Reviews from

in the past

soundtrack is so fucking good dude

Soundtrack bumps this game up an entire star for me. The gameplay's not necessarily anything to write home about, but that soundtrack WILL blow your ears into another dimension.

Skeleton Boomerang is hands down one of my personal favorite games of all time. The stage designs are really well done and the controls are very smooth. Also, the game has a fantastic soundtrack. The new ReVamped updates brings a lot of QOL additions that make the game so much nicer to play, including widescreen, updated graphics, and time trials. The games hard mode is definitely a challenge, but it’s a fun challenge. If you enjoy platformer games at all, I’d definitely recommend you play this game.

I had a lot of fun playing this game, really challenging but damn it is satisfying, also god damn the game's OST is an absolute banger (especially Disco Necropolis)

Also Mr. Saturday's second phase can screw right off LMAO

this game rattles my bones real good

turn the volume this shit SLAPS

The soundtrack is good yeah, but it's a real shame that that's the only thing I see talked about when this game is mentioned.

Graphically, I think this game looks very good. There's not really much I can say on this topic but everything is clear, the pixel art is clean, and I never felt overwhelmed by the visuals.

The actual gameplay is exquisite, being easy to learn and hard to master. Comboing enemies together using your 'rang can be very satisfying, and rolling through levels in time trials is equally so. These inherently fun elements are amplified by wonderful level design, in both normal and hard mode. On the topic of hard mode, it turns what's normally a fairly average to easy game (except for the difficulty spike near the end) to a game genuinely deserving of being called "hard".

I don't think I can really explain how good the gameplay is because like I said, it's that category of simple with a lot of depth to it. I will say though, I'd recommend this game to anyone who's a fan of platformers.

It's pretty simple for most of the playthrough until you get to the final stages, which turn into almost 7-minute time trials. I figured there would be a lot more emphasis on the comboing, but outside of the two challenges, it really doesn't matter at all. I was able to get every upgrade by just turning off my brain for comboing.

I checked out hard mode for a few stages, and it is almost entirely different with much harder variants. Every enemy drops like three damaging heads on death, just forcing you to go a bit slower. Maybe I'll go back to it when I get the DLC campaign. 

eternally criminally underrated even though basically everyone's heard the music before. i promise, the full game is just as good if not better. biased for the vampire hunter dlc bc i playtested that but not for the og