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in the past

08/13/2020 PS4 Open Beta - minor spoilers for the first few hours of the game

Crystal Dynamics’ Marvel’s Avengers wants to be a lot of things: a Destiny-style PvE loot grind, an Uncharted-tinged highly scripted action game, a God of War reboot-esque brawler, all enclosed within a new take on the Marvel universe ala Insomniac’s Marvel’s Spider-Man. If it did even one of these things well, it could’ve been worthwhile, but to call it a jack-of-all-trades would be an overstatement, as that implies a level of competency in the game’s variety of aims which it often doesn’t reach.

Being a team game, Black Widow has to be equally viable to the Hulk or the God of Thunder for co-op to work properly, even though that balance often undercuts what makes these heroes compelling in the first place. Which is where, in theory, the single-player levels come in. Locking the player to a specific hero allows the developers to cater the level design to their abilities and showcase what makes each character unique… you would think. However, aside from the occasional Hulk platforming sections that make Uncharted look masterful, the levels appear haphazardly thrown together without a particular character in mind.

The animations are lifeless, cutscene direction is bland at the best of times, the writing is bad both in terms of dialogue and overall plotting. The quicktime events feel unintuitive, and the transitions from cutscene to gameplay and back are woefully inelegant. Despite an all-star voice lineup, the lack of in-depth characterization ends up making it feel more like the Uncharted 4 cast cosplaying as marvel characters than it does a proper Avengers story. The art style very much looks like a knockoff of the first MCU Avengers film from 2012, which itself was not exactly the most visually compelling Marvel adaptation. In a world where even the homogenous cinematic universes have the occasional Aquaman or Guardians of the Galaxy, this feels sorely lacking in style.

The structure here is a real problem. The intro level gives you a taste of each character, but it’s not really long enough to give you a feel for any of them, and after this point the game locks you to Hulk and Kamala for the next 2 hours or so. The opening puts an emphasis on saving civilians and grounding the Avengers in this world, but this is mostly dropped afterwards, with all the following missions being totally devoid of civilian life (maybe this comes back in the full game later, though). It also transitions rather abruptly from the “A-Day” defeat of the opening level (I don’t think colloquial names for catastrophic terrorist events are supposed to rhyme), with a laughable cutscene comprised of the camera panning over stills of the sequence as if didn’t bother to animate the storyboards. On the one hand, this may be jarringly structured because certain things are edited out for the beta, but on the other that could mean even more time before the game properly opens up in the final product.

You’re not able to do co-op until you’ve cleared the 3 story missions available, which took me around 2 and a half hours or so, though I was doing other things in between so you’d probably be able to rush through it faster if you stay focused. It’s a really strange structural choice when the main draw of the game is playing superheroes with your friends. The narrative, itself not very compelling, is overly restrictive to the gameplay structure, locking out most of the cast for the main section of the beta, locking out co-op, and furthermore, Thor and Captain America aren’t playable for the remainder of this demo. Captain America “”dies”” offscreen in the opening level, so I’m assuming this major playable character is going to be locked off for the first half of the game or so in service of a dumb story decision. Not sure why Thor isn’t here, he’s even present on the radio in one of the side missions so I suppose they’re just holding him back for the full release, I don’t know.
(EDIT NOTE: The third story mission does allow co-op, though I couldn't find anyone online when I first played it, and as far as I recall you don't unlock Iron Man and Black Widow until after you finish it)

In future, Hawkeye and Spider-Man are also apparently being added, but for now there’s just these core 6, only 4 of which are really present in the beta. Yes, Spider-Man will be only on Playstation, but with how much this game is biting from ps4 exclusives Square probably had to make a deal with Sony to avoid getting sued (also I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes his way over to other platforms a few months later). Every aspect of this game, from the combat, to the visuals, to the loot elements, to the story structure, to the setpieces and story-driven exploration segments, to the humor, are thoroughly lacking and have been done far better by the games and films Avengers is so blatantly taking from.

Played the beta twice and did not enjoy it. This game has a large variety of problems that trying to enjoy the game is impossible. The motion blur is crazy, and you can't even turn it off in the settings, it made me feel nauseated at times and that's not something you want from a gaming experience. The game feels like its running at at least 10 - 20 fps and the combat for the most part sucks, it feels like a typical button mash that brings nothing new to the table. In some aspects you could say it borrows from the Arkham games' counter system as many other titles have, but this game brilliantly displays how not to do it. Sometimes the counter times are so fast you get hit more than you do countering. You're better off playing LEGO Avengers.

Another major problem with this game, that will not be fixed post launch or post beta, is the story. The story tries too hard to be like the MCU in many aspects. Firstly, I noticed some lines were straight up taken from the MCU and just rephrased in some way in this game, and you notice it straight away on the first level. It also tries too hard to mirror the humor the MCU is so good at maintaining. When this game tries it, it just falls flat. It tries to be quirky at times and it fails, and some of the jokes aren't even that clever. The story overall just felt very boring from what I experienced and very bland.

You're a lot better off playing any of LEGO's Marvel titles than this, they're much worth your while.

DISCLAIMER: I played the Beta, but considering this releases in two weeks this shit is literally a demo stop capping.

Marvel’s Avengers represents pretty much every problem I have with the gaming industry in 2020. The idea of “gaming as a service” has grown exponentially within the past couple of years with the success of Fortnite, and has significantly devalued what your $60 purchase is actually worth. For battle royale games like Fornite and Apex Legends, it’s not as big of a deal since those games are free-to-play. But for Marvel’s Avengers this practice has reached a peak that I hope no game in the future tops, because it’s getting ridiculous at this point. In Avengers, you have to pay for a $10 battle pass for EACH individual hero added post launch in order to unlock cosmetic and other items for them. It’s rumored there will be 15 or more heroes added post launch, which brings the price of the full experience up to $210. This is bad even for a live service game.

The rise of “games as a service” is quite literally affecting the quality of new games that could’ve been fire, but are ruined by corporate greed. It’s becoming increasingly hard for studios to sell their games to publishers if it’s just a one time $60 fee, since the publishers see the insane amount of money they make from the live service format. The only way to stop it is to not buy these trash games. Supporting Marvel’s Avengers will only make this practice worse.

Talking about the actual gameplay, this felty very much like a cookie cutter cash grab, with very little original gameplay to offer. The graphics looks like they’re from the Xbox 360 era. The fact that they made this a looter shooter baffles me. A big budget, single player/co-op Avengers game could’ve been so fire, but this just feels really shallow and incredibly undercooked. It's sad too because this has an incredible lineup of actors (Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Nolan North, Travis Willingham). It's a shame to see the wasted potential.

El juego está bien. No tiene unas mecánicas muy complejas y el diseño de niveles a la larga puede resultar repetitivo. La campaña sin duda es la baza fuerte ya que ofrece una experiencia Avengers a la altura. Me ha gustado que los personajes siguen la estela del universo Marvel y que el juego se permita explorar un poco el fondo de alguno de ellos (no todos por igual). Gráficamente tiene sus cosillas y hay alguna caída de frames en cuanto ponen demasiadas cosas en pantalla, pero son ocasiones puntuales. Imprescindible jugar las misiones cooperativas con amigos.
Quizá es demasiado complejo hacer un análisis ahora ya que han prometido bastante contenido pero mi valoración engloba multijugador y campaña actual. Espero con ansias esos nuevos personajes, escenarios y misiones.

Great story and satisfying fighting mechanics sadly let down by the usual suspects of a live service game. Still immensely fun, just bogged down with needless mechanics.

The campaign, despite losing some steam in the end is rather fun, and the more setpiece-y levels are a blast. Sadly as the game progresses, they become less frequent and replaced with the levels that would be left out of Destiny 1.0. Still it's better than Arkham Knight. Get it on sale if you are considering picking this up, otherwise you aren't missing much.

EDIT: After replaying it, I'm not sure its better than Arkham Knight, the DLCs were ass and I think I was crazy when I wrote that review, skip this piece of trash.

Marvel's Avengers has so much charm and potential that it genuinely pisses me off that the final product is such a shit show. I couldn't complete the game because of a terribly designed mission close to the end of the campaign that bugged out and wouldn't let me proceed.

The game has decent combat and fun characters, but that is all hidden behind a swamp of buggy action, repetitive level design and mission structure and more texture pop in, improper rendering and glitches that invade every segment of the game.

I had really high hopes going in, but damn this is just an underwhelming, underbaked product that I'm severely disappointed in.

The game is fine itself, each character feels distinct from one another, and they all have something to bring to the table, even characters who are on paper, very similar like Hawkeye, and Kate Bishop. Where the game falters, is lack of content after the end of the campaign. Usually, this isn't something I'd have issue with, I usually don't stick around to play after the campaign anyway, but this is a live service game. It's campaign is about 12 hours long, with the two expansions Taking AIM, and Future Imperfect. After you beat this content, you have the Avengers Initiative, which includes several missions, in around 7 different locations. Each area feels distinct, but the missions inside do not. Once you've played one drop zone, you've played them all, and once you've beaten each of the 3 villains, you've beaten seen all there is to know. So, the whole crux of the game falls upon leveling each of your characters, and completing their challenge cards. Sadly, leveling characters requires playing missions, and the repetition of the missions kills it. The challenge cards, even ignoring that they end, ruining the infinite playability, the challenges are often required to be completed by you and only you. It results in either having to have your friends stop to let you complete your challenge, making it not fun for them, or have your AI companions steal your kills, making it not fun for you. I do think this game has a solid base, it just needs to fix the variety, but it never can succeed. Avengers was doomed from the start, it's fate decided before it could get a chance. Even now, you can see the effects of this, when the time needed to level up was increased from 3 times per mission, to 1 per mission. It only added around an extra hour of play, and actually helped increase longevity in a natural way, but was met with articles titled "The Avengers Grind Is About To Become More Of A Grind" or "Marvel's Avengers is making levelling... grindier?" Small improvements are lambasted, and new campaign updates like Taking AIM offer far too little content to have people return, and what content is only allowed to be played once. Both of the new expansions came with new boss battles, yet you could only fight each boss once a single campaign mission. Why? Why even bother for making one time fights, never to be reused, in a game meant to be played for hundreds of hours? My recommendations can't save this game, but what I would do, add new villain sectors utilizing all bosses, not just the 3 they find worthy, and focus on releasing small updates every month, instead of medium sized ones every 3. If we could get, just one new type of mission, or level layout each month, with small quality of life changes, and grind fixes for the next year, with a new place to explore, and hero to play every 6, this game would be well on it's way to fixing it's issues.

This is hands down one of the worst games I've played this year. The combat is dull and repetitive with very little weight in your punches, all of the characters are too similar to each other so you really have no need to play as any other characters besides Thor who's the only good character. The Story blows with really bad dialog, bland acting, and predictable twist that you can see a mile away if your smart and know the Avengers. The missions are all the same 3 templates stretched out for 4 hours without any change or deviation from the boring and tedious gameplay.
This could have been an average action game but it's been destroyed by the looter live services and turns an ok game into an awful game that no one should play even if you like The Avengers.

No solo la historia deja de ser buena en cuanto te presentan la zona de guerra (aka esto es un juego multijugador repleto de misiones clónicas) sino que encima el rendimiento en PC es una basura.

No se qué se fumaron para contar con una licencia tan potente y que acabasen siendo cinco mapas con las mismas cinco bifurcaciones para acabar haciendo las mismas "secundarias" (si es que se les puede llamar así, casi mejor definirlas como objetivos extras).

El proceso en todas las misiones es literalmente el mismo (salvo cuando en la misión principal te guían por un tramo lineal): llegas a la zona, avanzas (puedes elegir hacer algún objetivo extra como salvar a algún inhumano, coger un cofre oculto...), abres una puerta, te metes en el ascensor y terminas la misión con algún objetivo tipo "rey de la colina" (aguantar más bases que el enemigo), o eliminar a todos los objetivos, en fin, ese tipo de misiones insulsas. Pues así es todo el juego durante la corta duración de su escasa campaña y sus docenas de horas de misiones secundarias clónicas.

Gracias por hacer todo mal, Crystal Dynamics! Al menos los gráficos no están tan mal una vez te acostumbras a los anticarismáticos modelados (excepto Kamala y Hulk).

The character interactions are cute but the gameplay, story, graphics, and in game purchases are PURE TRASH! Honestly one of the worst games I've played this year. Just buy Ultimate Alliance 3.

I've never been happier to see a game fail

i liked when the hulk turned around to look at the camera and laughed at me for buying the game and then called me the n word(soft a, hulk is green and not racist)

É bem irônico o fato desse ser um dos jogos "menos hypado" de 2020, baseado na franquia mais hypada dos últimos tempos. E com quase todas as críticas negativas (tanto de jogadores quanto da crítica) eu esperava uma catástrofe em forma de jogo, mas felizmente não foi bem isso que recebi.

"Marvel's Avengers" é sem dúvidas um jogo muito problemático. Seu tempo de desenvolvimento não condiz com a sua otimização porca, contendo loadings absurdamente longos para um mapa (ou cenário) com grandes problemas de renderização, quedas de framerate, e muitos, muitos bugs, que em vários determinados momentos me impediam de prosseguir dentro do jogo.

Sua história pode não ser ruim, mas não chega perto de seu potencial para explorar temas mais profundos, temas que os cinemas não conseguiram ou não puderam explorar, mas que infelizmente são deixados de lado aqui.

Porém, debaixo disso tudo, existe um jogo divertido, sua jogabilidade pode ser um pouco repetitiva, mas as mecânicas dela são muito boas, toda sua movimentação e fluidez dão muita vontade de continuar jogando, a IA aliada do jogo tbm é bastante funcional e te ajuda muito quando você precisa. Ele possui também uma grande variedade de Skins, no qual grande parte são muito legais.

"Marvel's Avengers" pode não ser um jogo inesquecível, e não possui nem 40% de seu potencial para um jogo da maior franquia da atualidade, no entanto, suas mecânicas de jogabilidade irão lhe entretendo até a vida útil do jogo acabar.

had insider info on this game months before it was revealed and was very hyped. shame the game is utter dogshit

PS4 Open Beta Impressions, August 2020

If you've played the Arkham trilogy or Spider-Man or God of War, and you like Destiny-style looting and leveling..... Then this game is gonna tease you with a combination of ideas that never quite come together.

My take is: this is a video game. It's not very interesting or novel, you've seen this all before. But it's not bad, really. Just boring.

What's cool is that all the characters do actually feel meaningfully different, even if you are still gonna be doing light-light-heavy most of the time. What's not cool is that it's all kinda chunky. It just doesn't have the flow state feel that Arkham or Spider-Man has. This kinda leaves you to just run all over the place wishing you could read the room better and that your teammates would stop killing enemies before you could get in a satisfying hit.

A big highlight is how fun it is to play Ms Marvel and Hulk. They were smart to make them the focus on the demo, and presumably of the start of the game. Ms Marvel is really interesting, she's got longer ranged melee attacks, and she's reasonably fast. She can also swing around on her stretchy arms and it's really dang fun. Makes me think that the Spider-Man update for PS4 could be a reskin of her in some way (this is speculative). Hulk is more interesting than he may seem as well. He does just bounce around and crush everything, but there are some fun moves, and he actually moves pretty fast. There's a lot of weight to the animations that makes for a surprisingly satisfying experience.

The other two characters you can level up freely, Black Widow and Iron Man, are kinda fine to me. Iron Man has a problem where you control flight and your reticule with the right stick at the same time. If you want to aim down, you have to start flying down too. It's really frustrating. Black Widow has the problem of being the the person without superpowers. So she ends up being really fast and can be satisfying to beat enemies down as you dodge and roll and shoot and grapple, but she just doesn't have the very physically pleasing animations of Hulk or Ms Marvel or the power of Iron Man.

It's also good that you can play the entire game solo, it seems. The mission start menus are kinda confusing, so you might get real players and you might not. You can toggle it, but it's confusing.

As for the loot, it seems just fine. The loot that you get has several statistics that never quite make sense. For example, your health pool is called Willpower. Why not just call it health? It confuses me.

Loot has an overall power rating, and the bigger that is, the better. Loot can also have perks like "performing a perfect dodge will make your next attack deal 32.5% extra cosmic damage" or "having this specific node on the skill tree unlocked will change your damage to shock type." All of that is fine, but I don't know what shock, cosmic, particle, cryo, or whatever damage is. It doesn't mean anything to me, and the game doesn't help me understand it, so why would I care? Perhaps this is better tutorialized in the main release.

This leaves the loot feeling really bland in comparison to other games that have taken up the Destiny structure, including Destiny itself. Perks and boons don't make sense and aren't clearly communicating what actually changes if I use this piece of gear vs another.

I will be playing the final release, but this beta leaves me feeling satisfied for now because it doesn't feel like there's much to be interested in. I'm gonna wait for updates and new characters, and importantly, a sale. I love loot games, MMOs, and Marvel, so I'm gonna play it eventually.

This game will do well, and it's probably for the best that it's not absolute trash. But part of me feels like if it was really bad, it could have been given time to become something really awesome, like an FFXIV comeback story. Instead, I predict it's just gonna coast on a fun license paired with a mediocre combat system.

Now I may feel like I was one of the few who was actually interested in playing this game. After playing Spider-Man on PS4, I wanted to get more into Marvel games and get back into the superhero video game genre since the Batman Arkham series.

And I was honestly still looking to play it because I thought the trailers made it look genuinely fun. I know it's getting some flack with certain things but I still gave it the benefit of the doubt. So is Avengers for PS4 worth it? Well let's go through it.

You play between six heroes being Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Kamala Khan. They all have their unique abilities and play styles that you can later upgrade with skill points and all of them are pretty fun in their own ways. Throwing Cap's shield is very satisfying, the might of Thor makes you feel mighty as well, flying around as Iron Man works surprisingly well that it makes me think we can make a functional Superman game, rampaging as Hulk is super fun, Black Widow's shooter assets is good for both close and ranged combat, and Kamala Khan has her standout moments as well with her newly discovered abilities. There's gonna be more heroes as DLC like Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Black Panther, and Kate Bishop and I'm honestly excited for them as well.

The campaign takes around 12 hours and the story around is that after an event called A-Day where the Avengers failed to stop a Terrigen explosion which has infected the city of San Francisco giving them superpowers, Kamala Khan plans to reassemble the Avengers because she believes that they were set up by the corporation known as A.I.M. run by Monica Rappaccini and George Tarleton also known as MODOK.

The story to me felt satisfying and it was structured pretty well. Though there are consistencies that made me question it a few times like where Banner gets the jacket after being the Hulk but overall, I enjoyed it. The voice cast does fairly well, it had some awesome moments, and the designs for the characters looked good. Even MODOK which makes me think the MCU can pull off a design for him now. The campaign gives an equal amount of playtime with each character switching between them unlike say The Last of Us 2.

I do wish there was more variety when it comes to villains though. Like sure Taskmaster, Abomination, and MODOK are cool choices but that's really all the villains in it. Like who the hell knows this Monica chick? Hopefully in the DLC we get more.

Now you can play online with friends which I have and it's fun to do though there's some bugs and glitches as well as some frame rate issues that also happen in single player mode. Hopefully Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics can fix it up with patches but it's not Fallout 76 glitchy to where it's unplayable.

You can unlock upgrades for your gear as well as cosmetics and emotes through the game though I suggest doing it through the in-game store and not through the ridiculous microtransactions. Though they are expensive as hell nonetheless which leads to probably it's main flaw.

You really have to grind. A lot of the levels have high difficulty so you have to power up your heroes as much as you can. It's pretty tedious. Sure it's only six heroes but it still takes a long time to do it.

Not to mention that when you die in certain spots of the game, you'll have to sit through loading screens that take forever.

So overall, I do enjoy playing it and I do feel like they can fix it over time with patches since I played this on it's release date. By the end, it hints towards some potential for a sequel and I feel like they can learn from this to improve how they would change some things for the future.

So for an Avengers game, I say it's okay. I give Marvel's Avengers a 6/10.

It’s still a bit buggy, but developer response has me optimistic it will get the care and attention it needs.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with most of the negative reviews. The campaign's story is quite good, but some of the characters are a pain to play with, and some missions are absolutely riddled with bugs. I can see the potential of a great game shining through here and there, however, at the end of the day, 'Marvel's Avengers' in its current form is mediocre at best.

3.5 pela gameplay da black widow e a campanha que até é divertida

god this game is so disappointing

I've never played something that is equally as uninspired as it is ambitious. Marvel's Avengers does a lot of interesting things with the core six heroes in terms of writing and character arcs but fails to make the game engaging or good enough to push through to see the story.

Marvel's Avengers is the newest spinoff to Bungie's acclaimed Destiny series, this time introducing new features such as "beat-em-up combat" and "a performance mode that is the only way the game will run acceptably on consoles." Truth be told, I'm not even that far into this game before I've decided to shelve it, I don't even have three of the six Avengers available to play as. However, this slow crawl of weird semi-open world levels with uninspired king of the hill objectives sprinkled in with linear single-player levels and topped with confusing and hard to navigate menus that have too many missions that are essentially the same thing has proven to be too much for me to try and tackle.

It's a shame because I don't think it's a terrible game, it's just lacking a unique hook that makes itself its own kind of thing. I'll probably pick it back up when Spider-Man's added in but I'm not holding my breath.


Vaya bajón de juego.

La parte live service está rota, no debería haber salido. Pensaba que al menos la campaña merecería la pena, pero tras unas horas iniciales prometedoras se la comen las misiones multijugador aburridísimas. Qué pena.

This game felt like a group of developers whose only real experience with Marvel is just watching the movies and occasionally clicking "random" on the Marvel wiki.

Soulless gaming. This is about as lifeless and corporatist it gets when it comes. It’s almost incredible how tedious and bad this is, like I don’t think I really understood until I realized that I was only two hours into the game after what felt like six hours. Definitely up there as one of the dullest games I’ve played in a long time. How do you even fuck up a superhero game this poorly, it’s almost impressive honestly. Either way, if I play another hour of this game I may get physically ill so I’m done with it, sunken cost theory be damned. Fuck off Crystal Dynamics.

A great story but repetitive, soulless multiplayer. The first DLC was amazing and I’m looking forward to see if that trend continues.

Story was surprisingly fun as well as some characters to play but endgame gets boring fast due to repetetive enemies and locations as well as unsatisfying loot collecting

Marvel's Avengers is a very disappointing game. With the roster of characters and the world of Marvel as a basis for a videogame seems like a recipe for success, however, Crystal Dynamics squanders this on a by the numbers live service title. The characters play very much the same with much of the mechanical complexity that would come being bogged down by the standard beat 'em up combat. The story is the best part of the title, but how quickly you are hit with the basic story you realize that it's not much either. If you see it on sale for cheap it's an ok way to kill sometime.