Reviews from

in the past

I'm just like rance but non-binary

While on the weaker end compared to other titles in the Rance series when it comes to writing it still comes off strongly with its non-linear story and shines through in its gameplay, being the strongest in the series in that regard and quite a joy to explore as you play through it.

This review contains spoilers

Bad writing, bad gameplay, bad music, bad porn.

Pessoalmente esperava mais, entretanto até que o jogo é bem bom ngl. A história é beeem mais fraca comparada a do jogo anterior, mas ainda é minimamente interessante e com personagens bacanas. (acabo gostando mais desse pessoalmente do que do 6 puramente pela gameplay, música e ambientação)

Rance is back, and this time he is traveling to the country of Nippon. What for, you might ask? For one reason, of course! To bang every beautiful Japanese girl that he can get his hands on. It's not just Samurai, Ninja and Kunoichi, because his eyes are set on the sister of Oda Nobunaga, Princess Kouhime. Before he even knows it, he finds himself with the task to conquer feudal states in order to unite all of Nippon.

Sengoku is the 7th installment in the Rance franchise. With gameplay that is clearly inspired by it's predecessor (Kichikou Rance) Sengoku may perhaps be one of the greatest titles ever produced by AliceSoft, and that's no easy feat to accomplish, when you look at all the amazing games that they've developed over the years.

As a strategy RPG, it's your job to take over the nation. When you start the game, you'll be presented with a massive world map and it becomes immediately apparant just how much freedom Sengoku gives the player. It might all seem overwhelming at first, because it's not afraid to throw a lot of different gameplay mechanics in your face at once. But you know what? To me, this is where the game truly shines. There are so many ways to approach and conquer your enemies, which means that not a single playthrough will feel the same. It's all about planning ahead, managing your troops, maintaining your land and socialising with your soldiers and comrades. The order that you want to do all of this in is completely up to you, and there are plenty of missable events or scenes which means that it is always actively encouraging replayability if you want to see everything. It's also surprisingly challenging and does not mess around.

Of course, with this title partially being a VN, it wouldn't work very well if the characters weren't interesting. Thankfully, Rance has a great and memborable cast that i've never gotten bored of even once. They all bounce off of each other very well and Rance being the dumb, horny manchild that he is, is always hillarious whenever he interacts with the others. The lighthearted comedy is great and works very well in balance with the darker aspects of the story, which takes a more serious tone near the end of the game. Neither side overstays it's welcome however, and that always make the text a joy to read.

Before playing this title, the only game in the series that i had prior knowledge with was Rance 01, a remake of the first title. While it was a fun adventure game, it was very simple and straightforward. Enjoyable, but not exactly something that left a big impression.
Sengoku feels like the complete opposite and blew my expecations out of the water. The scale, complexity and worldbuilding is unlike anything i've ever experienced in a VN before. Before i knew it, i was hooked. This was the title that turned me into a fan, showed me what Rance is capable of and i have never looked back since. This game holds a special place in my heart and i will always remember it as one of the best experiences i've ever had.

Sengoku is ambitious, addicting and most importantly: one of the best eroge you will ever play.

mentally on the fence of deciding if this game is overrated or a masterpiece because while it does so many things I absolutely love it also has a lot of really annoying aspects.

i think the game encourages savescumming way too much, theres so much rng involved in battles especially when you want to capture specific generals. also think the game rushes you due to plot reasons and is really opposed to letting you achieve 天下統一 despite it being SENGOKU RANCE. also dungeon battles are BORING. good god.

despite the annoying points i think this style of game is incredible and was absolutely addicted to this game. looking forward to playing the dai series.

Rance is a terrible character who will take any woman he can get his hands on, whether they like it or not... but that's what makes him so great: as long as his dick is up, he will never give up. A role model for men all around the world.

Greatest series of games to have graced my life. Thank you, Rance.

Who the fuck are you and why would say that to me

It's funny in a dark way, music's good, character designs are good, gameplay's good. Play it and skip the porn scenes.

I believe with all my heart that this is one of the greatest games ever made. You can skip the porn and it won't detract from enjoyment at all

Rance não para de me surpreender e não foi diferente com Sengoku Rance, é impressionante a quantidade de conteúdo nesse jogo e como a franquia sempre se reinventa em gameplay/mecânicas.

A ideia de um JRPG tático com elementos de Management Game já foi executada em Kichikuou Rance, porém, com muito problemas de balanceamento, o que prejudica muito a sua progressão, Sengoku Rance tem um sistema de administrar territórios muito mais coeso e objetivo, além de recompensador, a party também é mais densa, cada classe tem skills particulares que têm utilidades para batalhas específicas, uma profundidade impressionante, eu realmente tive que montar estratégias para diversas batalhas e pensar quando usar X personagem, além de ter mais liberdade para explorar o potencial disso, já que diferente de Kichikuou, eu consigo manter meus membros de party, mesmo eles morrendo em batalha, claro, existe a possibilidade de perdê-los para sempre, mas não é instantâneo. O problema de balanceamento de Kichikuou que citei anteriormente também tem aqui, só que em menor escala, sendo apenas no End Game, onde fica insustentável de tão quebrado, é irritante demais o quanto as batalhas são mais longas e desproporcionalmente mais difíceis, mesmo você com um level alto e com muitas tropas, insuportável. Outro aspecto negativo, é o sistema de rotas, que pouco adicionam ao jogo, apesar do mar de conteúdo, não existe nenhum empenho em fazer essas rotas valerem por si só, além de poucos momentos legais, boa parte é só chato e cansativo, com um conteúdo repetitivo e você tendo que tomar ações já feitas anteriormente para poder progredir, além de plots que não valem tanto a pena, mas isso eu vou deixar para comentar quando for falar do enredo no geral. Já o conteúdo ero me divide um pouco, tem H-Scenes boas que tão crescimento na relação do Rance com as personagens, mas, estamos falando do protagonista mais doente já criado, então a quantidade de conteúdo cursed, vazio, fetichista, problemático e nojento é imensa, não da pra defender.

Comentando sobre a produção, visualmente é um jogo lindo, adoro o Character Design, é identidade pura, além de uma evolução impressionante, os CGs são maravilhosos, a HUD me agrada bastante também, é intuitivo e você não se perde para fazer suas ações, já a OST, é do CARALHO, fantástica, tem muitas tracks memoráveis.

Agora, a narrativa desse jogo, é simplesmente primorosa, JAPAN é gigantesca e Sengoku Rance aborda isso de forma excelente, a politicagem que envolve o país, os conflitos de cada estado, os males da guerra, a falta de liderança, preconceito, o valor da perda, o peso do amor, cada líder tem seus ideais e crenças, toda temática tem seu impacto, tudo te envolve muito fácil, é uma jornada excelente do começo ao fim, que elenco fantástico, a quantidade de personagens bons me surpreende, mas, claro, tem alguns problemas, como os character clear serem beeeem fracos e não darem substância alguma aos personagens, além de em certos casos, serem sub-plots já abordados em Rance VI que não progridem em nada o arco das personagens, uma pena que existem ainda piores, como character clear que existem só para alguma H-Scene de péssimo gosto que resume a personagem a nada além de um fetiche. Como citei em alguns blocos acima, o sistema de rotas é raso para um jogo tão denso, a True Route conta uma excelente história, já as rotas alternativas, são chatas em mecânica, porém, entregam quase nada em narrativa também, a rota da Ran é completamente skippavel, é terrível, não entrega nada além do Rance sendo um doente e conteúdo erótico merda, a rota da Yamamoto é um INFERNO de repetitiva e vazia, só vale pelo epílogo e a progressão da personagem, que é pouca durante a rota, já a rota da Kenshin é a menos pior, um pacing ok e da profundidade para a personagem e sua relação com o Rance, é o único IF que vale a pena na minha opinião.

Apesar de problemas e incomodos, Sengoku Rance me fascinou, foi um jogo que tirou semanas da minha vida, seja me divertindo ou querendo me jogar de uma ponte, mas, no fim, valeu a pena demais.

i didnt really like this game the frist time i played it without knowing anythign about rance but after starting from rance 01 and working my way up it was really fun having a ll the knowledge of how the characters got there

Great gameplay and music, and some emotional moments. The route system is a pain. But while not on the level of Kichikuou, it's still a very well-made game overall

(Content warning: rape)

Yeah this game is extremely rapey, which is kind of a shame, because the gameplay itself is actually extremely fun. The Rance series is apparently the oldest erotic game series ever, with the first game being released in 1989 for the PC-88. Each game has entirely different gameplay but is usually some brand of rpg. This particular one, the 7th main game in the series, plays like a visual novel stapled on top of a grand strategy game. It's a pretty cool mix, actually.

The focus on characters' personalities and charming dialogue mixed with the cold strategy of war tactics actually reminds me somewhat of Fire Emblem, in that you actually care about the characters you send off into war and want to see them grow stronger and consequently shout at the screen when they die due to your own tactical mistakes. The turn counter is an especially ingenious design in that the less turns you take in completing the game, the more bonus points you get for use in the New Game plus store, which gives you fun features to use in subsequent playthroughs. It's honestly such a fun idea I'm surprised more games don't do something like this as a way to encourage both getting good at the game and replaying it in cool new ways.

The main character Rance, is actually a lot of fun and his brazen, despicable nature actually plays really well in just decimating what would otherwise be a completely serious story moment down into slapstick comedy. It's just kind of a shame the guy's a serial rapist. And it's like, there are plenty of good consensual relationships in the game, like with Kenshin (best girl) or Maria, so clearly the writers are capable of not being so rapey, but I guess they just can't help themselves.

The writing in general's actually pretty dang good, and funny, even. I actually ended up endeared to the characters by the end and wanted more. The worldbuilding's also pretty weird and cool, though they do a good job really only hinting to it when it's not directly relevant to the story, like when the characters mention someone being "over the bridge".

Overall I would recommend the game not just as a porn game, but as a legitimately good visual novel / grand strategy long as you can handle all of the uh, incredibly nonconsensual sex scenes. If you can't, then stay away from Alicesoft games, because that seems to be what they're all about. Maybe play something like Kamidori instead, honestly.

Played the game in fall 2021, enjoyed it to the point I got addicted to it, got stuck to the fucking Byakko boss fight, finally defeated it and evil Nobunaga, forgot to save which resulted in me dropping the game. Still god tho

Really fun, great gameplay + writing, game is fun even if the eroge was removed

One of the greatest games ever created. While the story may be a bit non-linear, it's still able to tell an amazing story that has you hooked the entire way through. Such an amazing cast of characters that will either make you hate, fear, love or worry about them. Each faction is so unique and the gameplay is some of the best in the entire series (let alone strategy games in general). This game is infinitely re-playable, having many routes you can experience after completing the main story. Sengoku Rance was truly the turning point for Rance's character arc. I love seeing his more vulnerable side, and the events that happen in this game set him on a path that I never expected from him. When the credits rolled, I was in tears from how good this game was. Truly an amazing experience.

The more I play Rance the more I look at his dick in the H scenes instead of the actual woman getting fucked

Overall great experience. The best intro to the Rance series.

Rance games are the funniest things ever, that is, they are if I can cheat my way through the actual gaming elements. I respect Sengoku Rance's ambition as a strategy game, but as for Kichikuou, this type of gameplay just isn't for me. Plot-wise however, the game is exceptional. I didn't think I would get a story as huge and great as VI's anytime soon but damn was it GOOD. There are so many fun characters and interesting stories to discover that one playthrough is far from enough to see everything the game has to offer. And we keep learning more about the world's structure and its hidden authorities. The soundtrack is the strongest in the series so far, mixing traditional Japanese instruments with modern guitar arrangements, enhancing the game's enchanting and addictive atmosphere. Kou and Kenshin my beloved.

technically finished around the end of march but no matter

peak videogames

One of the greatest games ever made
Source: Myself

so awesome rances peak in humor here also i want to kiss suzume on the lips

Expertly combines grand strategy with storytelling in a way I hadn't seen before. I've played Nobunaga's Ambition since and still think Rance was better.

Sengoku Rance tinha uma missão complicada: continuar o legado do jogo anterior, que havia expandido o mundo e debatido seu tema de forma excepcional. E você acredita que eles conseguiram fazer melhor? Sengoku Rance traz uma gameplay tática com elementos de Management Game que consegue ser divertida e viciante ao mesmo tempo. É muito foda como você consegue passar por diversas situações com diferentes tipos de estratégias Isso dá um fator replay incrível. O jogo também traz uma mecânica de exploração de dungeons que honestamente, eu ignorei 80% do tempo. Não é muito divertido explorar elas sendo bem sincero.

Sobre a história, ela é do caralho. JAPAN é um país completamente dividido, onde cada estado tem sua história e cultura própria usando de seus líderes para trazer as discussões a mesa. Muito foda como ele consegue falar sobre racismo, a consequência da ganância por poder, a importância de um símbolo e os males da guerra e diversos outros temas de uma maneira engajante, nunca deixando a peteca cair. O elenco no geral ta muito bom, principalmente se tratando dos representantes dos reinos. Porém, por ser um jogo grande, ele tem muitos personagens bosta que só servem pra fetiche puro. Inclusive, o jogo não consegue validar a existência das meninas principais estarem nesse jogo, pois todas só repetem temas que já foram abordados no jogo anterior, pra no final se mostrar uma maquiagem pra colocar uma hscene okzinha no final dos seus clears. Aproveitando a deixa e falando das hscenes, sendo um jogo da franquia, na grande maioria das vezes as hscenes são boas. Porém, tem muita hscene nojenta fetichista, completamente descartáveis. Sobre as rotas, que tristeza falar disso, são rasas demais, considerando a riqueza da true não são divertidas de se fazer, e o pacing é uma merda (tirando a da Kenshin, o IF dela é bem legal). Se eu soubesse que elas seriam assim, nem teria feito fds

Falando sobre a arte, o ORION mais uma vez teve um salto na sua arte, com um char design fodao tendo um monte de CGs lindos dignos de wallpaper. E mais uma vez o SHADE faz uma OST PERFEITA. Impressionante como casa com o clima do jogo, as vezes me pego cantarolando algumas.

Sengoku Rance foi mais um grande passo na franquia. Acho lindo como o universo ta se acumulando aos pouquinhos a cada jogo, construindo algo maior, mas não necessariamente se prendendo a um plot hiper complexo. É simplesmente um aglomerado de boas ideias e criatividade. Eu amo demais essa franquia.