Reviews from

in the past

Are the devs gay or something? They made the guys so fucking hot lmao

not a good fighting game but it has Spawn on the roster so that boosts its score by a bit

-Ótima história, ousada e inovadora, sendo MUITO melhor que o game anterior.
-Novas opções de customização.
-Gráficos e áudio melhores do que nunca.
-Extremamente balanceado e diversificado.
-Desenrolar da narrativa um pouco repetitiva e linear.
-Diversos personagens existentes do universo simplesmente não aparecem no modo história.
-Kripta deixada de lado e, aparentemente, focada em microtransações.

this was my first Mortal Kombat title, and it was definitely a good entrance into the series. the fighting is tightly designed to be responsive and smooth, and I really like how this game gives each character multiple lines of pre-fight dialouge with every other character.

Well, it's definitely better than MORTAL KOMBAT X. The story's still not as fun as INJUSTICE 2's, but Netherrealm's industry-leading mocap and voice acting continue to impress, and even improve further. The unlockables, the towers, and the character customization are all marginally better than I2's more frustrating versions, but I think I'd still rather play that because the characters are more fun.

I remain seriously impressed with how this team can crank out such reliably enjoyable and polished games. These later MKs are still missing a little something, though.

This game was a disappointment. It has cool ideas and great presentation, but it all gets stained by all the grinding and annoying gameplay mechanics in the main modes.
Male characters look stunning though, Kano in MK11 is one of the hottest video game characters. It doesn't fix the broken game, but gay players will have something nice to look at, at least.

worse than sf and tekken but fun to play

Após platinar esse jogo, acho que sei o suficiente para dizer que acho ele mediano, no máximo
a gameplay é uma melhoria se comparado ao seu antecessor, MK X, mas eu acho uma ideia sórdida a de limitar o moveset dos personagens, com o jogador tendo que escolher 3 dos diversos golpes disponíveis para usar. Limitar os comandos de um personagem nunca é uma boa ideia, pode ser bom para os jogadores iniciantes, que não precisam aprender muitos golpes com cada personagem, já que ele tem sempre um limite de quantos eles podem ter. Porém, é só ver como os Tekken conseguiram um equilíbrio enorme, tendo dezenas e as vezes centenas de comandos diferentes com cada personagem, com os iniciantes se concentrando nos mais básicos, enquanto os veteranos passam horas e horas no modo treino, aprendendo tudo que o personagem tem para oferecer.
A história desse jogo é patética, tão ruim que a franquia teve um novo reboot menos de 15 anos após o seu primeiro. A Kronika é uma antagonista terrível e os outros personagens estreantes desse jogo são tão ruins quanto. O Kollector é uma ideia interessante, mas mal executada; a Cetrion é uma boa personagem, mas não para um mortal kombat, ela é uma personagem de Injustice perdida em MK; o Geras é o mais aceitável, mas a sua personalidade de porta giratória de banco não ajuda muito. Tivemos alguns retornos interessantes, como o da Frost, da Sindel e do Fujin, porém eles ficaram completamente ofuscado pro publico médio por causa dos inúmeros kameos que inflaram o elenco. Me diga, quem um jovem vai gostar mais em um jogo da franquia mortal kombat: um personagem de mortal kombat mesmo, como o Nightwolf e o Rain, ou um personagem que não tem nada a ver com a franquia, mas que é famoso, como o Robocop e o Coringa? Exatamente.
O balanceamento é parcialmente ilusório, com o Liu Kang tendo dominado o Meta game do jogo por uns 2 meses, no mínimo. Acho que eu nunca vi uma D'vorah ou um Kano no modo online
Concluindo, Mortal Kombat 11 pega tudo de ruim que a franquia pode ter, tanto em ideias quanto em mecânicas, mas graças aos gráficos atraentes, uma gameplay simplista e personagens famosos em seu cast, foi um grande sucesso para o público médio, principalmente americano.

Atualização: acabei de ver as finais da Evo e abaixei uma estrela da nota, vai tomar no cu Fujin

Really fun fighting game! Stupid (in a good way) story! I'm not a pro fighting game player, I just like the kombo systems and of course fatalities are always nice. Looks great, sounds great. The weird exploration treasure chest mode is a nice break from nonstop fighting, the tower stuff is fine. Overall really solid. One of the best fighters I've played in years.

just watch the fatalities on youtube

Irritates me deeply how good this game is. I almost immediately tapped out lmao, boot this fucker up and you're confronted with a dozen different currencies, menus, and systems within systems to extract money from you. Even the fun stuff is constantly hampered, going through the krypt takes so much longer than it needs because it has to wait on a server for 30s every time you open a chest, it sucks!
Unfortunately, this is probably the most fun I've had playing an MK game? Both story modes in the komplete edition are super fun and compelling looks into the universe (tho it irritates me how much military shit there is, prefer the hell mysticism of previous games), characters are well differentiated, it feels good as hell to do combos. And oomph them super moves and fatalities, love the unrelenting horror vibes going on here. Undoubtedly an evil game in many ways, including the horrible abuse of the developers by management, but I have high hopes for whatever NRS makes when they're finally free of WB

Apart from bullshitting story and absolutely ruining Sindel's character, it's one of the best games in the franchise

kitana do u need a dog because i can bark

Really fun story and extremely fluid combat

Um Mortal Kombat mais divertido de jogar do que o 10 na minha opinião.

Gameplay muito rápida, impactante e divertida porém com mecânicas novas que acho desnecessárias como o Fatal Blow (Está com menos de 30% de vida? Arranque metade da vida do outro jogador de graça com uma cinemática longa do seu personagem arrebentando o outro!!!) Os X-Rays do MK9 também eram assim mas eram menos fortes e acabavam mais rápido pra não estragar o flow da luta. Além de ter o Crushing Blow que é a mesma coisa só que com golpes específicos em vez de um especial de fato.

Ainda mantêm a mecânica de "estilos" dos personagens o dividindo-os em 3 em vez de ser tudo em um só, pra que cortar metade do moveset fora? Tudo bem que no 11 você pode criar seu próprio estilo (ainda bem) mas ainda você não conseguirá usar todos os golpes.

O Elenco de personagens tem altos e baixos, traz clássicos como Kabal e Noob Saibot mas coloca outros personagens (como Shang Tsung e Mileena) QUE ERAM GRATUITOS ANTES E AGORA SÃO PAGOS. pelo amor de deus, também senti falta de Ninjas, basicamente só tem o Scorpion e Sub-Zero e o Noob ali de brinde, mas Scorpion e Sub-Zero nem conta.

Trilha Sonora OK eu acho, sinceramente não me lembro de nenhuma música além da do clube de luta dos Blackdragons (sla o nome)

Tem coisas extras legais como a escolha de Introduções e Poses de vitória mas acho a Kripta um saco.

A história desse jogo é uma merda e o boss final é pior ainda. Chad Shao Kahn Virgin Mulher Careca que não dá pra fazer combo

Mas ainda é um bom jogo

game for people that still listen to Eminem

okay. OKAY.

third attempt at a review. this time i will try to be as fair yet firm as possible without referring to how i would not undo 9/11 to torture ed boon or how this game makes me want to die a painful sudden and slow death. i'm going to try and be like, something approaching neutral tone about this.

this game has potentially one of the best fighting game engines of any game in the past like 10 years. and the tutorial is great at educating you to all these concepts, both simple and complex. i like the story. i could say a lot about it but it's been like 90 months since i played this game correctly so i barely even remember the story beyond "i liked it" and "it had character arcs" and "it made me feel emotions". this is how a normie talks about marvel movies. surely that must be good right.

this game is just also simultaneously the worst kind of video game in basically every respect. this game is borderline devoid of content without an internet connection. this game is going to be a wasteland when the servers go down. hell, if you're reading this, you already missed the boat on a significant amount of content in this game that you'll never get to experience if you hadn't been playing from the start. FOMO murders everything we love and has made this game adopt an unsustainable model of "season exclusive kosmetics and brutalities! play this game 7 hours a day to get everything and not miss out! never stop engaging with our product! this is a FOREVER game!"

and you know what? they got me. i'm not above it. i'm not too proud or cool to admit sometimes the predatory game models swallow me whole. i'll admit it: i've bought time krystals in this stupid fucking game. multiple times. all because some kosmetics that are otherwise nearly impossible to obtain were available and i thought "i'm going to really hate myself if i don't get these now". you won NRS. you won triple A video games. i am now part of the problem.

all of this is rooted in a deeply misappropriated love of fighting games. i love MK11 as a fighting game. i hate it as an actual video game. towers of time do not constitute engaging singleplayer content. the story is good, great even. but that only gets you so far. and once you're done there, you're stuck with a game that you need a constant internet connection to play meaningfully. you're going to eventually have a game that will never be playable. art preservation as a movement weeps every time a game like this gets released because there is genuinely so much content in this game that eventually will be inaccessible without hacking/modding the game. FOMO, again, murders everything we love. i've spent an embarrassing amount of time playing this game, doing all the character towers, doing all the towers of time, and there's still content i will never be able to access because i wasn't playing this game from launch. i cannot think of a single more spiteful thing i've ever experienced in a video game, both to me and to the actual staff of NRS that worked on this content i'll never get to witness. all that effort for nothing. art sectioned off. nothing matters. it's all ultimately pointless.

fuck it. i don't recommend this game. play it if you want. i didn't recommend it to you. i suggest you just play something whole and complete that has everything available to you, whether it be from the jump or unlockable in-game. play anything but this game. do it for me. do it for the staff of NRS who got crunched, one of which saw so much gore working on this game that it traumatized them to the point of needing to seek help. don't play this great, enjoyable, fun at its core game. i am the warning on the back of a pack of cigarettes. here, let me show you a pair of lungs ravaged by cancer. scary, huh?

Not a fighting game fan but I played this game for the goofy story. It was fun and all but not anything incredible. Probably doesn't help that I know nothing of the Mortal Kombat universe.

Esse jogo fede a lavagem de dinheiro em

I am not a fighting game fan, nor am I a MK fan so going into this I wasn't expecting much.
What I got was a pretty alright fighting game with an awful rewards system that requires constant online at all times, a very grindy Krypt mode that didn't feel very fleshed out, and one of the worst story modes I've played in a fighting game.
I mean it I could go on and on about how shitty the story mode I'm dead serious it sucks.

It also has microtransactions that are on the same level as a crappy free to play mobile game.

This could have been a fun fighting game but it feels so corporate in terms of how everything is too grindy, and how it all ties back into the microtransactions.
Oh and that story mode sucks ass.

Mortal Kombat 11 traz uma das histórias mais audaciosas de todo o universo de Mortal Kombat onde tem um objetivo nada fácil de juntar e tentar explicar todos os acontecimentos dessa franquia até hoje e fizeram com bastante maestria e qualidade para mim, que por mais que seja confuso no começo toda essa interligação de um nova linha temporal se interligando com a atual e a influência enorme da Kronika nos acontecimentos passados citados dos antigos jogos é entendível tudo ao passar do tempo e quase tudo isso seria perfeito se não fosse por uma só morte que ao desenrolar da trama não fez muito sentido ela com a explicação que o jogo tinha dado de uma morte de uma pessoa atual na linha do tempo matar a outra já que ela não existiria mais, e não aconteceu isso com o tal personagem do passado que eu não vou citar para não estragar a experiência de ninguém que for jogá-lo ainda, mas enfim tudo aqui está de maneira impecável: os gráficos, a jogabilidade e sua dublagem que finalmente fizeram algo que é da qualidade que temos no Brasil sem nenhuma interferência de alguém amador nela para te expulsar de toda a imersão do jogo, por isso, vale muito a pena comprar esse jogo na primeira boa promoção que ele estiver pois é um jogo que tem muito valor e foi dado com muito carinho para qualquer fã dessa amada franquia que é Mortal Kombat.

The best thing about MK11 is they said fuck it and made the guys into eyecandy and honestly? They should keep going

so, so, SO close to 5 stars. it had everything going for it. the animation is incredible, the fighting engine is the best its ever been, the writing is horrible (in the best way, most of the time), there's just a lot of small issues that pile up and take it down that one notch from perfection.

firstly, the microtransactions. obviously. not just the idea of them this time, though, because there are a lot of things core to the mortal kombat franchise (from a casual perspective, at least) that it takes away. the thing i hate most of all being the gear. gone are the days of unlockable costumes with either really cool or charming designs, and in come the very slight changes that make a character look completely stupid instead. an absolute charm vacuum that sucks out all the fun of a character's look and replaces it with contrived rarity and greed.

secondly, the krypt. the place you acquire this wonderful treasure. what was once a cute shop where you could get costumes and once upon a time even characters, is now replaced with a grindy, monotonous mess of walking and fucking common gears and skip fight tokens. skip fight tokens. ill say it one more time: skip fight tokens. you can pay for the ability to not play the game. fuck you, WB games.

thirdly, no ermac. should honestly dock the other four stars for that but im feeling generous.

and lastly, the story. i said before the writing is atrocious, which it is, and also that that was a good thing. which it is. for the most part. for the most part, the terrible writing can lead to some pretty good laughs and usually lead to the excellent core gameplay, but other times it's so self-serious that it makes me long for the days of deception's wacky overworlds and bo rai cho's or armageddon's fully fleshed beat-em-up konquest mode that put some action games entirely dedicated to that genre to shame. i understand its a lot to ask for, but so is sixty bucks.

in short, its light on content and on personality. it feels like the days of mortal kombat being "street fighter for normal people" are gone by, and while that gets easier to take as i get more into proper fighting games, it'll always feel like a core part of this franchise is missing. the gameplay improves, and it is an incredible fighting engine, but WB continues ruining everything good with the world along with it.

big ups on giving us a weekend of it for free, though. cant wait to buy it properly when the komplete edition is $20.

also, on top of all of this negativity, i want to say one thing:
the way they handled meters in this is genius imo. in MK9 and X the meter was basically just an X-Ray timer for any player that isnt in it for the style points (which i only started doing recently). and the x-rays themselves started getting a bit worn after a while, so having two different bars for defensive meter burn and stylistic meter burn is perfect, as well as the fatal blow system both only occurring when youre low on health and naturally a bit pressured, but can also only be used once per match. its the perfect compromise and it leads to matches being interesting to play and fun to watch no matter what.

game for people that still listen to Eminem

or as it’s called in my house,
“Dress up with the boys”

A lateral upgrade. Speed and bouncy loose fun was decreased. For more tight slower crunchy Kombat. Krushing blows is a fantastic addition to the mortal Kombat formula with giving certain moves a hard punish with extra rewards or unique criterias. Fatal blows although long at least happen less now being once per game and only at low health. Storytelling still basic action stuff but is more entertaining even with it's more weird holes. DLC came in quick and fast. And man the guests characters are right up my alley. The kontent is even larger and varied but like the content itself is unfortunately half locked behind grind and live servers that need to be constantly connected to. Even if the fights are against ai. Hence why the same score. I love it but it really is a bag of chips. A good quick snack to eat but it gets empty kind quick. Tasty af tho. Also ultimate is the only way to buy it now and it's very cheap and great value a great novice fighting game that's got a great appeal to the casual market

I believe in Kabal supremacy

Dificil cobrar historia de MK mas enfim, é a unica coisa que peca, o jogo da voltas e voltas para trazer personagens antigos e tentar fazer uma nova historia. A jogabilidade e combos continua absurda de boa, um dos melhores jogos de luta atualmente.

If they're from the past during Mortal Kombat 9, why are they wearing clothes?