Reviews from

in the past

Ravenfield is a pretty fun sandbox war game. It's a nice game to play fro a bit as a break from work or classes.

If you don't like the vanilla aesthetics, want more weapons, want the game to play differently orr want more interesting maps, you can just mod the hell out of it with the copious amount of mods there are.

Don't expect multiplayr thougm, the game was designed as a player vs bots game from the ground up and it'll stay that way outside of mods. Honestly as it is, it's a nice coffee break kinda game!

Nostalgic and quick to get in to.

Quite a gift of a game, this one. The workshop is what really carries its replayability, so much limitless potential for fun scenarios you can put yourself in.

Feels like one of those other FPS flash games made around 2012, it needs more polishing, it has great mod support and I like that, but I think it relies on them too much.

When I was much younger, TimeSplitters 2 was among my all-time favorite games. Future Perfect was and still is up there for similar reasons. And I loved watching my older brother play Unreal Tournament 2004 against bots. I would spend hours in Garry's Mod shooting at the same enemies. I loved pitting fifteen Barneys with guns they couldn't use versus twenty Combine with shotguns and watching the chaos unfold like it was a duel between gladiators. One of my few remaining memories of when I played Garry's Mod with my cousins is one time when the middle one wanted to play on his computer. I wouldn't let up, so he spawned in an absurd number of Combine Elite soldiers and then told me to kill them all as part of an "extreme challenge." The game ran at sub-fifteen Frames Per Second before it inevitably crashed, but goddamn it, I tried.

I have an inkling that Ravenfield would have been so far up my alley that if it came out back when I demanded to play TimeSplitters with every person who stepped in our house that I be giving it five stars right now.

Ravenfield is pure botmatch. If you love playing with bots, that's all Ravenfield has to offer. Bots with guns on big maps, and some squad mechanics but not many, and slow-motion. And honestly, I don't know if I can say I truly like it or not. It's funny that I brought up Garry's Mod in my opening paragraph because your enjoyment of this game varies greatly. The base game demands you to mod it less than Garry's Mod does, but it's not entertaining enough to be more than a quick novelty that wears thin fast.

With mods, here are some of the things you can do in Ravenfield:
- Pit fifty Shreks versus Roblox characters who all use weapons from the movie Aliens, while you access to an entire arsenal of weapons that features such gems as the Fat Man from Fallout.
- Play a round of Ravod 9-11 from the game Phantom Forces with approximately 80 more players than can reasonably fit on it at any given time.
- Wonder which of the weapon packs you need to disable for bots because one allows them to drop surgical nukes on you in maps so small that the aftermath of such a decision has long-lasting consequences.
- Blaming the fact that you can't drive the giant, golden Jeep in Jeep Island for why the map is so bad, instead of considering the alternative of "a child probably made this in an afternoon."
- Turning Normandy beach into a recreation of a medieval battlefield by only arming the bots with swords and crossbows.
- Playing rounds of Gun Game that are unbeatable because some of the modded weapons in rotation don't work.
- Pitting fifteen red astronauts from the video game Among Us against an onslaught of Xenomorphs who can only use the Minigun from Team Fortress 2 in Bikini Bottom.

And so on.

All of this sounds like a lot of fun, and it is. But, again, this is botmatch. No matter how crazy you try to make everything, no matter how many stupid combinations you try or how many mods you install that supposedly change the game... it all plays out the same. I love that I can cause all of this chaos and laugh at it, but honestly, it gets kind of boring after about a half hour.

If you're more committed to silly, dumb shit than I am, please get Ravenfield, it's worth buying.

ALSO: they tried to make Ravenfield multiplayer a thing and it sucked balls. Somebody yelled at me on Steam for insinuating that mods should have been integrated into the experience because, without them, it's bland and has so little riding on its bones that its biggest competition is Roblox. I'm still a little salty about that because they were fucking wrong. Imagine playing Garry's Mod online, but none of the servers let you use Add-Ons. I mean, if you want to die on that hill while being insufferable to anyone who questions it, go ahead. But that is a strange hill to die on, to say the least.

As much as i enjoy this game, the base content is just non existent and updates are released very slowly. Even after this many years, it feels like a free demo.

Fun with mods but load times are a lot

This game has a lot of potential. There is only a single dev and they have a full time job besides this, so I'm going to be patient and wait 5 years for this game to be finished.

That isn't to say this game isn't worth it now though, unmodded I would say there is 10 hours of gameplay here before you get bored. With modding I got up to 65, and since it has a steam workshop it is incredibly easy to do.
Just make sure you don't download something from several patches ago, they won't break the game but they also won't work as intended.

I remember when this game had an release. Nostalgia warped my vision.

i liked it when mr. field said "THATS IT... YOURE GONNA FEEL MY RAVENFIELD" and then ravenfielded all over the red team

A sandbox shooter with a bunch of steam workshop mods? It is fun, indeed. It's a shame that they don't have a multiplayer/online mode, but It's still early access

will always come back to this game, hope they add actually multiplayer one day

A fun barebones fps, obviously improved by the modding community

one of the only shooters thats relaxing for me to play

Extremely solid FPS game. Game has limitless potential considering it's open workshop on steam, allowing players to create whatever mods for weapons, maps, even player models they would like. It's always good to come back and blow ragdoll people up using tanks, rocket launchers, or any of the unlimited weapons offered in this game.

Super fun sandbox large scale combined arms multiplayer combat. Except there's no multiplayer. Tons of mods to choose from to create whatever scenerios or battles you can think of

this game's rough as hell and just not very good but the developer deserves a house made out of gold just for saying "fuck it, i'm going to make a botmatch game". everything you want out of a mp game without having to deal with other people (or a lack of other people)

sometimes people are allowed to just have an unobjectionably good idea! well done

Great offline sandbox shooter. There's not much base content (although the planned campaign sounds very interesting) but the mod ecosystem is extensive and very fun to mess around with. It can be used to create almost an scenario imaginable, with some mods even having lore or improvements to core mechanics.

boring till you get mods but still kinda boring tbf

fun to fuck around with the endless community mods

Real ones remember when this game was a free large-scale shooter with like two maps, really glad I stayed for this game to blossom into something amazing.

A game I will play in my free time

Great fps game, really good platform for mods with a great modding community.

not for low end pcs but its one of my favourite games of all time i can come back anytime and play it for hours on end(not including time taken for modding it)