Reviews from

in the past

A great, creative alternative timeline DLC to the excellent Red Dead Redemption, but unfortunately it is so incredibly broken today that it's frustrating to try and play. Glitches such as headless zombies appearing after playing for a certain amount of time which means you can't kill anyone, and infinite graveyards will make you restart your game completely. At one point it seemed like I was make no progress at all since I kept having to close my game without saving. Ironically Undead Nightmare's lasso and tying up wasn't glitched, which was the only broken feature I came across in the main game for me, so was nice to see how that would function without that problem. I would've loved to 100% this like the other Red Dead games but once I finally got the story done I was so tired of the bugs that I just had to leave it unfinished. If Rockstar ever go back and fix the bugs, which they won't, then this would be a 10/10 for me.

Generally speaking, I've never really played that much DLC, but I've always heard about how Undead Nightmare was one of the best expansion packs ever made. The zombie game genre is a dead horse that has been beaten to a pulp, especially during the seventh generation of consoles, but something about putting the zombie apocalypse in the western genre makes it all feel fresh, especially when it features a cast of characters that we've all gotten to know really well over the course of a 20-ish hour base game. I had a feeling that this was going to be good, but Undead Nightmare was honestly even more fun than I was expecting, as it brings some new stuff to the table to spice things up while still being Red Dead Redemption at the end of the day.

It's no surprise that the basic gameplay of Undead Nightmare is no different to that of the base game, but the way that you interact with the open world feels pretty different. Currency, minigames, and the honor system have all been totally omitted in favor of rescuing towns from being overrun by the undead or gunning down the townsfolk yourself, along with burning down graveyards and dealing with random encounters. This gameplay loop is pretty fun, and it also works alongside the main missions and sidequests featuring the same eclectic cast of characters that were in Red Dead Redemption (along with a handful of new ones). Since the only way to consistently kill zombies is by headshotting them, that makes the Dead Eye mechanic feel much more important when trying to conserve your ammo and save towns quickly, and being low on it while being faced with a horde of zombies can get really tense. The tone and writing of Undead Nightmare were also much funnier and more lighthearted while still not feeling out-of-place for these characters, and it's a refreshing and interesting contrast to the mature and serious nature of the base game. The four horses of the apocalypse were a really cool addition to the game, as they all had really cool designs, as well as some useful abilities. I will admit that the new weapons and items that they added to the game could have been better, since I only used them once or twice before switching back to the ones I was more familiar with (aside from the Blunderbuss, that weapon is awesome). Even with that in mind, Undead Nightmare was still an awesome expansion pack, and I'm still disappointed that Red Dead Redemption II never got a similar one, since Rockstar could've made use of that game's survival aspects to make something really special.

i killed my horse by accented
best thing ever

Entertaining, but awfully repetitive and frustratingly buggy. Almost every mission, main and side, boils down to "shoot zombies," and when the piece of shit glitches out and makes it so killing zombies doesn't contribute to the progression meter, it quickly gets tiresome. At first I thought it was just the totally legitimate copy I was playing on my totally stock, totally not modded 360, but sadly a quick Google search confirmed that it was indeed just how the game is. This made the relatively simple task of attaining 100% completion a Herculean effort, and I really don't recommend doing so.
Along with the repetition come some other lazy design decisions, like the fact that, out of four types of undead, two have the unique characteristic of charging at you.
As a whole I don't think this game's entirely worthless, as I've said it's rather entertaining with a fun story and dialogue. I just wish the wrinkles had been ironed out a little, and maybe a little more variation were added.

Oh, and Blood Dragon is still the king of expandalones.

bourré de bug et répétitive a gogo
marrant au possible

We need more zombies in western

undead nightmare 2 when rockstar

A DLC é divertida e cumpre com o que promete, tendo uma história legalzinha e boa de se acompanhar.

Great stuff, while it doesn’t beat rd1 or 2 it’s still great which I'm really happy to say

Red dead redemption: i sleep
DLC de zumbi: A REAL SHIT

De los mejores dlc que he jugado, se nota el mimo que le han puesto

Probably the best DLC that I have played. A really fun, short story that brings back characters from the original game. Zombie mechanics are great and the combat is really fun. The main porblem are the glitches and bugs, esspcially the disappearance of peoples heads! I usually enjoy funny bugs like this but this caused problems with progressing through the game and left me forced to restart the game Numerous times. Overall, this a fun 3 hour playthrough that I will defiantly come back to in the future.

Super cool take on the base game, adds a ton of replayability.

Maybe I'll continue it when the glitches (headless and armless zombies, zombies turning into humans, saving causes the game to freeze) aren't so fucking bad.

Otherwise, pretty fun. The Euphoria engine was pretty much made for shambling zombie combat.

couldn't finish it because of the endless graveyard bug.

Definitely more fun than the original game, which is kind of impressive given that it almost feels like a joke DLC rockstar made for shits and giggles.

rockstar was so so generous with their DLC especially by today’s standards. would love to see more DLC like this that just has fun and goes wild with it. like FarCry3 Blood Dragon. but like good u know?

A fun little side addition to the main game, doesn't take itself seriously and is just there to provide some extra fun to a great game.

This review contains spoilers

He jugado a Undead Nightmare justo después de hacerme el 100% de Red Dead Redemption 1 (a partir de ahora RDR) y me ha parecido más de lo mismo pero aún más repetitivo y con menos variedad de opciones respecto al juego base.

El momento en el que la historia del DLC comienza es bastante extraño ya que toma lugar al poco de que John Marston se reencuentre con su familia en Beecher's Hope. Al principio, pensaba que era una especie de universo paralelo a lo acontecido en el primer juego, pero la escena final del DLC demuestra que no es así, ya que John sale de la tumba en la que su familia lo entierra al final de RDR. Creo que Rockstar podría haberlo hecho mejor, ya que durante la historia del juego base estamos junto a nuestra familia desde el reencuentro hasta que John muere, por lo que no tiene sentido aparente introducir el DLC en mitad de ese arco argumental.

Dejando ese detalle a un lado, la historia en sí se resume en los 10 últimos minutos del hilo principal, en los que se nos presenta a Ayauhtéotl (diosa de la mitología mexicana), de la cual me di cuenta de su presencia en el convento de Las Hermanas pero, al parecer, estaba presente en más misiones principales y secundarias (no me percaté de ello). Marston tiene que poner en su sitio una máscara que Abraham Reyes cogió de las catacumbas de Escalera para que la pesadilla termine. Creo que es una premisa bizarra y "por la cara" ya que parece que se han sacado de la chistera todo este rollo con la excusa de poder ponerle fin a la historia de una forma rápida y sencilla.

Anterior a ese punto, John va deambulando desde West Elizabeth a Nuevo Paraíso, volviéndose a encontrar con personajes de la historia de RDR para encontrarle una explicación a lo sucedido. Este aspecto me ha gustado ya que uno de los puntos que no me gustaron demasiado del juego base fue el hecho de no volver a saber nada de ciertos personajes. Me gusta también que incluso se tenga en cuenta a personajes de misiones secundarias, como el director de cine, y las explicaciones tan bizarras que da la gente al porqué del apocalipsis zombi. Considero que es una críticia social ya que la gente demuestra su ignorancia y su atrevimiento a hablar de cosas de las que no tiene ni idea.

El mundo en sí se siente repetitivo, ya que solo hay zombis y animales no muertos, cuya variedad es considerablemente inferior que a los animales salvajes de RDR. Los eventos aleatorios también son sensiblemente más repetitivos y menos interesantes. Hay cuatro tipos de zombis, los cuales son suficiente variedad si tenemos en cuenta que la historia principal dura apenas 4 horas.

Una vez que se acaba el juego, no hay mucho más por hacer, más allá de rescatar a personas desaparecidas y terminar los desafíos, los cuales son menos pesados que los del 1 (en parte, porque no hay desafíos de recolección de plantas). No obstante, me negué a realizar el 100% por lo repetitivas que son estas tareas y lo poco que esto aporta al juego.

Si tenemos en cuenta que este DLC salió en 2010, durante la fiebre y la moda de los zombis, y que tampoco es que los zombis peguen demasiado con la temática e historia de RDR, nos queda un DLC más anecdótico que otra cosa. Se reciclan elementos del juego base con zombis y una historia metida con calzador. Hubiera preferido mucho más un DLC con historia canónica con Jack como protagonista o uno en el que se diesen más detalles del pasado del argumento principal jugando como John. Eso sí, hay que darle crédito a Rockstar por hacer un DLC así ya que fue uno de los precursores en hacer contenido adicional de calidad.

I only got it because the physical release came with the other expansions that allowed for Red Dead Revolver characters and Liar's Dice in multiplayer. I was already very sick of zombies because of the state of pop culture in 2010, but this was still pretty fun. Way more difficult than the main game which is a huge bonus.

"No one deserves to have their blood drunk"
John Marston, 1911

Happy Halloween 2022, Backloggrs!

Very cool idea for a DLC, I wish more video games would make DLC like this as it's really cool seeing these what if stories and seeing how far devs will take it.

A very fun addition to the main game.

So Fun, I wish it wasnt taken off of ps-plus

It's red dead but with zombies, also its zombies in a western setting incredible

Bem divertido com uma historia bem legal e sides que mesmo repetitivas divertem. Mas meu deus como isso é bugado, cada crash, travamentos, missão bugadas e cada acontecimento eu perdia minha cabeça como os zumbis bugados desse negocio

why did they not do this again?