Reviews from

in the past

Good game for the $1.50 or so I paid for it. Lag lead to some funny shit and never really got in the way. Beat it in two sessions with some really satisfying challenge levels. Probably wont revisit.

Gameplay : 3/5 Pour un platformer c'est ok, surtout les énigmes qui carry assez bien.
Chaque monde essaie de proposer un gameplay différent même si ça reste assez répétitif.
Globalement bon.
Histoire : 1/5 : Hormis la cinématique de départ, bah ya r.
Musique : 2.5/5 M'a pas du tout marqué car m'en souviens pas, donc on va laisser la moyenne.
Graphismes : 3.5/5 Mieux que les derniers pokemon donc on va quand même mettre une ptite note. La DA est sympa et rend le jeu très agréable à l'oeil.

well at least it doesnt cost that much

Super underwhelming ending, also really repetitive.

It's unrealistic to play solo, and it's also hard to cooperate, I'm not a psychic to understand where a companion will jump. There is nothing particularly unusual in the gameplay, just an ordinary puzzle with a side view.

В соло играть нереально, а коопе тоже тяжело, я не экстрасенс чтобы понять куда будет прыгать компаньон. Особо необычного в геймплей нет ничего, обычная головоломка с видом сбоку.

Fun little co-op puzzle platformer, I can't imagine it being great single player. A lot of the puzzles became very similar over time. Biggest issue was occasionally the game broke (bridges especially), so I was never certain a solution was correct until it work because object behavoir might've glitched

Co-op puzzle simplório e mal acabado, porém consegui me divertir resolvendo os desafios das fases que são até bem inteligentes, é legalzinho de jogar mesmo sendo nada demais.

Muito criativo e divertido para jogar com um amigo

TL;DR If you're reading this, I'd suggest you just skip it and play something more interesting.

An ok co-op game if you get it on sale. Visuals put me off, especially the UI design. The gameplay is fine and the few bugs we encountered made the experience better. The lives system is completely unnecessary and just made the whole game worse.