Reviews from

in the past


this is the game for people who enjoy pressing the A button and sometimes the B button as well

It's incredible how much personality they put into every part of this game, excluding working dough, working dough sucks

Fantastic & upbeat rhythm game that doesn't use the gimmicky controls of the platform to create one of the best titles.

I love every single monkey from this game.

Simplemente :)
Juegas a esto y :)

i am godawful at love rap but that is okay

Rhythm Heaven Fever is blatantly spectacular.

more polished than the ds game and with even better music to boot. i just wish they had been more creative with the aesthetic changes in the sequel levels this time. micro-row only got an electric guitar!!

Rhythm Heaven Fever lures you into what appears to be a simple, quirky, and somewhat cutesy game. But in reality it’s one of the most challenging games you will ever play, and one that requires a lot of patience and devotion to master. Still RHF always manages to keep the mood light, and one can hardly stay mad at it for long, and really the cheery, upbeat attitude is what makes RHF what it is.

Such a fun and addictive entry into the series! Fever offers many funny characters, and (of course) wonderful games!

Best Rhythm Heaven game. Great mini-games and the Wii remote has a surprisingly satisfying tactile feel when you press the buttons that give it the best inputs of the series.

Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!

Perfectly serviceable rhythm heaven game. I think I still prefer DS and Megamix, but this one is alright, although going in already basically having remix 10 memorized certainly didn't do any favors for me

Greatest Rhythm game franchise off all time

Really fun and cute rhythm series from nintendo I was introduced to on wii.

wubba lubba dub is that true?? yeh
woah! you go big guy!
pose for the fans! AAAAAAA

Go for a Perfect!



played this many times since it came out in the us in 2012 and this is just one of those times

“Wubalubbadub ‘zat true?” “UH!”

Wubba dubba dubba dub, is that true?

everyone’s favorite rhythm heaven game is the first one they played

Rhythm Heaven is a great finale to the Rhythm Heaven series, improving everything the past games done, and doing it right. The only con I can think of is that it doesn’t utilize the Wii much, which is a huge shame.

Overall, Rhythm Heaven is one of the best Mini Game compilations on the Wii. 8.5/10, 4/5

funny dog and cat in planes playing badminton


If you've come to Rhythm Heaven expecting anything else than a Rhythm Heaven game, you will be disappointed. It's "just" more RH goodness, with a streamlined control scheme that only uses two inputs (A or A + B) and the most new original content for an entry in the franchise to this date.

There are 50 main minigames to play (including remixes and second versions), and while all of them are really fun and creative in how they signal your inputs, I found them all to be... too easy? Using a button instead of a touchscreen definitely makes it easier to play, but even then, the actual games themselves aren't really too challenging or tricky. It was a less frustrating experience than in the DS game on a first playthrough but it also makes it less interesting to revisit the games once you've beaten them.

Personally, I prefer the original more since the weird input method makes it stand out from other rhythm games more, but Fever is still totally worth checking out and is guaranteed to be a great time.

I have never seen a game so obvious being about just having fun and succeeding in that goal in the best ways possible