Reviews from

in the past

Remember portal?

Okay Imagine that but instead of a cool mechanic you just push blocks out of the floor and there's no humor and the atmosphere is the same as portal but worse.

BUT, the puzzle mechanic is interesting and it kept me going until the end and didn't overstay its welcome so its an Okay puzzle game.

It seemed like some kind of cool indie diamond, nice graphics and gameplay, but, unfortunately, 0 story here.

Epic Portal-Like, fun puzzles, very unique

Several puzzles made me feel like I had single digit IQ, other than those I was bored out of my mind

nice puzzle game though pretty easy, quite short but enjoyable and the ending i though was really cool

Another fun puzzle game I picked up randomly. Simple mechanics, that get progressively harder. it's remaster, however, is a much better experience. graphics are more advanced, quality of life changes, some bad puzzles redesigned, so go play that if you want to experience it

A pretty decent puzzle game, though I found myself disinterested with the story it was trying to tell. Some puzzles also felt like repeats with an added gimmick, but it didn't detract too much from it.

It's sort of like Portal combined with Pushmo, and its as well executed as either game. Over the course of the game it introduces and explores a ton of mechanics, spending just enough time with each that you get your fill without any geting tired. While the game isn't super long, everything that's in the game is super well executed and expertly designed. I think the game nails everything it goes for and is the right length.

Good if you love puzzles

Works well. It does have Portal-esque environment break moments, but really doesn't do anything with them which is fine, it doesn't try too much and it doesn't have to (that's where the sequel steps in). Probably the more chill alternative to Relicta, almost pure puzzling.

Technically I have already played this and dropped it years ago, but remembered almost nothing about it. After replaying it, I remembered why I dropped it: it simply isn't fun.

Q.U.B.E. has some interesting ideas and atmosphere, but ultimately is way too clunky and finicky to be enjoyable. I quit at what I'm pretty certain is where I quit the first time I tried this, which was a puzzle that involved moving around four cubes to align with lasers using magnetism. Problem is the physics just seem way too inconsistent to make the process of this even remotely fun. It's like trying to thread four needles at once.

I also feel as though a lot of puzzles in this are pure trial and error. Almost never did I feel like I was reaching solutions with proper deduction. Felt more like I was stumbling upon them by accident, making for a pretty unsatisfying puzzle game.

Story not interesting enough, puzzles not very fun, not a very good looking game. Not fun enough overall.

A very good puzzle with nice mechanics.
Something about the attractive cubic style of location design.
It’s a pity that it’s very short, but there are DLC that will extend the tests for you.