Reviews from

in the past

1 of the classicks, sinple as

A classic among the despicable games, I remember the first time I saw it was in a polemic section of a TV variety show (logically calling to avoid it), funny was that later I saw more of this game in a youtube video and I said "ah! this is that game, I'll download it", and indeed, it is what it is, it has no more, Illusion has other similar and more... ehhh... more worthy of polemic (although I can already testify that these observations on TV have the opposite effect).

i made a lets play in 2013 and it got deleted and got my whole first channel terminated but i still stand by this classic masterpiece

by rapists for rapists and i gotta say its really immersive i almost felt like i was raping them myself

Early into Illusion's founding: Makes cheap exploitation h-schlock.
Rest of the World: Gets called out for it, something which should've been, at least somewhat, expected.

"Curiosidade: para cada 3 jogos pornô japoneses, 2 incluem estupro, por que todo mundo está chocado com este? Tipo, eu entendo que hentai não é sua coisa, ou se você acha fetiche assim nojento, justo o suficiente, mas você viu um artigo ou vídeo do Youtube dizendo que este jogo era "controverso", então começou a jogar a porra de um jogo hentai com RAPE no título e ficou chocado com o conteúdo dentro dele, mesmo sem saber que era algo bem comum no gênero. O que você é, uma porra de ovelha sem cérebro?"

peak gaming from rapists, for rapists

is it controversial to say i actually liked the 3D models...

Never played this game and never will because I'm not interested. But the outrage against this game was basically a form of public kink-shaming. I think it's pretty dumb to assume that, if a person has a rape kink, they must enjoy rape. Sexual fantasies have nothing to do with reality, and to think otherwise is immature.

Furthermore, no matter how disgusting you find certain materials, they should be allowed to exist in public access. Banning this game was a violation of freedom of self-expression. The truth is, the only reason there was such an outrage is because this is a video game. I bet those same people, who called for this game's ban, watch rape porn in video form. Rape porn is in fact ubiquitous, they just don't call it that. Videos like "a big breasted teen is punished for shoplifting" often end up on the home pages of porn websites, which indicates their popularity. Yes, they're staged and the so-called "teen" is [thankfully] an adult actress. How is that different from video games like this? None of this is real.

As always, the fate of this video game ended up being decided by people who don't play video games or have any understanding of the medium. Every time a video game gets vilified and banned, the entire medium suffers as a consequence. What's worse is they somehow convince gamers to adopt their twisted worldview. I want to remind you people, the people in charge of banning video games usually represent the same institutions that run propaganda campaigns that lead to deaths or imprisonments of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. They want you to think some silly little hentai game that nobody's ever heard of outside of Japan is a danger to society because it helps distract you from the evil they do.

I actually has a story lmao.

Nem joguei, só quero apontar que as review do jogo nesse site são o ponto de encontro de mini Epsteins

One of the most infamous "banned games" out there, and for very good reasons. Of course, it's not that this is the very first game to include rape, but its shamelessness is what really turned heads, and yeah, the game really is shameless. This game knows what it is, it knows its audience and it knows what it wants to accomplish. It is unabashedly a creepy game for weirdos.

I have no issue with pornographic and/or edgy media in it of itself, even if it's not my thing. This, however, takes it too many steps further. Was it worth the controversy? To a certain extent, I suppose. As far as I'm concerned, media shouldn't be banned, rather we should be asking ourselves how we've allowed these sorts of things to exist in the first place.

There is no "good" scenario. There is no answer as to whether or not this game should exist. Is senselessly murdering other humans alright, but raping a family isn't? Both are disgusting, and yet we've normalized violence to the point where killing others is expected in games. Sure, in many games we kill for the sake of self-defense, but what about when we don't? What about all those random civillians we've blown up in games like GTA for no reason other than for kicks? In the end, there's no true answer. There is no ideal world where we can have our cake and eat it too. We can't have a media landscape free of rape fantasies and unwarranted violence without censorship, yet censorship is what we hate the most, as a violation of our freedom of speech. What even is freedom of speech? How come if I say I wanna bomb the white house on the internet it's alright, but if I say it to the president's face I get sent to the slammer? Neither scenario is alright, yet we have a double-standard for what should and shouldn't be allowed. They say our rights end where the other person's begin, but where do the other person's rights begin? What constitutes as going "too far"?

There is no answer. There is no winning. This game is a testament to the subjective nature of "freedom of speech" and what we dictate as being or not being alright. I'm a romanticist, I believe in the beauty of the world and the goodness of its people, but I also recognize that the world I believe in doesn't exist. There is no world where everybody can love and respect one another, while retaining their freedom of speech. There can never be a world like that. All we can do is dream.

A classic of the rape genera. nothing can top rapelay

Fun Fact: for every 3 Japanese porn games, 2 include rape in it, why is everyone shocked by this one? Like I understand hentai not being your thing, or if you find fetish's like this disgusting, fair enough even, but you saw an article or Youtube video saying this game was "controversial", then proceeded to play a fucking hentai game with RAPE on the title and then got shocked by the content inside it, not even knowing it was pretty common thing in the genre. What are you, a fucking sheep with no brain?

I was promised I would get points for rape but all I got was virus, thanks, whatever torrent site I used.

Real GAMERS play RapeLay, everyone else is just faking it. 😎

Illusion classic and kino

Edgelord incel bullshit. I'm all for controversial/provocative media, but beyond the fact that this is made for and ONLY for sexist 4chan dwellers it just plays like total shit - and the progression system makes no sense either. At least something like JFK Reloaded had funny ragdoll physics to still make it semi-amusing past its shock value.

claro ejemplo de juego que iba dirigido hacia un público en específico, pero termina llegando al público normie/mainstream...

rapelay no es muy diferente a otras obras similares como los de AliceSoft, Clockup o realmente gran parte de visual novels, lo que sucedió aquí fue que gracias a la masificación del internet en los años 2010s mucha gente conoció este juego y se formó una bola de nieve de llamarlo "el peor juego de la historia"

lo irónico es que los que se ponen a chillar por este juego son los mismos que dicen que ahora todos se ofenden por todo, que si X juego/serie/película saliese en estos tiempos la gente lo cancelaría y peor, son los que defienden la libertad de expresión, ah pero si la gente opina o le gusta o tiene una ideología diferente a ellos entonces la libertad de expresión no vale no?

eres estupido o no sabes diferencias la realidad de la ficción? no eres el mismo que se la pasa predicando lo de que "Los juegos violentos no hacen a personas violentas" o "los medios critican al mundo de los videojuegos cuando es solo ficción", pues lo mismo aplica aquí... esto es meramente ficción y hey, te entiendo, este tipo de obras no son para todo el mundo y es normal que alguien se ofenda, pero una cosa completamente diferente es decir y creer que gente que juega a estos juegos son unos enfermos o que en la vida real quieren hacer eso, por esa regla de 3 todo el mundo que juega a juegos violentos deberían de ser consideradas como potenciales criminales y asesinos no?

no me malinterpretes, no odio la violencia, todo lo contrario, pero me da asco la hipocresía que hay al día de hoy con todo este tema donde "violencia = bueno" "contenido sexual = malo". Yo detesto los shooters, la saga GTA me parece aburrida y sobrevalorada (exceptuando por GTA4), pero no me pongo a decir estas estupideces de que estos juegos te hacen violento o cosas así, ya que al final es mera ficción.

en sí sobre la obra, pues... está ok, historia con la calidad que te podrías esperar de un nukige, pero genuinamente siento que es un juego atemporal que incluso al día de hoy sus modelos 3d y posibilidades se mantienen como una de las mejores en este nicho y si te van este tipo de juegos entonces lo disfrutarás. esta gente fue la misma saco los Koikatsu, un juego aclamado por su personalización, posibilidades y animaciones. yo no soy alguien al que va dirigido esta obra (creo que la última vez que lo juegue fue hace 1 década) , pero hago esta review ya que creo que pocos se atreven a realmente hablar de esta obra por el miedo de que la gente los critique o los tachen de enfermo debido a que lo aceptado es que se critique y llame de todo a este juego simplemente porque no eres el tipo de persona que va dirigido.

No lo jugué, ni pienso hacerlo (porque la basura para colmo tiene una optimización de mierda). Pero no voy a darle el visto bueno a un eroge que simula violaciones

Did you know grapes have the most nutritional value compared to all other fruits?

Of all games, why is there a cohesive storyline for this one? What the fuck? 😭😭😭😭

LOL i rated rapelay 5 stars and called it based and kino im so funny and quirky guys

I probably shouldn't have had a computer as a child...