Reviews from

in the past

This game had jammed Sonic back into my brain and I can't get him back out

SRB2 is an enjoyable romp. The base for this game is good-- Sonic and co. control well and speeding through levels feels as good as it it should. The issues lie in the level design, especially after Deep Sea. Castle Eggman starts to introduce precision platforming, which just does not work in this game. The characters accelerate far too slow and once they get going they're too hard to stop. It makes it extremely hard to actually land on the tiny platforms you're supposed to. The level design only gets worse over time, and once you're to the final zone, the game starts throwing unreactable obstacles at you at almost every turn! Because of this, SRB2 is just not fun on a first playthrough at all-- you are bound to get killed by many things you could NOT have seen coming otherwise. Replaying the game mitigates a lot of these things but the level design doesn't change, you just come to expect the unexpected.

The best physics in 3D platforming.

Sonic clásico pero en 3D, con el motor de los DOOM originales y unos controles demasiado buenos para ser cierto. Es divertidísimo, tiene multijugador y puedes aliñar la experiencia con mods absurdamente fáciles de instalar.

this game is pretty dang cool. i suck at sonic games and still have a lot of fun with it

Arid Canyon Zone Act 2.

Really faithful imagining of classic sonic in 3D. Fun to play through with friends and there's lots to see in the modding community

The platonic ideal of what people wanted Sonic Xtreme to be, as well as "fangames" in general
A precious adamantine gemstone of transformative love, primordially compressed in the beating heart of a volcano over the last quarter-century
Abolish copyright for a world full of these

Uno de los mejores fan games de Sonic,y bastante currado,muchos mods y una música bastante guay

Maybe the most impressive fangame I've ever played. A genuinely excellent 3D platformer with a steep learning curve. This game has been in development since 1998 and it's incredible to see how much it's improved over time. Also my first online multiplayer experience back in 2007.

I appreciate them adding Fang, Amy, and Metal to the lineup. Metal and Cream have always been my favorites.

With mods this game becomes a 3.5 no doubt. Custom characters give you more options and make it a little easier, cause this game isn't easy, which I enjoy. Once you get the layout of the level progressing gets easier just like 2D sonic. In fact, it's easier to remember parts of the level in this.

There can be some irritating moments here and there, it's not perfect, but I think this is the most fun I've had with a sonic game. Custom stages are pretty interesting too.

I used to say Mario 64 was my favorite 3D platformer, but not after this game. I practically play it every day just to tinker with mods from the incredible community this game has. I've put an embarassing amount of hours into it and by the time 3.0 comes around I think everyone will see what I've been seeing since 2.2 but for now I'm greatly anticipating 2.3.

if you told me this was a mainline sonic game Id believe you!

its insane how it starts out strong but it slowly but surely just starts decending into some really bad level design, castle eggman drove me up the fucking wall with how unclear and easy to fall into bottomless pits it is, that and the lack of being able to look up/down and how it feels like sonic is always on ice makes for an extremely infuriating experience. it has potential but it squanders it

the mods are amazing someone made an entire metroid game in this

This fangame is one of the best 3D Sonic games ever. The included levels veer a bit too much on the difficult side as they go on, but the mod scene makes this game in my opinion.

Estupendos escenarios, la mayoría, pero el movimiento de Sonic le quita cualquier gusto a recorrerlos. No porque sea difícil de controlar, con práctica lo acabas dominando, igual que si practicas ukelele acabas dominando un instrumento insufrible.

VERY fucking surprised how good this was. the highest compliment I can give this is that this game wouldn't feel out of place on the sega saturn (although I doubt this game could even run on the saturn.)

babe look its the best 3d sonic game

Egg Rock Zone is the equivalent to stuffing your balls in an Deep Fryer.

One of my favorite Sonic games period. And it's not even official. All the mods only make it better; I've been loving my time with the Surge one recently

Holy pancakes in a pencil sharpener THIS IS GREAT!

Maybe I'll finish this at a later point but Egg Rock Zone Act 1 is an absolutely terrible level. Yeah, just put precision platforming in a game that's specifically tailored to forgiving platforming, no one will be mad at that.

Even if I do hate that level in particular, this is a really good game, in fact this is actually the first positive experience I've had with a Sonic game. The movement of 2D Sonic always bothered me because Sonic would stop on a dime but would take a while to gain speed, which made platforming feel chaotic. Then you had the fact that you couldn't see too far ahead of you so any obstacles in your way would be hard to see, which created a very conflicted design philosophy of wanting the player to go fast but also not wanting the game to lack challenge, which means that going slower would be better for first time players, which sucks for me personally because I really don't like how Sonic feels when he's going slow.

These complaints aren't here though, the movement feels great (although I'll chalk that up to my extensive familiarity with Doom's movement) and the platforming is mostly forgiving, save the aforementioned level. Each zone is distinct with its own theming and mechanics and those first 5 or 6 zones were an absolute treat. Compile this alongside a variety of different shields (power-ups) that each have their own uses and you have a really solid platformer.

I have other things I want to talk about but seeing how I haven't fully finished the game, I don't think I'm in any position to say anything more. I'm not a Sonic fan, but even I enjoyed this game, so I recommend it.

this game is actually the peak of not only sonic but 3d platforming itself and nothing can ever top it

The controls are a little slippery but it's alright one you get used to it, very fun game.