Reviews from

in the past

Uninstalled this to try Fallout 76 instead

nothing kills my interest for a game more than a disney crossover

You definitely need friends to get the most out of it. I would never play this alone but being a proper "crew" with my buddies was pretty fun.

Sometimes it can get hella boring. Nothing fun happen, you're just grinding skulls and treasures.
But sometimes it can be magnificient, you'll find yourself in the middle of a storm while an aggressive crew is trying to sink your ship to get your loot, while your dog is howling to the death because a lighting just hit and your ship is burning. And when those moments happen, it might as well just be one of the most memorable multiplayer moments you've ever had.

if you play this game solo i am so sorry for you

I only started playing in 2021 but have been absolutely enjoying my time so far. I love exploring the seas while being subject to other pirates wanting my treasure. It feels quite like a reimagined version of Wind Waker and carries similar charm/tonality. The co-operative play is done very well and overcoming sea monsters or other players with your crew is extremely satisfying. While I haven't felt it yet, a feeling of repetition seems inevitable. But that doesn't override my initial experience.

De los juegos más bonitos que he jugado en mi vida, son una barbaridad los escenarios y las situaciones que se crean constantemente mientras navegas por el mapa. Es muy frustrante el perder todo el botín en cuestión de minutos pero es la gracia del juego así que !!!

Sailing is super fun, game is funny with friends, everything else is ehhhhh. Haven't played in a while maybe it's better but I don't really care

Para roleartela con los chavales y a nivel experiencia es super chulo, el mapa se ve increíble; ahora bien, el sistema de progresión debería ir mas allá de lo meramente cosmético

Quem sabe um dia eu tomo coragem na cara e perco horas da minha vida nesse jogo

I can imagine this being ridiculously fun with a group of 4 really close friends; this game has a knack for creating really fun moments that riff off of group dynamics. Sadly, I do not have a group of 4 really close friends who also have a PC or Xbox, a game pass membership, an Xbox Live Gold membership, and a desire to play a cartoony pirate game.

Too much fun to play with friends! And very complete

is good fun but i need m o r e

When you're out on the sea with your mates, messing around and playing music, is when this game peaks. The combat is fairly interesting, but very hard to learn, and the ship control is good enough for what the game wants. The main issue is that there is little to do or achieve, with all quest rewards and objectives being nothing but money to buy cosmetics, or just cosmetics straight up. The game can be fun, but probably isn't worth playing for more than a few hours.

legal pra jogar com amigos. e eu até tenho amigos mas ele não jogam

i like to have fun with my friends and wear a funny hat

Sea of Thieves is a game that interested me due to its themes, mechanics, and ability to be enjoyed with multiplayer. This is my first chapter in looking for new game pass titles to play, and I have to say that I was vastly disappointed. After the initial tutorial and understanding of how the game works, Sea of Thieves became very promising, only before it dawned on me how tedious it actually is.

I can see why many could enjoy this game, especially with friends. But for me, it became apparent that 80-90% would just be a chore as I try to navigate my ship from island to island for hours only to be met with lackluster combat and even more tedium. I want to be clear that I don’t think this is necessarily bad. Death Stranding and the Life is Strange series have a lot of moments that feel like chores, but those games are beautiful to look at and have a great underlying story. This game just feels empty, like the multiplayer game without substance it is.

Final Score: 50/100

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Rare has done something incredible with Sea of Thieves. The amount of updates and love the developers have put into this game is downright astounding. Though the game is best enjoyed with another crewmate, going on a solo adventure can deliver some special moments that you can't really get in any other game. Sea of Thieves is a must play on GamePass and probably my favorite title on the Xbox console at the moment!

teamwork seafaring, just as functional as irl

Bom mais algumas vezes não tem porra nenhuma para fazer

How can sea look that realistic...

Explore a world where every player is an asshole and stealing hardwork is more rewarding than actually working, which is what you expect from a pirate game but the menu still spams you with quests to do and shit to work on until you complete it meaning the optimal way to play the game spams you with things telling you this isn't what you're meant to do.

Não me cativou, mesmo jogando com amigos enjoa rápido, porém é um jogo bem feito

Uma experiência incrível quanto mais amigos melhor

Pretty fun, but I wish the progression wasn't disabled on private worlds. Playing solo is very tedious with the PvP aspects.

Divertido, mas fica vazio depois de um tempo