Reviews from

in the past

cute and the hacking mechanic feels fun, but the level design just isn't interesting enough to keep me playing even for a free (and presumably very short) game. also needs resolution options instead of just defaulting to your desktop resolution

An interesting puzzle platformer. Could be better with controls, but I enjoyed it. Maybe an expansion to this idea could be cool

I think the weakest of the Pheonixx free games, in that both the gameplay & the artstyle are kind of bland & didn't grab me the way the others did. Maybe if the mechanics were more fleshed out & the robot switching was more on-the-fly it might spice things up, but as it stands this is the idea I was the least interesting in expanding on.

Less immediately appealing than Boomeroad, but still an interesting exploration of how the idea for a game is planted.

The game feels really slow. I think the game was designed with the focus on the feeling of hacking, because that was the only part that felt satisfying. I thought it was very cute that enemy robots have one eye, but when hacked they have two eyes like the protagonist. Towards the end, there's very nice music, cinematic, and ending artwork, so I felt like I missed out on being attached to the main character...

Nottolot is part of a Namco Bandai programme to help give experience to some of it's junior developers. The games are published on steam for free for people to try and gain feedback, The first batch of games were initially released in Japan only with the three 2024 titles (Nottolot, Doronko Wanko and Boomeroad) being released internationally for everyone to play.

Of the three games the one that interested me the most was Nottolot. As a fan of Sci-fi, Wall-E and Astrobot the appeal of a cute robot escaping it's production factory to see the sky should be immediately apparent. First thing I need to highlight is this game will start in Japanese but thanks to other steam users advice it does have an English menu option. (In order to change it to English click on the second menu tab, here are the options and now go to the last menu tab at the bottom and change it to English.)

The game itself once that is sorted is extremely simple. Your robot, Rolly is a ball that can jump, dash, move around by...rolling and hack as a small set of abilities. You need to sneak and solve some basic puzzles on the way across three stages that in total take about an hours playtime. As you travel through the production facility there are plenty of other robots that are on alert for you. There isn't really any stealth needed though getting in their line of sight is an issue but fortunately Rolly can hack other robots inserting itself in their back socket and taking control of them making it invisible to the other robots. Whilst controlling them there is a timer for how long you can control them before being thrown out and the robot exploding though you can do the same of your own accord any time. There are three robot types to control, a little walker, a flyers and spiders. Each robot (apart from giving Rolly invisibility) is needed to pass certain basic puzzles to get keycards to go to the next area. Switches, platforms and lasers mostly involving the robots. Walkers can go over electrified panels without damage, flyers can reach areas others can't and pick up and drop walkers and spiders can crawl along certain walls and ceilings. None of the puzzles are remotely hard and the little game feels very family friendly in both gameplay and art design.

The visuals are cute and crisp. Rolly itself despite being just a ball with eyes is quite a cool little character. He has a nice animation where if you stop rolling around he will hop onto the side so his face is forward rather than at the ground or sky I thought was a nice touch. The whole game is set in the production facility but it comes across as unrealistically super sleek with bright clean metal panels, pipes and boxes. It has a nice visual style where everything is clear to see.

For free this was a great little experience and like an extremely well polished student project in some ways. I don't feel that scoring a free project made for developers to gain experience is the right way to do this so I will just say I had fun during it's playtime. The art style and gameplay mechanics have quite a lot of potential and I would love to see an expanded version of this with more robots, puzzles, chase scenes, areas and mechanics.

This is a really cool idea. I could see being fleshed out into a full game. If any junior project should get funding, this is the one.

Very nice and enjoyable short (~80 min.) puzzle game! The aesthetic reminds me of portal (with less genocidal ai), while the idea is similar to some other little indie games (for example mekabolt). I could really see this made into a full game!

A cool short possession puzzler that feels a bit like something from the PSP days prettied up.