the character design but the lack of skins for free is disgusting and my god the price of the cosmetic shops...

I could spend a day talking how disappointed i am with this game but i don't wanna waste my time with this bullshit, it's beyond terrible.

É o jogo de ps2 com o maior orçamento que eu já joguei, existem maneiras piores de se passar um fim de semana do que com os vingadores da loja de R$ 1,99. Se você se focar somente na campanha principal ele se torna um jogo okay, extremamente repetitivo e com uma historia bem qualquer coisa, mas okay.

Its fun if u play it like for 20 mins every month.
uninteresting enemy, level and world design
no cross save or cross play.
no interesting mission design.
I just saw that i put 80hrs into this crap on the ps5. Fml

Fun, but very repetitive. The best experience I've had in a Marvel game and definitely the best story I've seen in one. This was very buggy when I played through it, several of those bugs being game breaking.

A game that SquareEnix keeps trying to fix...In all the wrong ways.
I actually returned to this game recently and finally finished it and it was worse than I remember.
I am never returning to this game again.

The campaign's story is actually pretty decent, but when you can feel the repetitive nature of the gameplay loop during a relatively short campaign of a GaaS game, that's a pretty bad sign. You just do the same thing over, and over, and over, and over again.

The game also just...doesn't feel good to play. Even the flying doesn't feel that good. How do you make flying not feel good?

It's so frustrating because this had a ton of potential to be something great. So unfortunate.

Good lord what is this hot garbage and why is a nobody the protagonist?
Only reason this even gets a star is cuz of Captain America and his sexy body.

Unlike a lot of people, I was open to the concept and actually kinda enjoyed the first hour. But this game isn’t really that fun past that first hour. Most missions had the game throwing like 20 enemies at once at you (Even on the easiest difficulty) and the game expects you to grind to level up your heroes which shouldn’t be a thing in a beat em up.
Also the game features a V-Bucks-Like system which shouldn’t be a thing in a fully priced game. I am glad that I didn’t pay for this game and used my 7 day Playstation Now trial for it.

Marvel's: Failures. That's pretty much what I think of this game. The story is... okay. It can be very cliché and generic at time, and the dialogue is certainly a piece of work. Although I didn't think the story was anything impressive, I could tell that the writers did put in some love into it and that it wasn't just a cash grab. Within the first 30 minutes of the game, I had already noticed so many glitches. A choppy fps and characters hair animations going wack really turned me off. The loading times are also so goddamn long. The gameplay was good at first, but after the first hour, destroying aim bots just got so boring and repetitive. There isn't even that much variety. Ironman and Captain America feel way too weak for me. Also, the flying speeds with Thor and Ironman so sluggish. The gameplay did improve in the DLC, since characters like Kate Bishop and Hawkeye have more variety and were actually kind of fun to use. Overall, I give this game 2/5 stars.

Una licencia tan jugosa absorbida por un diseño tan horroroso. Es descuidado en todo: en la campaña, en sus personajes, en el sistema de combate, en el apartado artístico, en la localización... Y es tremendamente genérico y de llevarse las manos a la cabeza el que los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra se dediquen a ir de base secreta en base secreta, todas iguales, a machacar robots y conseguir cosas. De todo el plantel de súper villanos que tienen en Cristal Dynamics, por alguna razón que solo ellos entenderán, decidieron que una organización tan genérica como IMA iba a suponer un acierto. Al principio me daba la sensación de que había partes del juego en el que había algo de cariño; pero no, no hay ningún mimo en ni un solo aspecto. De locos cómo se ha desaprovechado una marca que es un auténtico caramelito para cualquier estudio de videojuegos.

The foundations of this game are pretty rotten. Everything is designed to make you invest in small gear upgrades and points you constantly to the marketplace to spend money.

I finished the single player campaign, which was fine. Nothing special and an incredibly boring mission structure. Definitely feels like a missed opportunity on the back of the MCU. Won't be returning for the free updates.

To my surprise, this is a very enjoyable experience. A nice, short but sweet, story mode, coupled with a lot of replayability.

absolute trash. thor and iron man were fun to play as if you ignored the countless glitches and shitty gameplay and just focused on “HAHA I THROW HAMMER AND HAMMER COME BACK!! ODIN BE PRAISED”

I got this as part of Playstation Now (or PSPlus or whatever, I belong to both) and it stopped working--I got around 16% into the main campaign--just after they introduced the HARM room) and I could not be happier. This game was drudgery and I felt like I was working at a joyless, unfulfilling job. Now, to be completely honest, I am middle-aged and I don't think I'll ever be good at these console action RPGs and their combo moves. But one thing that really frustrated me was the game switching the character I was supposed to play--I am shown the ropes as Kamala Khan, and then I have to play as the Hulk and then as Iron Man, each of whom have their own mechanics and I resented the game for not allowing me to progress using just one character so I could get the hang of them. While I liked Kamala Khan and the actor voicing her has a bubbly enthusiasm, it was not enough to make me invested in the ho-hum plot, and trashing generic AIM robot after generic AIM robot was not fun.

I only bought it because it was on sale, and it took way too long to get into the good stuff, but it certainly isn't as dogshit as everyone's saying... mostly

Kamala was either cringey or just annoying for a LOT of the game, was a weird choice for a protagonist of an "Avengers" game, and was a generally bad first impression of Kamala as a character. The story in general is pretty average, but I've played worse, and it was fun getting the avengers back together. The real downside was in the slow or repetitive gameplay of the first few hours, and the general level design

Even without Kamala, I feel like there's no way to do an Avengers game without switching between the characters. I'm fine with this, and it was done surprisingly well, but it did feel a little janky at times, and while it didn't necessarily interfere too much with the narrative, it didn't really allow for much of any character moments, let alone development (besides fucking Kamala's). Fully upgraded, each character is a blast to play with, but would still need major overhauling and adjustments if any one of them was to be the only playable character.

Although more variety in enemies would be appreciated, the combat is easily the best part about the game, but doesn't start to shine until you start unlocking more skills. I could list how it could be better, and while everyone wishes hulk handled like he did in Ultimate Destruction, it still surprised me how much more stuff I could unlock for almost each character, and it got me to commit to leveling them all up. That being said, I've only had the game a few days, so I'm not to the point where I'm sick of it yet

I'm a big fan of Marvel, so this could've been a lot better in most aspects, but I'm still enjoying it. I'm absolutely used to games sucking ass nowadays, so maybe I'm just glad it's playable. Also, the Gear system kinda feels like a pointless waste of time, but fck man Idk, just let me enjoy it

PS: sorry to the one person reading this, I'm scatterbrained

Ugh... eu nem sei o que comentar. Esse jogo... já estava fadado ao fracasso antes mesmo de lançar. Os trailers já o faziam parecer ruim mas agora que eu zerei... bom, pelo visto de fato era péssimo.


E como que eu não poderia comentar dos bugs? Sério, tem bug de aparecer IP pra todos no menu. Eu não consigo entender como que um jogo como esse foi lançado ao público sendo tão problemático. Uma das minhas piores experiências com jogos em 2020.