Reviews from

in the past

I love the idea of this mode, and I think it works well as a survival game – I got so many close calls where my hunger or temperature were low, and it makes every combat encounter that much more tense. I just wish it had a more clear goal than just “Survive until you find the big rescue fire thingy and then you can just end it here or keep going for points I guess”. The fact a day 1 and day 10 run don’t do much different other than put you higher on an online leader board means I feel like very few people will truly get invested in this for more than a couple of runs. I think having some kind of progress to carry over, and collectibles to find between runs (that you only keep if you survive) would do great for it.

Also the whole randomly generated map thing is pretty useless when the map is just one big blank snowstorm with all the caves you find feeling exactly the same.

Quite simply, what the hell were they thinking? Gatekeeping this mode behind a paywall and inherently making it obvious that this is content that should've been with the game for free, however, they decided to charge for it instead!