Reviews from

in the past

They were giving away either this and Pilotwings Resort when you bought a 3DS at GameStop, but they were all out of Pilotwings so I had to settle for this shit.

One of those weird early launch titles for the system

I remember when this one first came out, I was so intrigued. The launch of the 3DS was maybe the peak of my gaming/Nintendo fandom, and a time in my life that I remain both nostalgic for and fearful of to this day. Finally getting to play it is wild, because I know had I chosen this as part of the BOGOF offer Game (rip) did for the launch titles (I ended up with Nintendogs and Pilotwings Resort) I'd be raging, and that's even before I had to contend with my dyspraxia on this one. The voice acting's fun. I don't know. I did two missions and the training and kinda got all I needed to get out of it. Steel Diver, more like, Steel D'ehver. I don't know.

decent game for extremely patient people

Was it worth $40? Of course not. It's still a pretty neat game, though. The idea of operating a submarine by using the different controls on the touch screen was cool, and the 3D was pretty impressive.

Ok submarine simulation game that taught me morse code.

For a game that most people got for free with their 3DS, it is a little bit fun. Honestly, the only mode included that is worth anything is the campaign. It is a little fun trying to manage/navigate a sub underwater through the courses they provided. However, it is quite short, and the "battle" mode has genuinely no depth to it (pun intended). Bit of a mindless timewaster of a game, but still has a bit of fun to be found in it.

R.I.P too all the people who bought this when the 3DS first came out. Because to be honest, based on the concept, this seems like a super cool game, and a first party launch title for the follow up to the fricken DS!? A game where you have full control over a submarine, and have to battle your way through a literal war zone! But, as it turns out, there is a way to fail that concept. First off all, lack of compelling game modes. All of which feel as if they where built to be tech demos and bundled into the game with no thought. Then comes the campaign, a slow, boring, sometimes frustrating, and short journey; one that really highlights the controls of the game, and their own personal failing. It seems as if the developers could not decide if they wanted to make it complicated to control the sub, or easy to control, and settled for a "SUB"-par mix for both; Which is what ultimately makes the game a shit show to control. Idk at the end of day though, because yes, the game sucks in soo many was. But the concept it pretty cool, and there is a SLIGHT amount of fun to be had. But this was definitely a big contributor to the early failings of the 3DS.