Reviews from

in the past

III-1 and III-2 have some cool music and levels but otherwise why would you play this if you can play 3rd strike

Oh dear lord I see why they had to nerf Sean and oh my god. Also there is this super cute parry mini-game in the middle of the stages and honestly I really love it. It's such a simple and nice way to practice parrying.

Street Fighter Alpha 2 is considered better than Alpha 3 by quite a few people. Can’t imagine people going to bat for 2nd Impact over 3rd Strike in the same way unless they liked Sean, but hey, at least the original and 2nd Impact got good ports. Plus, this did introduce me to Street Fighter III, so that’s worth something.

This was my first experience with Street Fighter III and I wasn't terribly keen at the time. It does look great though, and I've since grown fond of them (through the lens of 3rd Strike comparison).

Street Fighter III: Double Impact

Mesma coisa que o 3rd Strike, só voltar e ler o review passado, mas dessa vez a OST tá sem nenhuma compressão e um training mode, porém... o input delay dessa versão deixa o jogo INJOGÁVEL... fazer o que, não se pode ter tudo :\
