Reviews from

in the past

I may never have the reflexes to git good at Smash, or the stone-cold cunning for Among Us, or the actual singing talent for Rock Band… but goddamned if my brain hasn’t been marinating in lousy pop music for the last 30 years to the point where I can absolutely flex on some bitches when playing Name That Song.

So, SongPop Party is a fantastic take on one of my favorite party games. The music selection is great, the visual presentation is cheerful & friction-free, and the multiplayer mode is still hoppin’ any time of day (which is super surprising for a years-old title buried in the iOS back catalog).

UPDATE/PLOT TWIST: After playing a bit more, I realized that the multiplayer mode is fake, and seems lively only because it’s populated by bots presented as real players. Eff me for being a rube, I guess, but… smdh. C’mon, devs. That’s so grimy.

Lowkey would be one of the very best things in Apple Arcade, if I didn’t hafta deduct stars for egregious trickery.

\ [Apple Arcade ranked \]

One of the best music trivia games I’ve ever played. Everything from how quick the matches are played to the cool art style and especially the Apple Music integration. Always a fun competitive time with family members on their phones.

É um party game excelente, ainda mais não tendo os anúncios exagerados da versão de celular. E depois da atualização, o jogo está rodando lisinho delícia.

PS.: Conheço a franquia SongPop desde os tempos do Facebook, quando lançou lá em 2012. É uma ótima adição para os consoles e fico feliz que a desenvolvedora esteja viva até os dias de hoje.

I don't know man, come at me in the hiphop category and i'll stomp you.

“Can you go to Family? Can you go to Sesame Street? Go 1 left. Now go 7 right. Now go 6 left. Press play.”