Reviews from

in the past

no run button and long empty hallways let you know the devs hate you

I was having a good time, but then I experienced a game breaking bug that wouldn't open the game for me, so until I get entirely new hardware I won't be able to continue playing it, and the dev team has not responded to me. Shame, I was liking it too.

Fun gameplay with good puzzles, but the narrative's not half as good or witty as the developers think.

Quizás peca de ser poco memorable y tener una historia aburridísima pero sus puzles son ingeniosos e introduce nuevos conceptos constantemente.

O design dos puzzles é um pouco quebrado, mas tem boas ideias. A história é o suficiente interessante pra te manter até o fim do jogo, OK.

Q.U.B.E. 2 was a little frustrating for me.

I mean, it works well as a sequel, and it is a good game, but there were a few things that took me off of it.

Story-wise it is not amazing, with a good plot twist but a not-that-bright concept overall. And, the thing that most bothered me, the puzzles are unbelievably easy. There were great new mechanics added to the game and most of the level design choices were great, and the variety of the puzzles was surprising, but they were really weak. I’m not a puzzle game enthusiast and solved every single one of them on the first try.

But I did like the game. The voice acting is good and the visuals are astonishing, the gameplay is good, and as I previously said, the mechanics (the ones that came from the first game and the new ones) are really good and interesting, making the gameplay really fun. Considering that the game goes for almost nothing on steam sales I’d say it is easy to recommend, even not considering it that much better than the first one.

Expands on Qube in every way, but remains steadily seated within the generic indie puzzler. Puzzles are still good, the graphics are nice eye candy, and the story is bleh including le epic final choice. It's thin line to walk on, between trying to making your game more interesting beyond its gameplay, and putting too many resources into things that ultimately don't matter. Making some interludes visually impactful instead of the dialogue and general story might have been a better choice, because it doesn't present anything unique (and certainly not in a unique way), so why bother? The Turing Test might be a better and comparable example.

A very good but not perfect puzzle game.

With every passing dialogue, I was less interested in the story.

The puzzle design is ok, but was made less enjoyable by mediocre game feel, and an environment design that looks good in screenshots, but really doesn't work to enhance them.

puzzle que só jogaram no game pass. existe puzzles (muito) melhores.

Fun game overall, none of the puzzles where too hard managed to complete most of them in under 10 minutes. Story was ok but wasn't my main focus while playing. Too me the game felt kinda like portal so if you like puzzle games like portal this could be for you.

Story misses the mark, but other than that, great puzzles, great gameplay, great everything else, the closest thing to portal i have ever seen

Director of this game saw Portal 2 adding plants and told the intern "Write that down, write that down"

It's a nice step-up from director's cut. a lot of similar themes about trust, but a different approach this time around. still fun gameplay, very enjoyable

Don't understand how the rating is so low, the game is a really fun time solving puzzles

not as many "qubes" as there were squares

Really good puzzles, I enjoyed this very much when I played it. Unfortunately, Qube 2 suffers from a serious lack of personality. It's impossible to care about the story while playing, and from a visual standpoint, while technically well-done, it's pretty generic looking. Those things don't stop it from being a really fun first person puzzle game, but they do stop it from being a memorable one. Still, I'd absolutely recommend this to anybody who enjoys this kind of game.

Incredible level design and really fun puzzles, one of the best of the "Portal copies" out there

Good if you love puzzles

A big upgrade from the first one. Quite fun and just the right length.

Pretty well-made puzzle game, not too special in terms of lore, but the challenges here kept me instigated until the end, good enjoyable time.

Empezando por lo mejor, QUBE2 tiene un gran diseño de nivel con puzzles intrincados, pero nunca excesivamente complejos. Sin duda es su mejor parte junto a una iluminación bastante currada. Lo peor diría que es la historia, que me ha parecido un meh de principio a fin. Pero vamos, si te enganchan los puzzles per sé, no molesta ni se pone en medio de lo que quieres hacer, así que bien.

Probably the closest you can get to Portal. Feels kinda like that

The story is admittedly not that interesting, but these puzzles are unbelievably fun. This is the closest you'll get to Portal 2's highs, while still maintaining its own identity. It has the right amount of challenge without ever feeling too frustrating or overcomplex. The game is really pretty too and the way chapters are structured makes it feel you are constantly making progress towards a larger whole which is super rewarding. Great 6-hour game for Portal fans to distract themselves from the painful reality we'll never get a Portal 3.

I really liked the original Q.U.B.E. and wanted to like this one. It did not live up to the bar that the original set. Don't get me wrong Q.U.B.E. 2 has some decent puzzles. But there's too much walking and backtracking to get to each puzzle. Most of the puzzles are in separate rooms connected to a hub. You can tackle the puzzle rooms connected to the hub in any order. In theory I like this idea. In practice I hated it. The hubs made it feel like I was not progressing as quickly as I wanted. The game also separates some of the levels with way to much walking. Sometimes the game forces you to get on a really slow elevator to get into another room with more puzzles behind a door. Then when you enter that door you're forced to ride ANOTHER really slow moving elevator. And since everything is a hub, you now have to backtrack back through both slow elevators to get to the next room. It's unnecessary and completely un-fun. The linear sections of the game where they introduce a new mechanic in a series of puzzle gauntlets to teach you how to use that mechanic were great.

Also the story is pretty meh. Most of the time its out of the way and when it isn't its pretty bad.
QUBE 2 isn't bad. It has some decent puzzles, its the perfect length, and if you enjoy 3D puzzles games its definitely worth it on sale. But it only comes close to how good the original was.

Amazing puzzle game ! Finished it two times