Reviews from

in the past

Excellent so far, exactly what I needed in the moment, can't wait for the final product.

Way too damn cute and the soundtrack is great. The dance battles are entertaining and mixing in a farming simulator makes this game really promising.


i like the gameplay a lot and how tactile things feel, but the writing is just not for me personally. it's extremely cutesy, to the point where i'm struggling to figure out who this game is targeted towards? if it's children, it's patronising; if it's adults, it's tiring. there are a lot of made up words (humans are 'oobin'), deliberately misspelled words (reconstitooter), or things are bizarrely renamed (drippy can instead of watering can, dirt scraper instead of hoe). this is fine, but not for me.

also, currently, there's not much to do, due to it being in early access. i'd stave off on this one for a little while. my 3 stars will hold even for future updates, though, unfortunately.

Really enjoyed the beginning of the game but the composer (pedro silva / slimegirls) being outed as an abuser and the developers never addressing this makes it very hard to recommend.

The dance battle mechanic is rad, I like the world, but the music is such an important part of the game and it's completely soured for me.

Super charming and fun. Absolutely love it!

Really enjoyed the beginning of this game.

But once I got a bit further into the main story (P F****), it just got way too repetitive for me. My other big beefs: dance battles are my favorite part of the game and until you unlock a cool tournament spot it's hard to actually do them consistently. Secondly, the cool-ironic internet-y writing just irked me. I just wanted an ounce of sincerity, please.

But! I still had fun, and maybe one day I'll head back when I have more patience.

So much potential but the loop is too slow

The game was very cute, but I couldn’t get into it for some reason. It seemed kinda disorganized and, at some points, like they were trying too hard (particularly with the slang. It was hard to read). The ooblets are so cute though!!

Dance with cute little guys, then grow MORE little guys. What's not to love?

i really wanted to like this game because it's super cute and i love the art style but it got boring and repetitive pretty quickly. although it was fun for a bit, i stopped enjoying it after a while. i may come back to it later, though because the potential is there!

This came out on a day I was travelling so I played it on the plane but it kinda lost steam so fast for me. I remember feeling like I needed a guide for materials almost instantly, and the farming stressed me out. Had a look at some reviews on here and people seem fairly positive so good for them!

le jeu pokemon le plus bizarre

I wanted to really like this game, but I only kind of do.

First off, it's cute as heck, the dialogue is fun, everything looks great and it has fun gardening, creature collecting and deck building. It's like a Stardew Valley meets Pokemon meets Slay the Spire combined!

Except it's very minor in all those aspects. Growing plants in the garden serves as the goal for fetch quests, cooking, recruiting Ooblets or selling. It does have similar systems as Stardew Valley, but not as robust or deep as the farming simulator. It also seems somewhat simple, as I'm now hoarding seeds, plants, cooked food and Ooblets, which I'm not sure if a fault of my grinding behaviour in games like this or if the game is not demanding enough from me.

The Ooblets are very cool! Running around towns to find the little creatures then coax into dance battles is fun. They make little noises, follow you around and serve as the basis for deck-building. I mix and match them for dance battles typically as counters or because of their synergy, such as ones that require a high amount of resources to spend their cards along with ones that accumulate resources per turn.

However, these dance battles have huge problems. This part of the game is incredibly easy, and I don't believe that's because of my skill level. Your team always goes first, which is a huge advantage. There's usually a clearly visible order of operations and limitations when looking at your cards, which the AI absolutely ignores. For example, it will play cards with "+2 points" then "+1 to all points gained" and then "+1 point for every card played this round" - we humans should know that the opposite order should be played to get the most points, and it's laughable how bad the computer plays this game. Counter strategies aren't even really necessary, because the computer tends to play cards in a random order without taking advantage of Ooblet unique abilities and synergies, how they can interrupt the players' round or whether the cards can even be played! The computer attempts to steal points from me when I don't have any.

While this is frustrating, my biggest problem with dance battles is the camera. Your Ooblets are super cute, fun to look at and have really cool dance moves. However, when it's their turn to dance, they're obfuscated from view as the camera zooms out, pans upwards, and gives the worst angles of your Ooblets during the dance battle. I want to clearly see these little guys do the "One Step Pep" then "Gavotte Trot," but they're either obstructed or too far away to really get a good look at. Then, when you inevitably win the dance battle, there's beautiful shots of each of your Ooblets gaining experience points, but they're not visibly in the spotlight when they're doing their signature "Boogie Blossom". Also, the music is good with some real bangers, but it needs more of it if the dancing is so intricate to the game and done often.

It's so odd that an incredibly cute and fun game does a disservice to itself. The difficulty and views are my major gripes and if they were somehow patched, it would be definitely be a 5-star game. I recommend this despite my disappointment with some aspects of it.

I played this game while it was in early access and thoroughly enjoyed it, although there was something about it that prevented me from feeling fully obsessed with it. At the time I think I wanted the quirkiness to be turned down just a tiny bit, and a little more attention devoted to...any sort of narrative. It's long been out of early access I think, so I will probably give it another shot soon.

lvoe ooblests cant sotp thignking abiouyt uoobles

unapologetic in its weirdness

it's in early access at the time, so this review may change as they add more and more stuff

I absolutely love the concept!! farming sim mixed with monster collection sounds like a dream come true for me. whether Ooblets delivers..... ehhhhhh

it's a fun game with some really cute monsters and some nice settings, I won't deny that. dance battles are fine. but I think most of my issues with this game lie in the very..... mid 2010s Tumblr way all the characters speak, to the point where it feels almost patronizing (and I was knee deep in Tumblr in the mid 2010s so I think that says a lot). it tries way too hard to be cute when it's already sugary sweet and it falls straight on its ass the moment anyone speaks

not being able to predict what the next day's weather is gonna be like also sucks but maybe they'll fix that in a later update. who knows

I really like the concept of this game, luckly i got a promo code so I didnt pay the full price when it released and I know its still in early access but right now its just a bit boring and i already "finished" the game and i have to wait for future updates.
looking forward when the game is finished I know it has potencial for it

Same vibe as Animal Crossing/Stardoot valley, but ALOT more goofier and endearing. Did eventually get abit bored with the repetitive gameplay, but can appreciate the creativity, adorable artwork and humour - might pick up casually again one day.

Every time I come back to this game I lower my rating. It's cute, polished, has a point of view, but Jesus CHRIST is the gameplay loop boring. I have no idea how they essentially transposed the Stardew formula into a different style and lost the playability along the way.

It's a breath of fresh air for this kind of game but it gets repetitive after a while. Hope I can stick to it a little longer but knowing me, maybe not hahaha

was really looking forward to this and the graphics & ooblets are really good and cute but I agree with most other reviews bc I also couldn't rly get hooked on it :T

it does lack a bit of sincerety and agency in some of the writing and story and collecting the ooblets feels more gimmicky than exiting

This game looked like Stardew Valley meets Pokémon ….we’ll… I guess it is lol
Which sounds fun on paper but it gets very boring and uninteresting very fast. Ooblets is a life sim where you move to an island, get a shack in the woods, and your very own monster. You farm crops and have dance battles with your monsters instead of your typical “Pokémon” battles. You do side quests, you do missions and develop friendships with the town folks. I love this stuff but this game ended up being so boring . Play Stardew Valley. Play Animal Crossing. Play Pokémon. But this game just isn’t that great unfortunately. I mean I was very excited to play his game for years and sadly it was not worth the wait.

It's better than Pokémon just because literally everything is better than Pokémon.

the game is really charming in presentation and the character designs are really captivating but the final area of the game is really frustrating as it relies on mini-games completely disconnected from the other game mechanics and they are frustrating to slog through

there is so much to do but it's fun all in all

Pretty fun an chill game, I liked it a lot.

played this obsessively for a while and i don't remember why i did

has an aesthetic that guys who have tweetlongers being written about them will love and call "wholesome"