Reviews from

in the past

for a brief period of time, i believe that i was the greatest Animal Crossing: Sweet Day mini-game player in the world (playing as the dogs). my friends and i easily put in over 100 hours to this game in one winter alone.

better than it has any right to be for a game that's basically a tech demo.

This game slaps and is lowkey the best pack-in title since Super Mario World.

Remember when Nintendo perfectly demonstrated the asymmetric multiplayer potential of the Wii U with a free launch game and then did nothing with that?

Yeah obvs the multiplayer games are the only thing to write home about but they definitely land in with some of my favorite experiences I have had with friends.

i hate this game cos i hate the wiiu

Great multiplayer mini games but the single player stuff is mostly passable

honestly really good? there's some stinkers in the game selection but the highlights are insanely fun, especially the multiplayer ones. 5-player mario chase, luigi's mansion and metroid blast were all god-tier.

what got me addicted to zelda

this game is actually pretty fun if you can manage to get together a group of friends to waggle wiimotes with. shows off the gamepad's capabilities pretty well, albeit still being a gimmick, and some of the games like the metroid and zelda minigames could have honestly been games in their own rights, but aren't really fully realized in what is just a collection of minigames. not bad, just gets boring if you play it alone or with the same group of people over and over

It's better than Wii Play at least to the extent that it is a memorable game that uses Nintendo franchises to create cool minigame experiences. Outside of that though there's nothing to talk about.

It has pikmin adventure so it’s a masterpiece but it also the yoshi game so it’s a 4/5

I could not get enough of that Luigi's Mansion minigame.

I didn't play it as much as it deserves, but I had an awesome time with just the multiplayer minigames. The Luigi's Mansion and the Animal Crossing ones are superb for an easy multiplayer game.
It is worth it to play. Every Wii U owner should buy this game to see what the Wii U Gamepad is capable of.

surprisingly good for a pack in game, that being said theres like only 3 or so games that are worth playing more than once

metroid game is the best metroid game in the past 10-15 years tbh

Much better tech demo game then mid sports

Fun with friends, especially the Pikmin game. There's also a Luigi's mansion game. It's fun but only if you have friends

After 8 years, this still has no right to be this damn good.

Maybe it's my rose-tinted nostalgia goggles, but playing this with my friends while in school was so much fun, especially the Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin Boss Rush, and most certainly the Luigi's Mansion and Mario Chase. Played it again now, and it's still so much fun.

The single-player is aight, tho.

sexy. i was very into the crash course donkey kong minigame. my first exposure to pikmin was through this

Yes, this is basically a glorified tech demo, but I really like Nintendo Land. The idea of a collection of minigames/subgames based on various Nintendo properties is a really fun concept that I'd like to see fleshed out more at some point (And no, WarioWare doesn't count, those are microgames, not minigames/subgames). Speaking of the minigames/subgames, though there are only about 12, but they're all pretty fun for the most part, and they're one of the few instances of the Wii-U gamepad actually being used in a fun, creative way (Also, can I mention how funny I find it that of the very small number of Wii-u games that actually used the Gamepad in a positive way, Nintendo Land was the only one that was actually made by Nintendo themselves?). Me and my friends would spend hours messing around in some of these minigames/subgames, and it was really fun.

Nintendo Land is not without it's issues, however, and they are pretty big issues. Some of the minigames/subgames like the Zelda and Metroid ones have features that are only accessible if you have the Wii Motion Plus upgrade, which kinda sucks not gonna lie. Additionally, most of the single player minigames lack multiplayer options, which limits the multiplayer capability of certain minigames (Especially the F-Zero and Game and Watch ones). Also, I do not like the Attraction Tour mode at all. It makes all the minigames feel super repetitive, goes on for way too long, and desperately needs an online mode. And lastly, and this is more of a personal preference, but the game's toy/robot/wind-up aesthetic can be super hit or miss at times. At times it can look pretty cool and/or cute and other times it can just look super cheesy and fake, there's not real inbetween.

Nintendo Land is a fun experience I reccomend checking out with some friends, and it is a concept that desperately needs a sequel to flesh it out, sort of like what Wii Sports Resort did to Wii Sports.

i will wash you fools on mario chase any day of the week

Both the single player and the multiplayer modes were very fun for me!

I'd kill to have a switch port of this, or a sequel but that's probably never gonna happen, sadly

Genuinely great. Pour one out