Reviews from

in the past

A lot of balancing made with previous items that were once useless are much better here. Originally 15 characters to a new 34 unique characters total. Being able to start a run weak, then ending up potentially overpowered with millions of combinations/synergies to choose from is satisfying, along with the true final ending. Co-op is made well and the new soundtrack kills it. I have logged in over 1,600+ hours between the Steam and Switch version, and I don't regret it. This made me interested with the Roguelike genre the franchise as a whole. After completing 637 achievements on Steam, I think it's safe to say that I would consider this game to be my favorite game of all time, that's not gonna change anytime soon.

A great rogue-like game, it's very fun

Lovingly frustrating, annoyingly addicting. Packed with a ton of depth, even if some of the unlockables are cringe. The amount of playtime and enjoyment you can get from this game is nuts. Definitely worthy of being the final expansion, if it is.

Also, the way this came from a fan mod is dope and should happen more.

if you like roguelikes and don't think this is the hottest shit on the planet you're honesty a dumb ass

i love this game but it makes me want to punch a wall sometimes

been playing since 2015 and have barely stopped ever since, this expansion makes it all the more worthwhile and brings extremely helpful balances to otherwise bad items. (it also adds 19 new characters and two new endings. pretty fucking good for an expansion we waited about 3 years for.)

a ver al principio lo odie, ahora tambien lo sigo odiando pero un poquito menos... PERO QUE BIEN SE SIENTE GANAR CON TAINTED LOST

this games fun until you try getting completion marks

I've probably put more hours into this game since its original release than I have put food in my mouth.

fix tainted laz and it'll be an 11/10 game

i don't think i'll ever get tired of it for real.

He's done it!!!! Endmund's finally brought The Binding of Isaac up to such a high standard of quality that I'm able to yet again feel confident in proclaiming that it's easily one of the best roguelites out there. The lacklustre output of Afterbirth+ honestly had me worried for a while that the game wouldn't be able to quite reach its former glory, but in the end my high hopes for Repentance weren't just met, but were outright exceeded. The reasons for this are numerous, but the big, obvious one comes down to the sheer amount of new content of the game being enough to almost have something for a totally different game, expanding playtim by a frankly insane amount. The other significant aspect however, is the huge overhaul and rebalancing of numerous components of existing content, which further contributes to creating an experience that feels different and unique to previous versions, but also remarkably cohesive in a way you wouldn't really expect from a game that's 3 huge expansion packs deep.

The decision to add the majority of content from popular mod Antibirth proved to be the single biggest tool to revitalising the game, with a lot of the most unique, interesting content being found in this side of things. Of course this isn't a 1 for 1 recreation either, with a lot of it being tweaked and reworked to fit more in line with the game's Afterbirth content, as to not feel out of place. This is certainly something that goes a long way to both represent the amount of care and effort put into every facet of the game, but also to open the door to some of the game's most vividly ambitious concepts. More than ever before, there are moments in this game that have an almost cinematic feel to them, and completely turn the game on its head. For the sake of this, I won't spoil any of these big new ideas, but the more you play, the more you end up realising the sheer quantity of novel, transformative mechanics that have been implemented. What's even more clever about this is how all of these curveballs are located in the lategame after the player will have completed an extremely high amount of runs. The purpose of this is twofold, both demonstrating the game's ability to continue being totally fresh and add new, exciting content even after hundreds of hours, and also ensuring that players are not exposed to too much new information at once due to having become deeply familiar with the core mechanics, systems and gameplay loop by the time they encounter it. This reinforces one of the biggest successes within The Binding of Isaac's design, the ability to prevent information overload even when the game is an endlessly deep well of content.

While definitely controversial, the other incredible aspect of the expansion is its large-scale rebalancing, both buffing and nerfing items in such a way that the power ceiling for runs feels harder to reach, but it's far more consistent to get acceptable, workable runs. This in turn adds more variation to each run, due to the increased viability of a bunch of items more prominently informing the formation and development of each individual playthrough. While this certainly ends up making the game far more challenging, and sometimes the nerfs are admittedly too much (holy mantle), the vast majority of this added difficulty contributes to a far more engaging loop that feels less reliant on just getting a couple of good items and steamrolling, and more a constant test of increasing skill that finally scales properly into the later areas, rather than the vast majority of runs that trivialised these sections in the past. The way these nerfs and changes influence the metagame is another interesting aspect of Repentance's alterations. Rather than there being a singular dominant strategy, the path to victory feels dependant on the trajectory of each individual run. Now rather than aiming for constant devil deals and stacking soul hearts for example, now the ratio of devil to angel deals taken will depend more on other qualities such as offensive capabilities and resources to pay, further contributing to the game's strongly dynamic nature that forms the crux of its entertainment value.

Overall, I would consider Repentance to be an absolute triumph that feels as if it's able to bring the game back to its roots while being something wholly distinct and worthwhile. Sure, the difficulty might be a significant jump from previous incarnations of the game, but it largely feels balanced and a step in the right direction for maintaining an engaging degree of challenge. With all the content and polish added to Repentance, I can quite confidently recommend this as the definitive version of Isaac and in all likelihood the most maximalist roguelite out there, providing what feels like a billion different things to consider at all times. An absolute essential for roguelite fans and even moreso for those who have enjoyed previous versions of this game.

Bought this on a steam sale a year ago and next thing I know I have 300 hours. Help.

Without doubt one of the best games ever made.

Although the incredibly random nature combined with the increased difficulty of the complete Repentance version is tough to master, this is really one of those games that will make you question whether you should play any other games.

And the answer, at least for hundreds of hours, is no.

"soy milk again? fuck off man"

as much as I do love this final version of Isaac, I don't have too much to say on it. it's just, in my opinion, the best rougelike ever made. solid, solid gameplay as well as a very balanced and fair rng system (most of the time). don't really have any emotional connection to isaac, but god damn is it fun. if you're ok with a game that needs to be won with a dice roll, this is seriously the best version of a game like that

Years after its release, I keep coming back and putting hundreds of hours in. Love this game, and Repentance was so refreshing after the previous, disastrous DLC.

Play Lost with holy mantle and this game is goated

funny baby pisses and shits everywhere and I laugh.
good vidya

Got close to 100%'ing it. Very fun gameplay loop that unlocks more gameplay the further you get, and the expansions give even more! Repentance in particular is a great expansion for this game.

Over 1,000 playtime hours speak for themselves. Isaac is one of the big 3 roguelikes along with Nuclear Throne and Hades in my book and was the game that introduced me to the genre. Dollars to donuts, Isaac's probably the biggest roguelike in existence, to the point that there's STILL stuff I haven't unlocked nearly 1.5k hours in. If you're looking for an "endless game," look no further, because you've found it.

At the time of review I have 191.5 hrs on steam but this just scratches the surface. I've played it a ton on Switch along with earlier versions on the Vita.

One of my favorite games of all time. I love the art and the gameplay. Plus, you can play co op over the internet with steam remote play.

Frankly, this is a game I will always come back too.