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the edgier dad of postal 2

I appreciate the balls to go with the tone it did and the soundtrack is hauntingly good, but the controls just arent very good unfortunately, still, I gotta appreciate RWS's balls and the general message they went with

"Literally me" guy the game.

Postal ilk bakındığımda düz ilerleyip hedefleri vurup ilerlediğimiz basit bir oyun olarak aklımda kalmıştı. Özellikle ilk çıkan sürümü baya eski püskü gözüktüğü için Redux sürümünü ilk oynayıp bitirdim. Redux'ı oynadıktan sonra ilk oyunun orijinal sürümünü merak ettim. Bu merakımla orijinal Postal'ı bitirdim ve yeniden yapılmış versiyonuyla bariz bir fark vardı. Bu fark grafik farkından ziyade oyunlar birbirlerinden baya farklıydılar. İlk Postal tamamıyla bir korku oyunu gibiyken Redux versiyonu akıcı bir aksiyon oyunu olmuştu. Şimdi neden korku oyunu gibi dediğimi anlatayım. Genel aksiyon oyunlarında hedeflerinizle mücadele ederken arkada çalan OST'ler genel olarak sizi o savaşa gazlamak ister. Postal ise size hedeflerinizle mücadele ederken arka planda garip sesler, iç bunaltıcı sesler ve insan çığlıkları veriyor. Bu başlı başına aşırı rahatsız edici bu rahatsız ediciliğe artı olarak düşman olarak gördüğümüz şey ise sivil halktan ibaret. Oyun bu anlattığım yönleriyle psikolojik bir baskı ve gerilim oluşturmasına yetiyor.

Oyunda oyuncuya bölümler arası sunulan bazı hikaye ögeleri var. Anlattığım gerilime bir katkı ise bu hikaye ögelerinden geliyor. Ana karakterimiz Postal Dude insanların devletin hava kuvvetlerinin yaydığı bir kimyasal tarafından kötülüğe dönüştüklerini düşünüp onları temizlemesi gerektiği düşünüp harekete geçiyor. Bölümler arasında bize gösterilen kabuslardan fırlama resimler ve onları üstünde oyunun hikayesi sunuluyor. Aralarda çıkan resimler ve metinleri ana karakterimizin kafasının içi olarak düşünebilirsiniz. Postal hikayesi anlamında pek kafaya takılmayan bir seri olsa da hikayesinin bazı yönleri ciddi anlamda ilgi çekicidir. Özellikle bu oyunun hikayesinin sonu oyun boyunca olan şeylerden çok daha rahatsız edicidir.

Postal oynanış anlamında oyun süresine göre fena olmayan bir deneyim sunuyor. Oynanış kısmında şikayet edebileceğim birkaç şey var. Öncelikle oyunda nişangah o kadar belirsiz ki ateş ettiğim yeri fark edemeyip vurulduğum çok oldu. Bir de silahlar anlamında çeşitli olmadığını söyleyemem ama oyunda zaten sınırsız mermisi olan bir tüfeğimiz var. İlerledikçe elde ettiğimiz silahları oyunun son bölümleri haricinde pek kullanma gereği duymadım. Eski gözükse de Postal'ın ilginç bir korku deneyimi olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

Not actually completed but my last achievement is Bulletstorm so close enough. For anybody lucky enough to get a Steam Deck you can use that to get Ballmer Baller but it's extra janky. Only 3 of your weapons use mouselook. The rest you have to tap the screen for like it's a mobile port of the game and the rockets will fire off into a random direction half the time.

I'll give it credit for causing a commotion - but this really isn't a particularly good or interesting game.

Bom, se vc espera algo minimamente parecido com postal 2 em questão de atmosfera pode esquecer esse jogo, ao contrario da sua sequencia que é muito mais voltado pro humor negro e cheio de piadas, esse aqui é um jogo com uma vibe bem mórbida e macabra.

Basicamente Postal é nada mais nada menos que um simulador de massacres, seu objetivo é basicamente matar os npcs hostis, mas claro que o jogo te incentiva de certa forma a matar os inocentes tmb.

Em questão de lore o jogo é bem superficial, vaga e abstrata, resumidamente é só um cara que surta certo dia é possuido por um demonio sedento por sangue e sai matando todo mundo que vê pela frente.

Em questão de mecanicas o jogo não é muito dificil, muito pelo contrario, é bem exploitavel e cheio de falhas de ia e certas armas bugadas, mas nada que atrapalhe muito.

O jogo é literalmente feito pra chocar, mas hoje em dia não funciona tanto tendo em vista que temos varios jogos, filmes e qualquer outro tipo de midia muito pior.

Agradezco que sea corto porque con lo mal que envejeció hubiera sido insufrible si duraba 5 o incluso 10 horas.
Los escenarios son diversos, pero los enemigos y armas terminan siendo siempre más o menos lo mismo.
No creo que sea excesivamente malo, pero realmente quedó muy obsoleto. Espero que el remake haya sabido darle un buen lavado de cara.

Wild how this more 'serious' game devolved into the Postal series we know today.

It's very mediocre lol

Shame i can't shoot up the school myself (in a video game)

Ah sim, Postal, a franquia conhecida pelo segundo jogo pelo seu humor negro de alto calibre, mas e o primeiro jogo? Bem, além de um tom muito diferente também não é muito bom.

Eu sei que esse jogo não é o dos mais focados em história, mas eu quero começar falando dela primeiro, e ela é no mínimo peculiar, ao contrário do segundo jogo, esse tem um tom bem mais sombrio, muitas vezes lembra um jogo baseado em Heavy Metal de tão mais sombrio que é em relação ao segundo jogo, enquanto a história em si, bem, ela segue o Postal Dude com a insanidade dele matando inúmeras pessoas por vários lugares, simples assim, mas o que acho interessante é como conectar esse jogo ao segundo, existem várias teorias, algumas acreditam que é um universo alternativo em relação ao segundo, outras acreditam que seja só um pesadelo, outros acreditam que são duas pessoas diferentes que coincidentemente têm o nome Postal Dude, e entre outras, particularmente acredito mais na segunda. Agora algo interessante é como tudo isso reflete ao principal ponto do primeiro jogo, criticar jogos de tiro e como você saía matando tudo sem pensar duas vezes, o que apesar de meio datado hoje em dia já que muitas pessoas se acostumaram com isso, é um toque interessante já que apesar dessa ladainha de "video games deixam pessoas violentas" ser uma grande farsa, uma pessoa ainda pode levar conhecimento em algum jogo para a vida real, seja positiva ou negativa.

Uma pena que esse trabalho que foi para a história e o meta comentário deles não foi igualmente feito na gameplay, que é um jogo de tiro isométrico onde algumas fases ficam vistas de cima por algum motivo, mas no geral é um monte de nada, a maioria das armas são completamente inúteis e poucas vezes o jogo traz inimigos que lhe incentivam a usar o resto do seu arsenal, e mesmo quando isso acontece eles são facilmente evitáveis, deixando a gameplay do jogo bem repetitiva e cansativa, ainda mais nas fases mais difíceis que tem quase centenas de inimigos, nem mesmo nas fases extras introduz muita coisa interessante (se não nada né).

Visualmente a maior parte é muito bom, as title cards antes das fases são visualmente muio insanas e lembram muito capa de álbum de Heavy Metal, na real a estética geral quando o assunto é menus e os créditos é muito foda, as fases em si também não são ruins visualmente, algumas fases até que são legais visualmente, enquanto os personagens (ao menos os sprites) são bem feios e repetitivos aparecendo um trilhão de vezes. Trilha sonora não tem muita, mas o que tem é bem legal, especialmente a dos créditos.

Enfim, tem pouquíssima coisa para falar sobre Postal 1 além do seu impacto na indústria dos video games sendo reconhecido como uma das franquias mais notoriamente controversas dos mesmos, definitivamente recomendo jogar se tu for fã de Postal ou fã de jogos controversos/perturbadores, caso contrário melhor só jogar o 2 mesmo.


Even now, it genuinely feels wrong to play this game, and I like that about it. There's perhaps not much meaning or depth behind it, and behind all that it's a rather mediocre janky shoot 'em up, but they definitely knew what they were doing with the presentation. One of the few transgressive pieces of media that I feel truly succeeded at their goal in all the right ways.

It's not terrible but the gameplay gets repetative. Setting was probably interesting for it's time, but it's not particularly shocking today.

A good shoot 'em up. The main game and extra content can be finished in around 4 hours.
Read the manual for a proper introduction to the story. In the actual game, a few lines before each mission won't tell you much.
The gameplay never really drastically changes, but I found it enjoyable.
In each mission, you have to kill a certain percentage of hostiles, then when done, press F1 to advance to the next level.
Enemies being bullet sponges can make it feel like a drag at times.
The game lacks an auto-save, so save at the beginning of each new mission.
Graphics are nothing special but for fans of older games can have their charm.
The game, however, is not without controversy and I would recommend reading about it and then decided if you want to play it or not.

I prefer the original narrative of postal/redux

the Steam achievements are better than the game itself lol

Es divertido, especialmente considerando la época en que salió. Es corto, indescifrable si no lo juegas en la más difícil y a veces se pierden NPCs pa estallar, pero es divertido.
Quizá lo mejor que tiene el final de este juego es que fue hecho en una época donde se creía imposible un suceso así y hoy día pasa como cada mes xDDDDDDD
Que buen juego

Gameplay is challenging and pretty fun actually. It's a bit much though, innit? Like it's not deep or anything, it's just kinda disturbing for the sake of it.

I get it, guys. Senseless killing is not meant to be thrilling or exciting, just a dull string of ceaseless violence. Postal makes that point very clearly over its many boring levels.

It's bold, risky, and clearly made the impact that Running With Scissors wanted it to. Of course, it took them until Postal 2 to actually start having genuinely creative ideas, because at its core, Postal is essentially a point and click game, although the only thing you'll be delivering are, of course, bullets.

You go from level to level, tasked with wiping out a certain percentage of the population of each locale. You click on people until they fall over, some of them shoot back but there's not much you can really do other than pick your fights carefully, and use the right weapons. The most exciting thing is being able to duck under rockets (because apparently the guys can't just angle them down?) but it's not something you'll be doing regularly.

Once again, I can appreciate the sentiment that I believe they were trying to make here. But reviewing it as a game...this is a pretty terrible game. Boring, unfun, and if you take it at face value it's pretty disgusting.

Also, there's a button that blows your own brains out right next to several other important keys. I'm assuming it's a cruel joke. I'm not laughing.

I played this out of love for Postal 2. It's not good.

This is probably one of the weirdest things I've done. For the achievement: Ballmer Baller, which requires to Play the Mac or Linux version of the game, I had to install Linux on my PC just so I could turn the game on to get one lousy achievement.

I’m kind of fascinated at how overly edgy this game is. The “music”, the gameplay, the setting, and the ending is just depressing. If it wasn’t just mindless shooting then I think I would like this game more.

My only experience with the POSTAL franchise before this was watching highlights of Mat and Pat from Two Best Friends(i THINK it was them) pissing on some guy in one of the sequels, and watching the movie with one of my roommates. I think that did Not prepare me for what i was getting into lmfao

This game is fucked.
But I actually think it's fucked in a way that's more creative than people seem to give it credit for nowadays it seems. I already know the stories of news article thisss, and the devs being like thattttttttt and so on and on

But lets try to keep it condensed here hm?
This is a SOMETIMES isometric SOMETIMES top down shooter(idk why it alternates it doesnt really make the gameplay more challenging or fun) with some okay weapon variety and level variety and really not much else to write home about on that, its functionally sound

ANNNNNNNND thats kind of it when it comes to how i feel abt this game in gameplay like its a near mindless shooter thats aesthetic, sound design and what it is kind of carries it. My favorite parts about this game were these sorts of twisted mental reflections on the areas you were going to next in a demented self justifying tone of you doin what you gotta do,
the near eyestraining mental visuals that fuse in a slurry of corroding rust reds, the void and tinges of scarlet
it's no secret the game makes it known that the guy you control isnt necessarily Lying to you, the player, but genuinely believes everything thats happening right now for one reason or another
is it a withering piece of game design meant to take the piss out of violence as a whole or is it an edgy, demoralizing ironic romp speedrunning into your straightjacket?
The thing that really seizes ""The Dude""'s real mental state to me is when youre wandering... you cant find anyone
but you still need someone to kill
you still need to hit that percent goal or maybe youre curious and you REALLY RE ALLLY need to find that last guy you need to find that last guy and youre not really sure Why but you feel like you need to, is he strong is he an animal is he defenseless, is he hiding around the corner, is he more of a challenge than the last dozens you slaughtered??? the answers to these questions are simple
nope! probably! probably! big fat nope! but the clear paranoia and delusions that ensue that even follow into the ending make the whirring of empty cave echoes laced with faint tinnitus ring ever truer, with crickets and a full course serving of deafening silence and the writhing twinges of bodies' last clinging throes to life.. the kind where the game doesnt even let you "finish them off" or anything theyre just limping and youre waiting for the timer to clock in..

this isnt a horror game by any means and the "video games cause violence" PTA meeting of the month club in the 90s and early 00s still sucks fart nuggets but there IS some merit and a point being made here it feels. the final level in redux is very different but i think it does some things better AND worse than this game's ending

Redux in particular stages the ending with a longer walk to its climax of realization for the main character in a much more direct and choreographed way, and i like it i just also think it happening at the school with kids all being the same exact sprite is more interesting and gets your mind tumbling like "were all those kids just lookalikes of the mc when he was young.. were they not? were they a friend of his in his youth that caused him to spiral out of control and gain all these mental issues in a rolling stone kind of way?" the answer NEVER actually baring itself to you
I think that the asylum bit itself has much more unsettling and well done visuals in Redux as well but I still think its interesting, dark.. sad... an unhinged serial killer in a trenchcoat ala incel duke nukem wannabe spouting one liners for what he thinks is for the good of existence, just what he thinks will make the flames in his flesh die down

and yet when he finally sees white all hes left is the void and confinement, left to rot like the bodies he left in his wake

final thoughts: Now I'VE heard that everything going forward is apparently in an alternate universe that embraces dark comedy more than having something like this going on, which is Fine. But I think its kind of hard to think of this game as someone's edgy little mindless shooter they wanted to make with no substance to it whatsoever(though the gameplay is quite tedious after a bit)

The craziest thing is by the end of it I realized two things
1. I said all this shit just to say the game is "Okay" as a whole.. i THINK i liked it?
and 2. I think this game convinced me to pick Drakengard 1 back up because if I could stomach tedium here I think I can stomach it for the rest of that game

This game is some kind of trash

é um jogo ok, é curto e dificil, e diferente do 2 ele tem uma critica interessante