Reviews from

in the past

In certain occasions gaming experiences bring out sublime qualities, which are not simply describable through common words such as "gameplay", "graphics", etcetera.
If there's one thing I can say about Persona 3, is that it left me with a lot to think about up to this day; sometimes, that's all it really takes.

If you're really worried about the dated fighting system (which isn't as bad as some people make it out to be), do yourself a favor and at least play this on easy.

still the best persona game with characters who have arcs that change regardless of the protagonist's actions and actually have their own lives. i'll always prefer the juggling of social links with tartarus compared to the mutually exclusive "do dungeons OR socialize but not both" of persona 4.

My first Persona/MegaTen game. Deals with relationships and the inevitability of death in such a fantastic way. I adore the cast, setting, plot, and soundtrack as well. Gameplay is not my favorite in MegaTen but still great.

wow i love this game. ai party members isn't fun for a turn-based rpg, it's the game's flaw, but i most recently played on an emulator with a mod to change that and boom, it's perfect (it's still a bit rough around the edges) now. hoping for a remake or remaster!

full thoughts to come

This game fucking sucks but I love it with all my heart

if someone starts playing memories of you i guarantee you i will start bawling like a baby

Writing: 2/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 3/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 2/5

My experience with P3 is kind of unfortunate. I loved it, but it was so bogged down by the awful english dub. Thanks to that I don't think I enjoyed it nearly as much as I could have.
I hope they port it to Steam or PS4 sometime so I can experience it again. (can't believe they haven't done that)

its got good characters

top tier story and characters. the soundtrack is a little inconsistent but when it hits it really hits. the gameplay is fun once you understand the tactics system. sadly i got busy with life and never finished this game after like 60 hours in. will def replay and finish it at some point, maybe even bump up my score then

5/5 ketchup bottles WHY IS THIS SO HEART WRENCHING

changed who i was and turned my life around. i will love you always.

My favourite video game. Should get a remake.

Simply a masterpiece. The gameplay has its flaws, but it was an innovative piece on the series. Very well placed characters, a solid storytelling and only leaves open the things that should be left open.

This game sure would be higher if I could control my damn party members

does not have a plot for 50 hours and playing it actively hurts but it's still alright

Definitely my favorite in the Persona franchise, and it's not even close.

A game with a beautiful message, theme, and story marred by subpar pacing and clunky combat.
I won't lie the first few months of this game are a chore to get through, coupled with the lack of full party control I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping this game. Get through those rough introduction months and absurd RPG mechanics and you will find a game with a golden heart and captivating story, cast, and a message that really puts a lot of things in life into perspective.


by far the best megaten game. most human and likable cast of any jrpg that i've ever played. great battle system, and an insanely addictive gameplay flow in spite of how repetitive tartarus is

Life is precious because death is inevitable and we should cherish the little time we have?
fucked up

The voice of the wind and droplets of light flow over you as you doze
I will never forget the gentle smile and the eyes you hid in sorrow
You gave me the courage to wish (even when it hurts) and to fight, so I can go on
In my dreams (even when I wake up) I will see you again

I love the story's message and characters immensely but odds are I will never actually play this game again. Pacing issues and some of the worst JRPG gameplay period drop this game down hard for me even if the story is (mostly) good. This game is a star and a half because 100hrs of that gameplay and the worst pacing I've sat through soil what few gems lie in the muck between days. I respect those who enjoy this game, but it sure as hell is not for me.

Also, fuck whoever wrote that beach scene. I know this game came out in 2007, but that is such disgusting transphobia.