Reviews from

in the past

Terrible writting, awful character design and animation, doll faces, non sensical story...

But great soundtrack and fun battle system.

Gameplay is pretty good, theres a lot of snappy action here but.... Good lord. For a JRPG you need a interesting story and likable characters and oh boy does this drop the ball in every single way. The story is dull and boring and completely non-memorable in every single way...

But those characters... Every single character is terrible in every single way. They are crass, shouty, whiny, irritating in every single manner possible. You just dont want to hang around these lot in any way shape and form and for a long JRPG this murders any incentive to keep playing. I got about half the way through and just couldnt take it anymore.

It's like anime Star Trek Enterprise, if every character was wafer thin due to all of the character development happening in optional, easily missed private action sequences. Good combat though, once you get into the groove.

Really didn't like the swapping of discs on the 360 and that in a certain battle the game would freeze...

Oh fuck daddy I’m gonna edge your maverick 😳

Lots of content but way less characters then previous SO games.
This game is fun, if you're like me and can pass over a terrible plot, bad dialogue and horrible looking characters, you actually get a game that has a really fun combat system.
Combat is better then other it's main competition at the time Tales of Vesperia IMO

A very fun action RPG with decent visuals and graphics that still hold up today. But this was still the era where you have to switch discs for video games which is something I do not miss. Tri Ace did it again with an amazing entry in the amazing underrated series Star Ocean that deserves more love than it does.

mostly nostalgic, I don't think it's that bad and I've not played any other Star Ocean game but it definitely suffers from slightly clunky combat, weird voice acting at times and awkward cutscenes/dialogue

I enjoyed this. Xbox didn't have many RPGs back then. I think they have a few more nowadays.

An overall improvement from Star Ocean: Till The End of Time. The story is better, for sure. I'd say the characters and their development is mostly better. The environments look pretty nice and the number of different planets you get to visit is a very welcome change. However, the English voice acting is arguably worse than ever before. Also, the 3D character models in cutscenes can look really off-putting, especially Lymle's.

This review contains spoilers

For the past seven or eight years there have been so many times that I started it and then dropped it by the end of the opening cutscenes. But now that I have Xenoblade X and Star Ocean: First Departure under my belt I felt like I was finally in a position to enjoy it. It really had to struggle for it, but I think I'd call this a good game. The scale of the environments was quite impressive, and it was refreshing to find a HD-era JRPG where each dungeon was several hours long. Likewise it was refreshing to find a sci-fi JRPG where they actually spend a significant amount of time in space or visiting multiple planets, whereas often it just involves crash-landing on a single planet for the entire game. Edge had to work for it, but he ended up being an interesting protagonist thanks to that alt-Earth arc. The entire cast ended up being pretty endearing, since the massive ensemble is generally one of the Star Ocean franchise's biggest strengths.

On the flipside though, the music is like much of Motoi Sakuraba's compositions - enjoyable in the moment, but totally indistinct from one another, and not memorable in the slightest. And the battle system is the worst. Usually when people call action RPGs button mashing it comes from a place of ignorance or vitriol, but this was genuine button mashing. You play as Reimi and just tap X until you win, and the battle system never moves beyond that in the entire 47 hours, never even having a semblance of difficulty or complexity. You really get boss battles ranging from 15-25 minutes long where literally all you do is just repeat the same action for so long it briefly induces insanity, before it decides to die. Overworld movement was kinda button-mashy too since they had a sprint button, but the sprint itself was super short range, and the sound clip that played alongside it got grating very fast.

Might have rented it or played a very little tiny bit before returning. Not enough to properly judge but enough for me to not be motivated to continue.

The lifeless dead eyes of these moving dolls will haunt my dreams forever.

fairly alright story that overstays its welcome with overly long cutscenes. Worth playing only if you love the series

faize sheifa beleth carried this game.

The game has benefited from further releases. The Xbox 360 version is bad and best avoided. Combat is the best in the series. Characters grew on me over time and the voice acting is not great.

The worst graphics in any game I’ve ever seen. Actually gave me migraines with the excessive lighting, flat textures. I try not to be shallow but this bordered into unplayable. It’s a shame because I really dig the character designer's other projects.

A fairly solid game, but overshadowed by its PS2 predecessor.
Taking a full .5 stars off for Lymle however.