Reviews from

in the past

Pretty much all of the multiplayer minigames are jewels. More customization options and less awful camera controls would've been appreciated.

it really is a shame Nintendo Land was never the killer app Wii Sports was - it was a super nice little medley of various Nintendo franchises in a way that was relatively simple and easy to play. main thing that holds it back for me is the lack of online gameplay - I mostly spent time in the Pikmin one though because I didn't really have any friends that wanted to play in real life

Monita my beloved

Easily the best 'console bundle game' Nintendo has ever made. Genuinely really replayable with super creative, pretty, and addictive minigames. Super nostalgic game that was a great introduction to a console that would have a lot of great games but an unfortunate life.

One of the best "tech demos turned game" launch titles from Nintendo. Not much to do if you play alone, and while the minigames aren't the greatest thing ever they're very fun to play with friends. Mario Chase was goated.

I remember when I played this I thought this was what the next generation of gaming would be like. Didn’t exactly pan out that way, but man this game is still so cool to come back to

Tem uns minigame mto pica, outros bem bosta

One of the great Wii U multiplayer games.

My favorite Wii U game, probably the best Wii U game, and one of the best tech demos ever. This game actually makes good use of the Wii U gamepad, showing how games can benefit by properly incorporating gamepad usage. Game is really really fun for both multiplayer and single player, and is a great callback to many of Nintendo's beloved franchises, and I think Nintendo Land is better than Wii Sports.

Metroid blast is the best game btw

Aside from Mario-favoring maps, pretty fun!

Probably one of the best Wii U games and best party games on the system. All the multiplayer games are great, single player are hit or miss but if you're playing Nintendo Land by yourself, please go outside :)

Fun with buddies but useless for everything else

The legend of zelda mini game was the best one, No one can convince me to think other wise

This game is the best game in the Pikmin series hands down

My friend really did not like me winning in that one Mario Chase game. Made a big mess in my room every time that happened.

Which was pretty fucking often.

Nintendo Land is a genius idea for a launch title. The game is so much fun in multiplayer modes, my favourites being the Mario, Metroid, and Pikmin games.

Great party game to play with friends, most of the minigames are charming and fun (the Luigi's Mansion one is the best in my opinion).

This game is really underrated. It's far from being as good as wii sports, but it's a rock-solid tech demo for the Wii U Gamepad. It's more complex than Wii Sports, being less arcady and more complex.This makes it not as enjoyable as its illustrious predessecor. Still, one of the most overlooked games of the early 2010s.

It gave us a Pikmin game when no one else would...

very very fun i like the donkey kong one and the animal crossing one

I sincerely mean it when I say that this is one of the greatest tech demos ever. Nintendo Land is such an underrated blast to play and it still astounds me to this day that this is one of the only Wii U games to fully utilize the potential of the GamePad. Once I start playing one of the many games included, I end up playing through them all because they're just that amazing.

Everyone knows that Nintendo usually offers some sort of software to get you used to and familiar with their new console. The Wii had Wii Sports, the DS has Brain Training, and the Wii U has the very beefy Nintendo Land. This is a game that features a hub that interacts with the Miiverse and has doors to mini-games. Like Mario Party, this game is best played with other people. The AI is pretty dumb and unfair and is just completely boring by yourself.

Nintendo land the legend of zelda battle quest image
There are mini-games that feature pretty much every Nintendo franchise. One is an Animal Crossing game that is very competitive and fun. One person controls two dogs on the gamepad while the other players run around using Wiimotes collecting candy. If you play with one other person they must put 15 pieces in dishes, if it’s two or more other people they must collectively get candy and keep it with them. They have to work together because the more you have and slower you run. This game seems unfair at first for the gamepad player because you run slower and your tackles don’t go very far. It takes practice and skill to tactically corner the Wiimote players and get them. Some of these mini-games have a face cam feature because you can’t look up at the TV, it’s cheating. When you look up the Wiimote players will know and can pummel you accordingly.

The best mini-game is the Zelda Battle Quest. This one is the biggest and has ten full levels. The gamepad player is an archer and the Wiimote players are swordsmen. You must get through the on-rails levels without dying, but you all share a pool of health. It’s really fun and the Wii Motion Plus makes Link’s sword motion 1:1 so it feels responsive and fluid. Another mini-game, probably the second biggest, is the Metroid one. The gamepad player is a spaceship while the Wiimote players are Samus. It’s pretty much a deathmatch game and is really fun. The controls are great and it can get really intense.

There are a lot of unbalanced and unfair mini-games here…too many. The Luigi’s Mansion one has the gamepad player as a ghost and the Wiimote players as the catchers. The problem is that the levels are way too small. There’s not enough room to run around in and can be unfair to too many people. My least favorite is the Mario Chase. The gamepad player is way too fast, it’s nearly impossible to catch them, it’s also really boring with uninspired and lame levels. The second most unfair is the Pikmin game. The arenas are way too small and the gamepad player has an unfair advantage by being able to throw their Pikmin at the Wiimote player, so the Wiimote player has no distance attacks.

There are also some single player mini-games but one person can assist with the Wiimote making things easier. My favorite is the DK Crash Course. You look at the gamepad and have to tilt your car through an obstacle course. the Wiimote player can press A and a bubble will form around you slowing you down. Another one is the Fruit Cart game. You must draw a line on your gamepad to the fruit that appears on the screen. The Wiimote player can get one fruit for you automatically.

As you can see there’s a lot here, but there really aren’t any rewards. You get coins which are used on a Plinko type mini-game that spits out prizes, but these just clutter your theme park and are pointless. My favorite feature of all is the train. It’s basically a championship mode that gives everyone a try at the gamepad and that user can challenge other Wiimote players, or the gamepad gets passed around. It’s really fun and exciting and brings everyone together. I just wish these games could be played online. Why Nintendo, are you so stuck in the past? The Wii U has online capabilities, and yet their games aren’t online, except for the Miiverse.

The game looks really good, but overall it’s lacking online play and rewards. There are too many unfair and unbalanced mini-games that just aren’t any fun. For a packed-in game with the Wii U, it’s pretty beefy and very fun, but I wouldn’t go out and throw $60 down on this game.

Review #1 - 2019

One of those rare gems that I wish would find its way onto the Switch, but I highly doubt it will happen. This game is a WONDERFUL time, and though it's one of those you'd probably get tired of after a couple hours, those first several moments are worth the laughs and fun you'll have. Me and my friends LOVED "Mario Chase".

Until I get a copy for my own, I can't speak for playing it in solo mode, though I can see how that would be not as much fun, given a lot of these games were designed to be played with friends. Some minigames are better than others, and you'll end up finding one you'll REALLY enjoy, and probably stick to that one like we did with "Mario Chase". If you have a Wii U and don't own this yet, do yourself a favor and add it to your collection! If you're getting into the Wii U, don't pass this one up!

Honestly, a lot more fun than you'd think. My family and I have gotten some good hours out of this game. Somewhat underrated.

The quintessential party game. Played each mini game for hours and unlocked every collectible. Mario Chase, Luigi Ghost Hunt, and the Animal Crossing collecting games were so fun and I learned every single inch of them as we played them over and over, with a wide variety of people. Truly a timeless and nostalgic game. However, some of the other mini games may be weaker and not as fun by one's self.

This is like one of the best casual party games ever bruh 🚫🧢🔛🅰️📚❗️

Really fun couch multiplayer experience