Reviews from

in the past

You really feel like the big man when the mayor walks in.

Es un juego en el que tienes que llegar a ser el mejor tendero del mundo de los tamagotchi con la ayuda de tu pequeño compañero y amigo. Puedes abrir varias tiendas, cada una de las cuales tiene su propio minijuego único temático para poder avanzar en ella. Juego simpático y divertido, pero no es para dedicarle muchas horas al día o puede acabar volviéndose repetitivo en algún momento.

i love kuchipatchi i want to throw him into a wall and see his mushy body go splat

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I decided to start in order when revisiting the corner shop series. The second one holds a near and dear place in my heart simply due to nostalgia. Meanwhile each of the corner shops have their own uniqueness to them, some of them shine better than others. There are some that feel more like a slug to get through, particularly the music shop one which is just unbearable (the music never changes!). They're all quite repetitive in nature despite its tiny changes as you level up each store. Apart from the shops, the "care" section of the tamagotchi game is essentially useless. There is a contrived shopping mechanic. The items you can buy for your tamagotchi are expensive, and you have to constantly buy them. For instance, if you buy them a certain clothing then buy a different one, if you want the previous clothes you'll have to buy them again. Apart from my many issues with the game, I could not put it down. It became addicting to level up all my stores, hoping that Kuchipachi's father or the Princess would be the next one to enter one of my shops. Its repetitive nature, cute characters, and simple minigames became a great source of unwinding after work. That's why I can't help but give it 3/5 stars.

Puta madre para hacer los putos cosas de coser. El dentista estaba guapo, y las flores era complicado y divertido, pero la puta precision milimetrica que te pedia la tienda de ropa era exagerada.

this game!!!!!!! i love tamagotchi and this game is such a good childhood memory. it made me hungry for takoyaki despite hating seafood

Cute for all of five minutes until you realise each minigame requires you to do the exact same things 101 times to make any form of progress. Its just boring.

I find this actually refreshingly fun. It's simple and grindy, but not to its faults. If you get bored of one certain task, there is always other shops to work for.

Super cute game, one of my top faves from my childhood!

This game is about you and your tamagotchi owning and running different shops in 3 cities. Each shop is a different minigame. There’s not much to say and nothing whatsoever to complain about. Good wholesome tamagotchi fun. The minigames are super addicting and it’s fun to upgrade them and max out the game.

This game is SUPER easy and SUPER laid back and casual, it IS a kid’s game after all. It can entertain people of all ages for hour’s though. You could probably max out the game in like 2 days. Really solid game with no complaints, I love it!

Premiers jeu vidéo de ma vie, difficile de me souvenir si c'était bien ou pas mais tout est parti de là

Great game for when I, a 6 year old child, dreamed of a career in dentistry. As a vegetarian adult I still crave takoyaki also