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Die aufgehübschte Version sieht ganz gut aus mit RTX und den neuen Effekten. Leider ruckelt es an einigen Stellen, wenn scheinbar Abschnitte im Hintergrund nachgeladen werden. Spiel bleibt weiterhin schön "duchgeknallt". Diesmal hab ich mir die Mühe gemacht und auch alle Nebengeschichten abgegrast. Insgesamt eine tolle Erfahrung und weiterhin eine Empfehlung!

Narratively it feels like a bit of waste and like that meme of the picture of the horse that begins super detailed and evolves into a stick figure. The detective side of the game isn't very fleshed out. And then the ending throws all these big cyberpunk themes at you and gives you no real time to grapple with them. It's like someone tapped over last 90 minutes of Blade Runner to record the last 30 minutes of Ghost in the Shell.

I am not going to complain though. Visually striking and I dig that it's confident enough in itself to throw so much vivid imagery at you at every turn. Having just played Thirty Flights of Loving, this feels like the ideal AA or AAA version of that. Maybe it's ultimately too long to really hold up. But the ideal AA game, imo, should be this - a super polished and impressive looking 4-6 hour game full of sick images.

Better than the original version since it looks stunning and doesn’t run as terribly. But the Dream Eater sequences are still too tedious and there’s some minor bugs.

Gostei da trama e no começo do jogo quando temos vários casos para investigar é bem legal, mas depois o jogo desanda e vira um walking simulator chatissimo.

Very interesting visually, but the story basically goes nowhere. It is an experience and it is interesting, just lacks gameplay and depth.

In an effort to understand the development team responsible for creating the SH2 remake, I gave Bloober’s highest-praised release a shot. It’s actually not half-bad, but maybe third-bad. The best parts were exploring the scenes and doing the detective work, as easy as it was. There’s a intriguing unnerving edge and setting throughout the game, and interesting story-telling devices are present such as talking to the concealed residents and more. However, the typical “Bloober” nightmare sequences are quite horrible, and not scary or fun, but given the context I suppose it’s a pass (or an excuse). Overall, glad I experienced it.

i'm blown away by all the setpieces and visual effects in this game, still trying to wrap my head around how they did it. this game was pretty dope. i liked all the puzzles and the environments. the best parts are when you're investigating crime scenes and doing all the little side stories, it's so immersive. the story isn't half bad either, it's a spooky little cyberpunk story with a nice twist.

So I got into this game expecting a philosophical game about a cyberpunk dystopia, similar to Blade Runner. Instead I got a psychological thriller that takes place in a shitty neighborhood of the future.

Instead of a fun cyberpunk experience, this game gave me a headache, motion sickness, epilepsy, fear of the future, fear of tech, fear of cyberwerewolves and probably a reason to have nightmares today, all while staying true to the roots of the cyberpunk genre. In case you haven't noticed, yes, I'm talking about the good parts.

The art direction in this game is incredible and more creative than I could ever expect. It's definitely the best I've ever seen in a horror game, and might be one of the best in general.

It's also the slowest game I have ever played, yet the lack of distinctive chapters, parts, objectives or any loading screens made it hard to quit the game at any point. Without realizing it, I spent 5 hours in the game in one sitting. Which is good, but then again, it also did give me a serious headache. Which is the only thing about this game that truly did not appeal to me.

If I had a nickel for every time I played a horror game made by bloober team in october 2023 that had a fairly good story but awful gameplay where you play as a male police officer where you try to find a kid, I would have two nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice.

Observer, generally lauded as Bloober team's best game is a great example of Bloober team's style over substance approach. This game has great visual and audio design, and overall in terms of presentation the game is quite stellar, albeit with a lot of repetition in boring corridors and hallways.

The story starts off ok, with a fairly interesting premise and gets quite interesting around 2 hours in, and completely falls apart towards the end. It's quite ambitious thematically, dealing with trauma, addiction, domestic abuse, poverty, capitalism, with a sort of shotgun method, hoping one theme will stick. However this spreads the story thin with every theme approached being quite shallow, and the game has nothing new to say about any of these. The worst offender though is the overplayed, annoying "humans are the real monsters" point, with the monsters being robots, this being alluded to in the cover of the game too. Without spoiling the ending(whichever one you get) suggests this quite heavily, and not only was it a twist without real meaning or sense to it, but also one for purely shock value. The themes are also quite heavy handed, for example the theme of authoritarianism, one of the keypad puzzles is literally 1984, you cannot make this shit up.

The two strong points of the story are the world and the characters. First off, the world is very very interesting. Out of all the pessimistic cyberpunk worlds, this one seems to be the most realistic. Many of the technology's here are believable, and the history and lore behind a 5 hour game is quite mind blowing. There is a fair amount of attention to detail, and as overused as this word is, the atmosphere is immersive. The characters are all kind of an asshole. There's the protagonist, which is a fairly generic, albeit well-acted police dad character who hates technology and whatnot. There's the son, who thinks he's better than everyone, but has a compelling motive for what he does. The janitor is quite funny, and overall the dialogue and writing is strong, making for quite a cohesive narrative for the middle portion of the game.

The gameplay however is where this game truly fails. I hold the same opinion for blair witch, but they should have just made this a walking sim. The stealth and puzzles are terrible, and make the game flow so much worse. Overall the game design shown here is quite terrible, with certain items/objectives not being in where you would logically think they would be. The game also fails in it's weak attempt at being scary. Blair witch was quite creepy, but observer just jumps in your face occasionally and even with the good sound design has way too much going on to be scary, which it's clearly trying to do.

Despite the narrative being somewhat decent in the middle, this game has little to offer in terms of new stuff. I would recommend to play this if you want a depressing cyberpunk view of the future with a fairly compelling murder mystery plot, but other than that I would not recommend this to anyone, and this makes me nervous for what they're gonna do with silent hill

Platform: PlayStation 5
Date Started: October 23rd, 2023
Date Finished: October 25th, 2023
Time Played: 4 Hours

"This is hopeless."

In the grand scheme of things, isn't all that often that I play a game that I actively really dislike, and it's even more infrequent that I play a game that I actively hate - sadly, Observer: System Redux is one of those few.

I've had this one sitting on my shelf for a couple of years, always meaning to get round to it, and I thought that now would be a perfect time - a short horror game to fit in right before the Halloween season ends. Unfortunately, though, it just didn't resonate with me on any level, and an hour in I couldn't wait for it to end.

The premise seemed interesting initially, but the story quickly became completely uninteresting to me with its pretentious and tiring execution and boring characters, and I found the exhausting, laborious game-play to be a true chore.

There isn't all that much I have to say about this one beyond the fact that I just didn't like it at all, though, and I'm glad to have finished it so quickly!

A pretty good sci-fi horror experience. It's got tons of body and existential horror, with some genuinely disturbing imagery and ideas at play, and some actually terrifying sequences - mostly due to excellent sound design. I really enjoyed the investigative elements in the beginning and then the slow descent into madness that occurs over the course of the game.
The only downside is the forced stealth sections, which reminded me quite unfondly of the demon sequences from Murdered: Soul Suspect (for the five people who actually played and remember that game). I get that there has to be some kind of stakes, but those sections just felt very lazy and tacked on. Even the monster's visual cone is a lie as sometimes they spot you poking 1cm out of a corner and other times they can walk right past you without a care in the world.
Overall though, I had a good experience with this. It's a blend of different cyberpunk stories and ideas, but it was well executed. We got some Bladerunner, we got some Cyberpunk, it was a nice grab bag of references and technologies. I haven't played Layers of Fear, just because it looked like a pretty generic PT-inspired horror experience, but after going through this game, I might just have to check those out as well.

the best of bloobers work, still not amazing

I find it has a pacing problem as the game kind of dumps the most important details of the story literally nearing the end of the game. Furthermore, while the game does remind you that it has a lot of flashing lights, I think it's still a little too much for my eyes to handle.

The highlight is definitely the side quests as they explain enough of the time and place settings.

My feeling overall is neutral. It's a good cyberpunk thriller with horror elements, but has pacing problem. Would not recommend this at all to anyone who has photosensitivity and epilepsy/seizure, though.

Was extremely surprised on how much I enjoyed this game

Didn't love this game but got through it. It was just too strange for me.

Un walking simulator con algunas ideas interesantes, pero no deja de ser un pseudo-P.T. con estética de Blade Runner.

I remember pre-ordering a PS5 before it came out in 2020; it arrived in mid-November by mail. I couldn't play with it a lot because I had to grade so many papers but I played around and beat Astro's Playroom. I bought this game because the word was that this could tide one over with a cyberpunk fix until Cyberpunk 2077 came out. I played it, found it thoroughly oppressive and put it away. Fast forward 10 months or so and I decide to finish this came off as part of my completionist masochism. I just did today (F 1/14/2022)--I made it through this thoroughly unpleasant, nightmarish game. I guess I am being unfair, as it is in the "horror" genre. I will hand it to the developer--they probably have a more clear-eyed view of how miserable and horrific a cyberpunk future really would be, as opposed to the cool, glamorous, sexy version according to Mike Pondsmith. Game-play wise, I felt like a lot of the time my character was trudging through grimy, colorless corridors and tunnels trying to figure out what exactly the game expected me to do. Sometimes it made me ill, but I was able to futz with a setting that I guess smoothed out the motion but even now, having just played through the ending, I feel a bit queasy.

Lo he abandonado por un bug insalvable en la parte final, pero aún así tengo una opinión firme y bastante reflexionada sobre este juego y otros de "su tipo".

Este género de walking simulator de terror se puso muy de moda a partir de P.T., siendo todos los experimentos bastante mediocres, incluidos otros títulos del propio Bloober Team. De este en particular había escuchado algunas cosas buenas, por eso me decidí a probarlo aun imaginándome lo que me acabaría encontrando.

No me gusta nada la jugabilidad pasillera, pseudo investigatoria, los puzzles simplones por poner algún tipo de traba al avanzar sin más y odio la falsa sensación críptica, tan impostada, en la que se sustentan todos estos juegos. Para mí, es uno más en la pila de juegos de los que no te pierdes nada si los ignoras por completo.

Miedo me da lo que puede hacer este estudio si son verdad los rumores que dicen que serán los encargados de un futuro Silent Hill. Espero que no sean reales.

game broke when I got to the sanctuary :)

I liked it. It's cool. I support anything cyberpunk I see even when it's made from a notoriously mediocre studio. I love the visuals and the voice acting, and the entire setting. I love the memory segments and how they deal with certain themes. I love a lot about this game, plus the tension is good. It's good for being the only cyberpunk horror game.

🔲 This game has no plot
🔲 Shit
🔲 Well, so-so
✅ Good
🔲 Masterpiece

🔲 What
✅ Usual
🔲 It is impossible to break away

🔲 Blood from the ears
✅ Usual
🔲 Masterpiece

🔲 Blood from the eyes
🔲 Usual
🔲 Beautiful in its style
✅ Couldn't take my eyes off

🔲 Uninteresting
🔲 Usual
✅ Very interesting

✅ Easy
🔲 Medium
🔲 Hard
🔲 I broke the keyboard

The desire to play
🔲 I don't want to play it
🔲 Sometimes I want to play it
✅ I played without stopping

A story this good and a universe this well thought-out doesn't deserve such boring gameplay.

Horror Cyberpunk Walking Simulator

Observer is for the most part a boring game to play, but not to experience. Highlights of this game come from the impecable visuals and art direction alone and those scary moments that happen that don't really have to do much with the gameplay itself.

If you are a coward, like me don't worry. This game is as scary as a Silent Hill game can be, mostly psychological horror is present and I counted like 2 or so jumpscares throughout my 7 hour playthrough.

There is a detective mode of sorts that is supossed to be the main mechanic of the game, but is at basic as it gets. Scan a clue, and see what can you do with the information it provides. You won't be using this much, outside of specific occations. But if you liked the detective aspect of this game or want more of this world, there are a lot of side cases to solve.

The story is short, and I feel it's a safe bet for the Cyberpunk genre. But it was sweet.

In reality I'd say it's a walking simulator with a few things added on top. It is what the game want you to focus on, those visual striking moments.

Though the gameplay is fine, the graphics are great and the sound design is excellent, I have to echo the common sentiment that the story starts out engaging and completely disintegrates toward the end. It abandons an interesting cyberpunk murder mystery to poorly explore themes other stories (specifically a certain other, more famous horror walking sim) have done better. Regardless, I'd still actually recommend Observer because the first three quarters or so are done really well, especially considering this is by the same guys that made that absolute snoozefest The Medium. I'm a huge Blade Runner and Rutger Hauer mark so maybe that factors into it, but even so I can't pretend I didn't enjoy it. Does that mean I have faith in Bloober's Silent Hill 2 remake?

Horrendous performance on base ps4 (I'm detecting a pattern...)

story is way too mid to justify the poor gameplay and all the bugs the game has

Had a good time with this Bloober Team effort. I liked how abstract it could get and also its cyberpunk setting and world. I have enjoyed what I have played from Bloober so far so I'm hoping for the best with their Silent Hill 2 remake.

Observer_ is a pretty cool take on the cyberpunk genre, hitting on themes you'd expect from similar games like SOMA and Cyberpunk 2077. What does it meant to be human? How far can we augment ourselves before we lose what makes us, us? The side missions of Observer are where the writing and atmosphere really shines. I was never too engaged by the main story.

100% Completion Notes: A decently fun time, only took one playthrough using a guide. A bunch of collectibles to find, but I loved exploring the run down apartment building that serves as the game's setting. The achievements also pushed me towards the side missions, which as stated previously, was my favorite content in the game.