Reviews from

in the past

It's terribly unfair to judge a game like this with just 20 hours played, so read what I have to say with a huge spoon of salt.

I'm in love with the ambition and scale of Mount & Blade, what this game tries to do is mindblowing with the complete freedom it gives to the player to build it's own story. But, at the same time that's also one on the game weakness, cause the tech and design it's still not quite there and it drags it a bit.

Still, the sequel is coming and I have very high hopes and expectations.

One of the best sandbox games to ever be made. Even through all of its jank its gameplay loop is some of the best and most addicting i've ever encountered

While the singleplayer only holds up thanks to mods, in the multiplayer the combat system really shows how well structured it is and how it can lead to endless playtime figuring it out

I've never progressed any further than once or twice being marshell of the realm for the race ive sided with and even then i don't know how to effectivley use it to my advantage.

The game almost never gets old though.

The best game I'll never stop playing, even with the release of Bannerlord.

I have over 200 hundred hours in this game and have never played without cheating

c'mon, it's M&B. you know it's good.

Great game, but it demands too much time and it's too addictive.

occasionally it would spawn so many enemies i would get a frame every 15 seconds or so

Um dos grandes games deste século. INCRÍVEL!

thisw game honestly kinda sucks balls and its really good

>Peasant man
>Beaten up for 20 Dinars and a sack of grain
>Dragged across Calradia until you manage to escape
>Trade some Wool across 40 miles for a 5 Dinar profit
>Repeat 50 times
>Hire some low level thieves and idiots
>Start clapping some bandits
>FFW 10 hours
>Join faction, start beseiging towns and wiping out armies
>Weaken a faction until they're pathetic
>Leave faction, attack weak faction, take it down
>Take over the world

i spent like a year doing line battles with a friend in middle school with the DLC

actual game is cool i guess

This is both a 1-star and 5-star game

Endless possibilities and lots of fun.

Completely and utterly without equal. Simply amazing.

I definitely get why people will sink hundreds maybe thousands of hours into this game. However that doesn't mean it's for me

My favorite memory is joining Swadia, taking out the entire Mongol faction, then taking those disgraced generals and my companions, founding an empire in the ruins of their last fort, and advancing all the way back to Swadia. Game is built to tell epic stories like that and for that it is amazing. Problems only really come from age.

try and fuck your lords daughters or wife and then uninstall when you get imprisoned

Really wanted to like it but couldn't handle the jank.

Una vez casi llego a crear un reino, pero no hubo suerte.

Attempted to play this on PS4 since it was very cheap on sale but even the tutorial is barely playable with bad controls and hit detection and after I "failed" to hit arrows that I clearly hit and similar nonsense, I just quit out. I hear the warlord aspects of this game are brilliant, but the combat was trash at least on PS4 and that means I don't care about the strategy aspect.