Reviews from

in the past

so, so, SO close to 5 stars. it had everything going for it. the animation is incredible, the fighting engine is the best its ever been, the writing is horrible (in the best way, most of the time), there's just a lot of small issues that pile up and take it down that one notch from perfection.

firstly, the microtransactions. obviously. not just the idea of them this time, though, because there are a lot of things core to the mortal kombat franchise (from a casual perspective, at least) that it takes away. the thing i hate most of all being the gear. gone are the days of unlockable costumes with either really cool or charming designs, and in come the very slight changes that make a character look completely stupid instead. an absolute charm vacuum that sucks out all the fun of a character's look and replaces it with contrived rarity and greed.

secondly, the krypt. the place you acquire this wonderful treasure. what was once a cute shop where you could get costumes and once upon a time even characters, is now replaced with a grindy, monotonous mess of walking and fucking common gears and skip fight tokens. skip fight tokens. ill say it one more time: skip fight tokens. you can pay for the ability to not play the game. fuck you, WB games.

thirdly, no ermac. should honestly dock the other four stars for that but im feeling generous.

and lastly, the story. i said before the writing is atrocious, which it is, and also that that was a good thing. which it is. for the most part. for the most part, the terrible writing can lead to some pretty good laughs and usually lead to the excellent core gameplay, but other times it's so self-serious that it makes me long for the days of deception's wacky overworlds and bo rai cho's or armageddon's fully fleshed beat-em-up konquest mode that put some action games entirely dedicated to that genre to shame. i understand its a lot to ask for, but so is sixty bucks.

in short, its light on content and on personality. it feels like the days of mortal kombat being "street fighter for normal people" are gone by, and while that gets easier to take as i get more into proper fighting games, it'll always feel like a core part of this franchise is missing. the gameplay improves, and it is an incredible fighting engine, but WB continues ruining everything good with the world along with it.

big ups on giving us a weekend of it for free, though. cant wait to buy it properly when the komplete edition is $20.

also, on top of all of this negativity, i want to say one thing:
the way they handled meters in this is genius imo. in MK9 and X the meter was basically just an X-Ray timer for any player that isnt in it for the style points (which i only started doing recently). and the x-rays themselves started getting a bit worn after a while, so having two different bars for defensive meter burn and stylistic meter burn is perfect, as well as the fatal blow system both only occurring when youre low on health and naturally a bit pressured, but can also only be used once per match. its the perfect compromise and it leads to matches being interesting to play and fun to watch no matter what.

Mortal Kombat 11's story, graphics, and mechanics really feel like the ultimate cumulation of the entire Mortal Kombat franchise to date and are ultimately only held back by some poor live service decisions.

Lo jugue con amigos, perdi varias veces y gane otras, nunca comprendi bien como hacer combos (de los cual el juego carece) pero nada mal.

No creo que lo compre y tenga que pagar para desbloquear todo

i really dont know how I fell about this game. GREAT FUCKING TUTORIAL THO

Better roster, worst gameplay and worst story than MKX...I think

UPDATED: It actually has a much better story and graphics and borderline everything else. Shit maybe MKX kinda sucks

better than i expected but the roster at this point is just goofy

also it somehow feels worse to play than MK9, a game ten years old

Pretty solid port, it does eat up the memory and lags a little bit with fatalities and some of the menus but really impressive technical feat

NetherRealm has allowed players to slice, dice, and maim countless ninja, evil emperors, and lizard people over the last three decades, but few have been as merciless as the studio itself. Time after time, the developer hits the reset button and throws out and overhauls a ton of mechanics in a bid to keep the series from stagnating. Mortal Kombat 11 is the latest victim, as most of Mortal Kombat X’s fast-paced rushdown systems have been ripped out like a freshly severed spine. And while this scorched-earth approach may seem counterproductive, Mortal Kombat 11 is an inventive interpretation of the franchise’s core that successfully prioritizes tactical play without sacrificing its gore and combo-based foundation.

Read the full review here:

i havent played much of this, but i will say the excessive gore makes it so i can only play this for like a half hour at the time. im not even sensitive to gore, its just so excruciating that it starts to be grating to have to go through cutscenes of spines getting ripped out every time i play

I am not a fighting game fan, nor am I a MK fan so going into this I wasn't expecting much.
What I got was a pretty alright fighting game with an awful rewards system that requires constant online at all times, a very grindy Krypt mode that didn't feel very fleshed out, and one of the worst story modes I've played in a fighting game.
I mean it I could go on and on about how shitty the story mode I'm dead serious it sucks.

It also has microtransactions that are on the same level as a crappy free to play mobile game.

This could have been a fun fighting game but it feels so corporate in terms of how everything is too grindy, and how it all ties back into the microtransactions.
Oh and that story mode sucks ass.

The best thing about MK11 is they said fuck it and made the guys into eyecandy and honestly? They should keep going

Are the devs gay or something? They made the guys so fucking hot lmao

If they're from the past during Mortal Kombat 9, why are they wearing clothes?

Time manipulation and Mortal Kombat are a surprise duo that works together. Combing returning characters from MKX with a multitude of characters from MK9, its a moshpit of epic fighting with the most brutal fatalities I have ever seen in this franchise.

I love how its guest characters are either R-Rated action movie stars or famous comic book characters with a knack for killing. Hey, it finally got Spawn in the game so I'm not complaining.

I generally suck at fighting games so I always looks for what the single player experience is like when getting them. That's why I like Mortal Kombat 11 so much. It's pretty easy to pick up and play and NetherRealm are easily the best out there at story modes in fighting games. Along with a Krypt full of unlockables that will keep you playing for a long time.

gonna prank netherrealm when they stop fucking up

Just as good as X in every way (except maybe the campaign). My one regret is that i do not have enough time/energy in a die to play this enough to be competent enough to play online, let alone good.

It actually looks good on the Switch

Story is so boring. There are cutscenes that go on for a literal hour. How does that get through QA without a peep? Also the new mechanic Fatal Blow sucks so hard. I should be rewarded for hard callouts with opportunity not a freebie massive damage amount. Otherwise great game.

An alright fighter, but again the dlc is way too overpowered.

game for people that still listen to Eminem

Really fun fighting game! Stupid (in a good way) story! I'm not a pro fighting game player, I just like the kombo systems and of course fatalities are always nice. Looks great, sounds great. The weird exploration treasure chest mode is a nice break from nonstop fighting, the tower stuff is fine. Overall really solid. One of the best fighters I've played in years.

This game was a disappointment. It has cool ideas and great presentation, but it all gets stained by all the grinding and annoying gameplay mechanics in the main modes.
Male characters look stunning though, Kano in MK11 is one of the hottest video game characters. It doesn't fix the broken game, but gay players will have something nice to look at, at least.

Really fun story and extremely fluid combat

game for people that still listen to Eminem

This is a trophy hunting review

Honestly a terrible grind. I did this before during release week with a glitch that skipped much of the grind, but no such luck now. Will probably do a partial auto-pop on PS5 down the line though.

(besides the graphics which suck on Switch) the gameplay is fun. All of the characters play well and smoothly. The combos are nice. As a fan of horror, the fatalities and brutalities are all gloriously bloody. Overall it's a fun game to hop into from time to time. Just for the life of you don't buy on switch!