Reviews from

in the past

Bleh. The game selection's really good and the mod support on PC is super cool, but I don't like this collection overall. The UI's ugly and I had massive issues on both PC and Switch. The PC version chugs really bad on low-end PC's despite being a literal genesis emulator, and the Switch version has around 12 frames of input lag - it's basically unplayable except for the RPGs.

Again, really great selection of games, but they're better played in other collections or on original hardware.

Man, I have endless memories as a kid playing on Sonics Ultimate Genesis collection as a kid on our Xbox 360, so playing this was very nostalgic, although I don't think I like this one as much, you got some great games on here but there's little bonus features (from what I've seen so far) and some games are oddly excluded (like Sonic 3), it's a nice time, but I hope sega can make a game collection that isn't Genesis related

Doesnt even have sonic 3 & knuckles. I know why but it's stupid

- A phenomenal, very well priced collection of a lot of great Sega Genesis games. Missing many classics, has many classics. Rewind/fast forward and quick save/load makes everything playable. Switch online service blocks playing directly with friends and connection is awful. If you queue simultaneously for one game you can probably play with friends….but lag will make you not want to. Nintendo fails at online again. Still 100% worth it for single player/couch co-op/portable Sega Genesis.

Right im gonna get down to the nitty gritty instantly. This collection is a HOT MESS of a collection and I have no idea why anyone thought this presentation was in any way, shape or form acceptable. The intro movie lags, the selection meanus creak and actually getting into any game takes WAY too long. I get the idea behind it, the whole virtual game library and bedroom setup is cute but if its coded like shit and runs like shit, then maybe just scale that the hell back maybe?

Also on the bad side is the games list itself. Like most of the other collections you'll find some ones that havent seen the collection before and some removed that was there previously. This isnt the problem. The problem is having such a big disparity between versions. Oh? You wanna play the Monster Boy series? Hope you didnt buy it on switch. Oh you want Eternal Champions? Better get the pack on PC. Its a mess.

Sure if you somehow havent picked up one of the hundred of other MegaDrive collections, this isnt a bad place to go and theres still plenty of fun to have... But theres so much jank in the way. It hurts.

Also come on SEGA. Start putting 'The Ooze' into a few more collections. Or do a Master System collection. Just give us something a bit less like reheated chinese takeout.

Puts the Nintendo Online expansion pack package of Genesis titles to shame for 1/3 of the price and you get to keep them.

Despite being free, the emulation is just poor. The visuals are okay, but there's very noticeable input lag and horrendous audio lag down to a tenth or fifth of a second. And since it's free, you only get one game with the rest being DLC. Not worth downloading as theres much better emulators out there.

A great compilation of Megadrive games, some I've never really played properly until getting this. And some I've enjoyed even more this time around. I've always had a soft spot for Comix Zone, but playing it again was great. A fantastic concept for its time, just a shame there's no continues.

Really got into Shadow Dancer as well. Until I got to a spammy boss anyway. But up until that point, it was excellent. The Golden Axe games are always a treat and although I haven't played them yet, I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into a couple of the RPG's. I've had them on previous compilations etc, but I could never be arsed with them so I'm hoping to spend a good deal of time with the likes of Shining in the Darkness and Landstalker.

There are a few on there that have aged like milk, however. I always remember Kid Chameleon being RAD AS FUCK back in the olden days when raybans and leather jackets were only worn by the coolest, toughest mother fuckers around. But Kid Chameleon is no longer any of those. It's just pretty shaky. Time for the retirement home, Kid.

The experience was made even more fun by playing with the retrobit 6 button Megadrive controller, which I'd actually been waiting to get before playing this game. A great time and a very good collection of games. Could've done with one or two vehicular based titles though.

The emulation for the Switch version at least is just lousy, with some horrendous input lag that makes some games nearly unplayable if you're used to how they play normally.

Stay away and play the SEGA AGES versions, or the Mega Drive NSO pack if possible. M2 handled the emulation for those and they are a much better preservation effort than whatever this is. Quantity doesn't equal quality, these games deserve better than this.

I can technically play most of these using another Genesis game, but being able to take them on the go is a nice plus. Grew up with a Genesis, so it's always fun to go back and play these games again, as well as try some games I haven't gotten to play before, like Light Crusader and Sword of Vermilion. A nice little collection, and always fun to return to.

A great collection of genesis games and while not as good as sonics ultimate genesis collection. IT is a must-have for anyone looking to die into the Genesis library.

A cool system to play old Sega games. It works in VR as well. Only a couple games really worth retrying. Kid Chameleon still holds up as a good game on this!

A solid collection of Genesis titles, I really like the presentation of picking a game by looking through game cases on a game shelf, its pretty cool.

I don’t know why all of these games are being played in a rich kid’s bedroom, but I am here for it. I came up with a backstory as to why this kid could afford to own a Sega Genesis and all of these classic games, along with his own record player, a computer with internet and a skateboard all in his own pretty large bedroom (summary: his parents are divorced and they are both trying to buy his love out of the guilt of their failed marriage).

Obviously, the games collected here are great. They have been great and will continue to be great the next time Sega releases them for the umpteenth time.

not as good as the one on ps3/360

A really good collection. The selection of games are great. And I really like the UI. Its a really cute homage, and I like all the references in the room.

A pretty good collection, by virtue of sheer value alone. There are 50 games in it, with a lot of really good ones, but no extra stuff, and a little customization for such old games.

I cannot stress how good this collection is when just looking at the content. Quality is really where this goes south. The actual emulation on switch is just poor. Noticeable input lag, sound is off. The UI is cute for like 15 minutes and just becomes annoying and actually makes the emulator chug on PCs. Sega ages, which unfortunately is sold on an individual game basis and is discountinued, is going to be your best bet for playing genesis games accurately on switch. It's also worth mentioning that the PC version allows for romhacks to just be uploaded as mods on the steam workshop. Also the pc version gets extra brownie points because it provides access to the individual rom files so you have the choice of using a cycle accurate emulator like blastem for instance.
TL;DR buy the PC version and i hope you enjoy alien soldier

2022 Addendum:
gonna be knocking off 2 whole stars. so in 2020 sega announced they'd be discontinuing the excellent sega ages series of ports by m2. At the time they teased future switch ports of classic titles. now in 2022, nintendo has released an expansion to their online service which includes a series of genesis games ported by m2. While the selection is much smaller, the difference in emulation quality is tremendous. The input lag in this collection is honestly insulting when compared to how responsive controls feel in the NSO expansion. unless you really want to play phantasy star, i wouldn't pick this up anymore.

Just play the Genesis collection on the 360

It's a collection of like 50 games, what else can I say?

great game selection and PSVR integration!

I just have a hard time enjoying games using the D-pad on Xbox.

Would have been a 4.5 if they didn't get rid of the Sonic games.

Love playing this for Altered Beast.

A cool way to package a game collection.
Wish there was something like this for most retro consoles.

This I just fun nothing else to say