Reviews from

in the past

The fact that this game exists on here shows how impressive this database is.

Anyways, some pretty cool hidden object/detective-type gameplay with a pretty okay story.

goated in the fact they actually made the culprit different each playthrough, for a basic af spot the hidden game it makes for a decent incentive to play it over

this is the best game ever made ever. most amazinf perfect game in the world

If you look closely at a specific level, you can arrange the checklist to say "7 hearts" and a "key".

pretty enjoyable for what it is, actually, and i appreciate the attempts to add variation to what is ultimately pretty simple gameplay. but it also IS pretty simple gameplay, and the story and setting are also such that i'm not compelled to return to this at any point.

Chulísimo. Mucho giro de guión y muchos finales