Reviews from

in the past

Extra half star, just because doggos

É lindo de ver o pokémon que todo mundo conhece só que em 3D (e bem bonito diga-se de passagem), as wild areas também mesmo com defeitos são um primeiro passo na direção correta no que a gente sempre quis ver com os pokemons na natureza. Mas tirando essas inovações que são mais eye candy do que qualquer coisa esse jogo é bem inexpressivo.

Primeiro que a história parece que fica pior a cada pokémon que lança, não faz sentido e muito menos é interessante, por mais que eu saiba que é um jogo de criança, a história não tem necessidade de ser tão infantil, raza e sem substância como é. Inventaram também o tal do Dynamax/Gigantamax agora que é uma mecânica gimmick do caralho que não agrega em nada, poderiam tem continuado com as mega evoluções que seria MUITO melhor. Pra finalizar, o jogo é inacreditavelmente fácil em todos os sentidos (leveling, captura, batalhas), Só se salvam os ninhos de gigantamax que são difíceis de se ganhar (solo) só por ter a mecânica de ativar o shield do pokémon quando ele toma uma certa quantidade de dano.

Não tem nem muito o que falar mais desse jogo, acredito que ele foi um "erro" necessário pra aprender como tudo ia se comportar com esses gráficos novos e num console novo também, espero estar certo em pensar que esse foi um test dummy pros próximos jogos serem bem melhores.

Me diverti jogando? Sim.
Isso quer dizer que é bom? Não.
Como bom fã de pokémon vou comer qualquer merda que a game freak/nintendo botar no meu prato, mas falar que gostei já é demais.

I dunno how a pokemon game managed to bore me out of my mind but somehow Pokemon Company managed to do it.

The 3rd best Pokemon game. Loved it first time but the initial limitations on Pokemon threw me off playing beyond the end.

Does a lot right, including the awesomeness of the Wild Area. It's just not enough of the refresh that the franchise needs.

I love wooloo more than life itself but not even pokemon could save Britain

pokemon sword, pokemon Sheild, Pokemon GUN!

In terms of Pokemon games, I wouldn't put this one at the top of the list, but it has everything that makes a Pokemon game fun: great new Pokemon, cool battle mechanics, and a pretty good region. The region may be a bit sparse at times, with locations that aren't exactly memorable. The DLC improves a lot by adding some older Pokemon that were missing and adding two new areas that are fresh and fun to explore.

Pokemon Shield is not a good game. An unfortunate result of rushed development leading to a mind numbing story experience, poorly implemented new features with so much wasted potential (like the wild areas), and a lack of polish that sticks out like a sore thumb in the new generation.

With that being said, I can't deny the fun I had. I grew to really like Hop and Marnie as rivals, and Leon is one of the best champions in the series. Pokemon models and moves in general were pretty well animated and looked crisp (Never cared for the National Dex either). And above all else, the main hook of catching and training Pokemon is as engaging and rewarding as ever.

I hate this chain that Game Freak holds over me; despite them seemingly entering a new era of mediocre titles with little effort, it'll still garner some enjoyment purely based off of the namesake - and unfortunately I'm a product of this. I hope Legends ends up being the right step forward we're all hoping it is.

The second laziest pokemon game. At least this one doesn't look like a mobile game.

better than gen 6 and 7 but still meh

cool character designs tho

This review contains spoilers

Even though I love Marnie and the legendary dogger buddy, the game itself felt really undercooked to me. The whole disaster thing 1000 years into the future was hard to believe and felt as if they had just pulled whatever plot device out of thin air. The gameplay over time became incredibly monotonous, and very few objects could be interacted with, unlike in previous games. It can really be summarized as moving up a long, long hallway, taking a 3-hour wild zone detour, then a quick cutscene with a story crumble sprinkled in, gym fight, repeat. You can tell they focused the most on the wild zones and that's a shame, really, because they could've added so much more to every other town and city.

It's so...uneven to say the least to the point where I both like this game and am disappointed in it at the same time. The Wild Area is cool, and the DLCs help it a lot, and I love the atmosphere of the gym battles being in big stadiums, and the characters were memorable. Beyond that, however, the lack of content and the fact that this game could be a lot better does make this one of the most uneven games in the series.

TL;DR, Fuck Pokemon Sword and Shield, I love it.

This game shouldn't have been 60 bucks. It did not earn that price tag. It is a mediocre as fuck mess that made a fuckton of excuses for exclusion of people's favorite Pokemon, resulting in one of the largest fandom debates of all time. It made me hate Charizard, and almost made me completely hate this franchise as a whole. This is one of the few games that almost made me cry for all of the wrong reasons. Fuck this game, and fuck what it represents. Fans deserve better.

Also real nice adding an additional 30 dollars just for DLC, I'm sure putting salt on the wound will heal it up real good asshole.

Edit: Having beaten the game within the past few days, my opinion hasn't really changed. I'm not so much angry at the game itself as much as I am the decisions made while making it. The game is a mediocre mess that has little to nothing going for it, but there are worse entries in the series. The DLC thing is still BS though.

Edit No. 2:
This is still what I would consider the second worst game in the series, but as you'll see by the change of status, I have gone to Master this game. Firstly I want to say thanks to a close friend of mine for getting me into Competitive Pokemon. If it weren't for them I would not have gotten to Max Rank in Ranked Mode and would not have sunk as many hours into this game as I did. As a competitive game, SwSh is pretty damn good minus the previous season which allowed Cover Legendaries into Competitive, one of the worst executive decisions ever made in my opinion because it resulted in a fuck ton of people just using Zacian constantly. The way Ranked operates is genuinely pretty damn good, with losing not being incredibly punishing as you get placed into new tiers throughout the season, sticking to the highest tier you've attained until the season ends in which your rank is reset.

Now don't get me wrong, Ranked is far from perfect. The amount of people who use legendary Pokemon is obscenely high, and it is almost always the same 2 or 3 that you'll encounter, but outside of the individuals like that battles can genuinely be fun.

This review will still have its low rating due to everything that built up to this game's release, as well as the base game's general mediocrity, but there are things in this game that are worthwhile, I just hope that they'll be put into a good game next time and not... this.

hhh this game wasn't very good. trying to find your friends in the pokemon spawning area was almost impossible. though i did have fun with friends when we were able to. the story was fine, i did like the characters a lot though. the pokemon from this generation were pretty alright. not the best overall unfortunately.

Full review on [GER]:

Review | Wann ist Pokémon so schlecht geworden?

Es ist an der Zeit, die Wahrheit einfach mal auszusprechen: Pokémon Schwert und Schild sind nicht einfach nur schwache Pokémon-Teile, sondern in meinen Augen gnadenlos schlechte Videospiele, die eigentlich nur durch zwei Dinge getragen werden - ihre große Marke und den Nostalgiefaktor. Und das ist auch nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn mit jedem neuen Pokémon-Titel reist man in eine längst vergangene Ära zurück. Ich habe lange überlegt, wann Pokémon so schlecht geworden ist, ob es das womöglich schon lange war oder es an mir selbst liegt, ich vielleicht einfach aus dieser Welt und diesem Konzept herausgewachsen bin. Aber das ist nicht so - denn ich würde so gerne ein modernes Pokémon mit einer lebendigen Spielwelt erleben, ich möchte Pokémon in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung beobachten, spannende Kämpfe bestreiten und ja, ich möchte auch durchaus der Allerbeste sein, wie keiner vor mir war. Ich wünsche mir ein mutiges, zeitgemäßes, ambitioniertes Pokémon-Abenteuer mit Herz und Seele. Was Game Freak stattdessen serviert, ist billig, steinzeitlich und in vielerlei Hinsicht geradezu dreist.

Ich tue mich sehr schwer damit, das positive Feedback und die hohen Wertungen der Presse zu verstehen, denn was ich sehe, ist kein Fortschritt, sondern der Versuch, mit möglichst wenig Aufwand möglichst viel Geld zu machen - dabei bleibt die Qualität nicht nur technisch vollständig auf der Strecke. Und das Argument "Es ist eben Pokémon" kann und darf nicht mehr ziehen, denn es müsste genau umgekehrt sein. Gerade weil es Pokémon ist, weil es so erfolgreich ist und das Potential zu so viel mehr hat, muss man höhere Erwartungen an das Produkt setzen - und es auch entsprechend für seine Fehler und Versäumnisse abstrafen.

Für mich war Pokémon einmal eine besondere Serie mit einer besonderen Geschichte. Diesen Status hat Game Freak mit Schwert und Schild zunichte gemacht. Wenn ihr nichts weiter möchtet als ein ultra-konservatives Pokémon in der Art, wie es Anfang der 2000er schon war, wenn es euch nur darum geht, alle Pokémon zu sammeln, dann werdet ihr auch dieses Mal Spaß haben können. Ich möchte aber mehr als das und habe es satt, mich mit halbgaren "Features" wie einer frei drehbaren Kamera oder leb- und lieblosen Naturzone abspeisen zu lassen. Pokémon Schwert und Schild sind für mich mit riesigem Abstand die größte Enttäuschung des Spielejahres. Und das sage ich als jemand, der schon von Beginn an mit sehr wenig gerechnet hat.


Decent. Of course, it has wasted features and could have been better if it wasn't that convulted, but I appreciate the good sides of the game, as Hop, who is a really good rival, or Lionel, one of the best champions of the game. Galar could've been better, but it's a nice region from most part, it has one of the best introductions of the franchise, and has good ideas despite not exceeding in them.

It's really just more of the same but this time you're in Fish and Chips-land and they finally got rid of the random encounters.

had a good time playing it but like there's so much less content than the ds games that i can't justify giving it a better score

Balance is a little wonky and Pokeball capture rate is broken but its a fine enough game. I didn't hate it

this game is fun, it might look half ass but it's the only game that makes completing the pokedex not a chore, and shiny hunting is super damn fun too ngl

worst pokemon game but still enjoyable

SMT used the same models for 15+ years and no one complained. Pokemon fans are soft.

I'm a normal human being that doesn't fucking lose it when I see a low polygon tree, so yeah, I had fun with this. It's Pokemon. What did you all expect. Give it 10 years and people will worship this as much as people worship Sinnoh and Unova now.

This was my first Pokemon game. It was ok, I guess. Nothing was compelling, the very definition of formulaic and predictable, and super easy. Seriously, if you do any grinding at all you're going to be quite a few levels over the competition. I was regularly 10 or more levels above the competition. The battles themselves honestly got pretty boring after awhile to be honest. They were interesting at first, but once you've fought the same Pokemon for the 15th time, you just get bored. It's just a slightly above average baby's first RPG.

Deserved more time in the oven. Regardless a game I really enjoy
Also it's the best to nuzlocke because of its emphasis on dynamic teams

This was probably one of the first JRPG's I've played (if you even consider it one) and I was not impressed. The graphics and frame rate is bad on it. The story is kinda cliche, and the combat was unimpressive. Once I beat the game there was no motive for me to "catch them all" or do the post-game stuff, because I just didn't feel engaged to stay. Once I've heard the common criticisms for it I honestly agreed. It wanted me to stick away from JRPG's, but thank god Persona 5R got me back. If you really need to play Pokemon and you've played the originals, I guess you have no other choice, but I've heard Octopath Traveler and Miitopia (yeah I said it) is more impressive.

Esto me duele más a mí que a ustedes: es definitivamente el peor título de Pokémon, al menos de las entregas principales, y si no fuese por las mecánicas que llevan funcionando bien desde siempre, la magnífica banda sonora y el nuevo sistema de gimnasios, lo consideraría un juego rotundamente malo. Ya lo siento, pero está muy mal optimizado, las dificultad es inexistente, apenas hay lugares interesantes que visitar y la historia es un completo desastre.

Vamos, que tanto si eres fan de toda la vida como si quieres estrenarte en el mundo Pokémon, en cualquier caso yo personalmente te desaconsejo esta octava generación.