Reviews from

in the past

Everyone's the killer and I'm a SUPER Mario!!!

Review in progress:
Still good by today's standards, but has been eclipsed by later Mario games.

Lindo e simples, talvez um dia eu zere a versão original, mas esse aqui por si só já valeu

Good game, quick, easy, this plumber is going places I can tell

I enjoyed the SNES version

Demorei mais de 10 anos para finalmente terminar esse, não gosto muito, a física é terrível e a gameplay massante e as vezes injusta, seja pelo level design, ou pela física esquisita.

One of the most important games of all time, but the air control in this game is cursed

Very good and faithful remake of one of the most important video games of all time. Graphics are great, but the controls are a bit more slippery compared to the original. I prefer the original version compared to this, but it’s still a great version.

It is cool to see things that are still used in modern games but what even was that last level,

Has not aged well and the momentum in the platforming sucks! Play through it on all stars if you really want to experience it since it makes the experience a little better. The new graphics are nice looking and the momentum feels toned down a bit compared to the original.

I will never finish this game and it's Kosmic's fault.

why does mario control stiffer than an erect cock in this game

The one & only. This is the OG 2D platformer right here.

Played through the All Stars version of SMB1 for the first time. Its visuals are sumptuous, with so much depth and character brought and and imagined in this version. The stark clarity of the 8bit original can’t really be topped, but this is by far the coziest iteration of Mario’s purest adventure.

Just a little bit worse than the NES original because I don't like the physics as much here. Still a timeless experience otherwise.

É um jogo simples mas é legal de se jogar; entre esse, o 3 e o World acho que foi o que eu menos joguei na infância, então eu sempre tive uma curiosidade mórbida pra ver como que era esse. É legal e mais divertido do que eu pensava.

(Gayathon #0 de 16)

Eu me senti humilhado em demorar tanto tempo pra completar o jogo. Durante as minhas várias mortes, e tendo que jogar a fase de novo e de novo e de novo... eu me sentia desgastado. Só que após passar de fase eu ficava vidrado pra começar a próxima.

Que joguinho viciante e que aula de level design.

Joguei o Remaster pra SNES, então não senti tanto as limitações do Nintendinho.

Pq vc escorrega tanto tá chei de lama dos esgotos no sapato poha

I could't finish this when i was five because of the loop castles, 30 years later here i'm talking about one of the (maybe the most) important videogame ever.

For modern gamers maybe will be a little difficult, but you can clearly see the roots of all plataformers that you play today

This game has unfortunately aged and you can really feel it. Even when playing the superior All-Stars version (Which is what I am rating here).

It's a classic but it didn't age well. I played on SNES. That solved some problems like movement or 8bit graphics which was originally on the NES (which still has a beautiful charm to me)
I played it on a Miyoo mini (retro emulator) when I went to Albania and as a small handheld game it was a great time.

The Mario All-Stars version of the original Super Mario Bros is very good, and my preferred way to play. The added extras really help to cement the game as a classic.

Kind of agree with what people are saying about the weird movement but that didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the game at all. It’s still just a solid remake of a solid platformer.

beaten in like 3 days recently but I forgot to log it so oh well