Reviews from

in the past

A joystick with only one button. It was obvious that a soccer[sic] game wouldn't work. But, they probably sold a bunch of copies, because the way of selling games on that time was with a nice name and a nice cover.

Controle com um botão, óbvio que o jogo ia ficar horrível. Mas devem ter vendido uns par de jogo, porque naquela época o que importava era ter uma capa bonitinha e é isto (inclusive tem o outro jogo de futebol que o Pelé fazia propaganda. stonks)

Definitely more simple than RealSports Baseball, Volleyball, or Football, but certainly does the job. Each team has 3 players to cycle through and cover a different side of the field.

This wound up being more enjoyable than expected, but it does suffer from the one button format meaning pass and switch characters are the same button. Also I wound up getting the ball stuck in a position no one could reach at all.

Played as part of Atari 50.

It's, uh, it's fine. Immediately seems pretty bad but once you learn you can wrap around the screen by going the other direction, it's okay. Still has the problem most of these sports games have of being wayyy too complex for a single button and joystick to handle, but it's done decently here. I imagine this is much better versus another opponent than the AI though

Just like the RealSports football game before it, a simple and effective way to portray soccer with the resources given. Stealing the ball by running over someone, passing or switching to a different team member with the button with no goalie to really worry about. Can't ask much for more than that all things considered.

Compared to all the other Real Sports games, this one is honestly the most I had fun with but that's because it's simple and easy to play. Though I find it dumb there's no Goalies in the game. I wonder if in Europe they called this Real Sports Football and in South America they called it "Real Deportes Futbol"

Giving it 4.5 Stars cause I only really enjoyed this specific real sports game. Though that might be my biased since I love Futbol! (VAMOS VAMOS!!! ARGENTINA!!! VAMOS VAMOS!!! A GANAR!!! )

Played on ATARI 50

Would you look at that, a second good soccer game on the 2600. Once you figure out the game's "quirks" it's actually kind of enjoyable. I like that you can adjust the difficulty of the CPU.

International Soccer still wins tho

Não se deixe enganar pelo rating, esse jogo é IRADO.

O melhor da seleção do Atari Flashback X que joguei até agora. Demora um pouco pra pegar o jeito, mas é super divertido de jogar com os amigos. É simplesmente o antecessor de FIFA.

Vai prender sua atenção por uns bons 15 minutos.